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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
JavaTM 2 Platform Standard Edition |
Packages that use InputStream | |
java.awt.color | Provides classes for color spaces. |
java.beans.beancontext | Provides classes and interfaces relating to bean context. |
java.io | Provides for system input and output through data streams, serialization and the file system. |
java.lang | Provides classes that are fundamental to the design of the Java programming language. |
java.net | Provides the classes for implementing networking applications. |
java.security | Provides the classes and interfaces for the security framework. |
java.security.cert | Provides classes and interfaces for parsing and managing certificates. |
java.sql | Provides the JDBC package. |
java.util | Contains the collections framework, legacy collection classes, event model, date and time facilities, internationalization, and miscellaneous utility classes (a string tokenizer, a random-number generator, and a bit array). |
java.util.jar | Provides classes for reading and writing the JAR (Java ARchive) file format, which is based on the standard ZIP file format with an optional manifest file. |
java.util.zip | Provides classes for reading and writing the standard ZIP and GZIP file formats. |
javax.swing | Provides a set of "lightweight" (all-Java language) components that, to the maximum degree possible, work the same on all platforms. |
javax.swing.text | Provides classes and interfaces that deal with editable and noneditable text components. |
javax.swing.text.rtf | Provides a class (RTFEditorKit) for creating Rich-Text-Format text editors. |
org.omg.CORBA.portable | Provides a portability layer, that is, a set of ORB APIs that makes it possible for code generated by one vendor to run on another vendor's ORB. |
Uses of InputStream in java.awt.color |
Methods in java.awt.color with parameters of type InputStream | |
static ICC_Profile |
ICC_Profile.getInstance(InputStream s)
Constructs an ICC_Profile corresponding to the data in an InputStream. |
Uses of InputStream in java.beans.beancontext |
Methods in java.beans.beancontext that return InputStream | |
InputStream |
BeanContextSupport.getResourceAsStream(String name,
BeanContextChild bcc)
InputStream |
BeanContext.getResourceAsStream(String name,
BeanContextChild bcc)
Uses of InputStream in java.io |
Subclasses of InputStream in java.io | |
class |
A BufferedInputStream adds
functionality to another input stream-namely,
the ability to buffer the input and to
support the mark and reset
methods. |
class |
A ByteArrayInputStream contains
an internal buffer that contains bytes that
may be read from the stream. |
class |
A data input stream lets an application read primitive Java data types from an underlying input stream in a machine-independent way. |
class |
A FileInputStream obtains input bytes
from a file in a file system. |
class |
A FilterInputStream contains
some other input stream, which it uses as
its basic source of data, possibly transforming
the data along the way or providing additional
functionality. |
class |
Deprecated. This class incorrectly assumes that bytes adequately represent characters. As of JDK 1.1, the preferred way to operate on character streams is via the new character-stream classes, which include a class for counting line numbers. |
class |
An ObjectInputStream deserializes primitive data and objects previously written using an ObjectOutputStream. |
class |
A piped input stream should be connected to a piped output stream; the piped input stream then provides whatever data bytes are written to the piped output stream. |
class |
A PushbackInputStream adds
functionality to another input stream, namely
the ability to "push back" or "unread"
one byte. |
class |
A SequenceInputStream represents
the logical concatenation of other input
streams. |
class |
Deprecated. This class does not properly convert characters into bytes. As of JDK 1.1, the preferred way to create a stream from a string is via the StringReader class. |
Fields in java.io declared as InputStream | |
protected InputStream |
The input stream to be filtered. |
Constructors in java.io with parameters of type InputStream | |
InputStreamReader.InputStreamReader(InputStream in)
Create an InputStreamReader that uses the default character encoding. |
InputStreamReader.InputStreamReader(InputStream in,
String enc)
Create an InputStreamReader that uses the named character encoding. |
StreamTokenizer.StreamTokenizer(InputStream is)
Deprecated. As of JDK version 1.1, the preferred way to tokenize an input stream is to convert it into a character stream, for example: Reader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); StreamTokenizer st = new StreamTokenizer(r); |
FilterInputStream.FilterInputStream(InputStream in)
Creates a FilterInputStream
by assigning the argument in
to the field this.in so as
to remember it for later use. |
BufferedInputStream.BufferedInputStream(InputStream in)
Creates a BufferedInputStream
and saves its argument, the input stream
in , for later use. |
BufferedInputStream.BufferedInputStream(InputStream in,
int size)
Creates a BufferedInputStream
with the specified buffer size,
and saves its argument, the input stream
in , for later use. |
PushbackInputStream.PushbackInputStream(InputStream in,
int size)
Creates a PushbackInputStream
with a pushback buffer of the specified size ,
and saves its argument, the input stream
in , for later use. |
PushbackInputStream.PushbackInputStream(InputStream in)
Creates a PushbackInputStream
and saves its argument, the input stream
in , for later use. |
DataInputStream.DataInputStream(InputStream in)
Creates a FilterInputStream
and saves its argument, the input stream
in , for later use. |
LineNumberInputStream.LineNumberInputStream(InputStream in)
Deprecated. Constructs a newline number input stream that reads its input from the specified input stream. |
SequenceInputStream.SequenceInputStream(InputStream s1,
InputStream s2)
Initializes a newly created SequenceInputStream
by remembering the two arguments, which
will be read in order, first s1
and then s2 , to provide the
bytes to be read from this SequenceInputStream . |
ObjectInputStream.ObjectInputStream(InputStream in)
Create an ObjectInputStream that reads from the specified InputStream. |
Uses of InputStream in java.lang |
Fields in java.lang declared as InputStream | |
static InputStream |
The "standard" input stream. |
Methods in java.lang that return InputStream | |
InputStream |
ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(String name)
Returns an input stream for reading the specified resource. |
static InputStream |
ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(String name)
Open for reading, a resource of the specified name from the search path used to load classes. |
abstract InputStream |
Gets the input stream of the subprocess. |
abstract InputStream |
Gets the error stream of the subprocess. |
InputStream |
Class.getResourceAsStream(String name)
Finds a resource with a given name. |
InputStream |
Runtime.getLocalizedInputStream(InputStream in)
Deprecated. As of JDK 1.1, the preferred way translate a byte stream in the local encoding into a character stream in Unicode is via the InputStreamReader and BufferedReader
classes. |
Methods in java.lang with parameters of type InputStream | |
InputStream |
Runtime.getLocalizedInputStream(InputStream in)
Deprecated. As of JDK 1.1, the preferred way translate a byte stream in the local encoding into a character stream in Unicode is via the InputStreamReader and BufferedReader
classes. |
static void |
System.setIn(InputStream in)
Reassigns the "standard" input stream. |
Uses of InputStream in java.net |
Methods in java.net that return InputStream | |
InputStream |
Returns an input stream that reads from this open connection. |
InputStream |
Returns an input stream for this socket. |
InputStream |
Returns the error stream if the connection failed but the server sent useful data nonetheless. |
InputStream |
Opens a connection to this URL and returns an
InputStream for reading from that connection. |
protected abstract InputStream |
Returns an input stream for this socket. |
Methods in java.net with parameters of type InputStream | |
static String |
URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromStream(InputStream is)
Tries to determine the type of an input stream based on the characters at the beginning of the input stream. |
Uses of InputStream in java.security |
Subclasses of InputStream in java.security | |
class |
A transparent stream that updates the associated message digest using the bits going through the stream. |
Methods in java.security with parameters of type InputStream | |
abstract void |
KeyStoreSpi.engineLoad(InputStream stream,
char[] password)
Loads the keystore from the given input stream. |
void |
KeyStore.load(InputStream stream,
char[] password)
Loads this KeyStore from the given input stream. |
void |
Provider.load(InputStream inStream)
Reads a property list (key and element pairs) from the input stream. |
void |
Certificate.decode(InputStream stream)
Deprecated. Decodes a certificate from an input stream. |
Constructors in java.security with parameters of type InputStream | |
DigestInputStream.DigestInputStream(InputStream stream,
MessageDigest digest)
Creates a digest input stream, using the specified input stream and message digest. |
Uses of InputStream in java.security.cert |
Methods in java.security.cert with parameters of type InputStream | |
abstract Certificate |
CertificateFactorySpi.engineGenerateCertificate(InputStream inStream)
Generates a certificate object and initializes it with the data read from the input stream inStream . |
abstract Collection |
CertificateFactorySpi.engineGenerateCertificates(InputStream inStream)
Returns a (possibly empty) collection view of the certificates read from the given input stream inStream . |
abstract CRL |
CertificateFactorySpi.engineGenerateCRL(InputStream inStream)
Generates a certificate revocation list (CRL) object and initializes it with the data read from the input stream inStream . |
abstract Collection |
CertificateFactorySpi.engineGenerateCRLs(InputStream inStream)
Returns a (possibly empty) collection view of the CRLs read from the given input stream inStream . |
Certificate |
CertificateFactory.generateCertificate(InputStream inStream)
Generates a certificate object and initializes it with the data read from the input stream inStream . |
Collection |
CertificateFactory.generateCertificates(InputStream inStream)
Returns a (possibly empty) collection view of the certificates read from the given input stream inStream . |
CertificateFactory.generateCRL(InputStream inStream)
Generates a certificate revocation list (CRL) object and initializes it with the data read from the input stream inStream . |
Collection |
CertificateFactory.generateCRLs(InputStream inStream)
Returns a (possibly empty) collection view of the CRLs read from the given input stream inStream . |
Uses of InputStream in java.sql |
Methods in java.sql that return InputStream | |
InputStream |
Gets the CLOB value designated by this Clob
object as a stream of Ascii bytes. |
InputStream |
ResultSet.getAsciiStream(int columnIndex)
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a stream of ASCII characters. |
InputStream |
ResultSet.getUnicodeStream(int columnIndex)
Deprecated. |
InputStream |
ResultSet.getBinaryStream(int columnIndex)
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a stream of uninterpreted bytes. |
InputStream |
ResultSet.getAsciiStream(String columnName)
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a stream of ASCII characters. |
InputStream |
ResultSet.getUnicodeStream(String columnName)
Deprecated. |
InputStream |
ResultSet.getBinaryStream(String columnName)
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a stream of uninterpreted bytes. |
InputStream |
Returns the next attribute in the stream as a stream of ASCII characters. |
InputStream |
Returns the next attribute in the stream as a stream of uninterpreted bytes. |
InputStream |
Retrieves the BLOB designated by this
Blob instance as a stream. |
Methods in java.sql with parameters of type InputStream | |
void |
PreparedStatement.setAsciiStream(int parameterIndex,
InputStream x,
int length)
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setUnicodeStream(int parameterIndex,
InputStream x,
int length)
Deprecated. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setBinaryStream(int parameterIndex,
InputStream x,
int length)
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes. |
void |
ResultSet.updateAsciiStream(int columnIndex,
InputStream x,
int length)
JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with an ascii stream value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateBinaryStream(int columnIndex,
InputStream x,
int length)
JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a binary stream value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateAsciiStream(String columnName,
InputStream x,
int length)
JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with an ascii stream value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateBinaryStream(String columnName,
InputStream x,
int length)
JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a binary stream value. |
void |
SQLOutput.writeAsciiStream(InputStream x)
Returns the next attribute to the stream as a stream of ASCII characters. |
void |
SQLOutput.writeBinaryStream(InputStream x)
Returns the next attribute to the stream as a stream of uninterpreted bytes. |
Uses of InputStream in java.util |
Methods in java.util with parameters of type InputStream | |
void |
Properties.load(InputStream inStream)
Reads a property list (key and element pairs) from the input stream. |
Constructors in java.util with parameters of type InputStream | |
PropertyResourceBundle.PropertyResourceBundle(InputStream stream)
Creates a property resource |
Uses of InputStream in java.util.jar |
Subclasses of InputStream in java.util.jar | |
class |
The JarInputStream class is used to read the contents of
a JAR file from any input stream. |
Methods in java.util.jar that return InputStream | |
InputStream |
JarFile.getInputStream(ZipEntry ze)
Returns an input stream for reading the contents of the specified ZIP file entry. |
Methods in java.util.jar with parameters of type InputStream | |
void |
Manifest.read(InputStream is)
Reads the Manifest from the specified InputStream. |
Constructors in java.util.jar with parameters of type InputStream | |
Manifest.Manifest(InputStream is)
Constructs a new Manifest from the specified input stream. |
JarInputStream.JarInputStream(InputStream in)
Creates a new JarInputStream and reads the optional
manifest. |
JarInputStream.JarInputStream(InputStream in,
boolean verify)
Creates a new JarInputStream and reads the optional
manifest. |
Uses of InputStream in java.util.zip |
Subclasses of InputStream in java.util.zip | |
class |
An input stream that also maintains a checksum of the data being read. |
class |
This class implements a stream filter for reading compressed data in the GZIP format. |
class |
This class implements a stream filter for uncompressing data in the "deflate" compression format. |
class |
This class implements an input stream filter for reading files in the ZIP file format. |
Methods in java.util.zip that return InputStream | |
InputStream |
ZipFile.getInputStream(ZipEntry entry)
Returns an input stream for reading the contents of the specified zip file entry. |
Constructors in java.util.zip with parameters of type InputStream | |
InflaterInputStream.InflaterInputStream(InputStream in,
Inflater inf,
int size)
Creates a new input stream with the specified decompressor and buffer size. |
InflaterInputStream.InflaterInputStream(InputStream in,
Inflater inf)
Creates a new input stream with the specified decompressor and a default buffer size. |
InflaterInputStream.InflaterInputStream(InputStream in)
Creates a new input stream with a default decompressor and buffer size. |
ZipInputStream.ZipInputStream(InputStream in)
Creates a new ZIP input stream. |
CheckedInputStream.CheckedInputStream(InputStream in,
Checksum cksum)
Creates an input stream using the specified Checksum. |
GZIPInputStream.GZIPInputStream(InputStream in,
int size)
Creates a new input stream with the specified buffer size. |
GZIPInputStream.GZIPInputStream(InputStream in)
Creates a new input stream with a default buffer size. |
Uses of InputStream in javax.swing |
Subclasses of InputStream in javax.swing | |
class |
Monitors the progress of reading from some InputStream. |
Methods in javax.swing that return InputStream | |
protected InputStream |
JEditorPane.getStream(URL page)
Fetch a stream for the given url, which is about to be loaded by the setPage method. |
Methods in javax.swing with parameters of type InputStream | |
void |
JEditorPane.read(InputStream in,
Object desc)
This method initializes from a stream. |
Constructors in javax.swing with parameters of type InputStream | |
ProgressMonitorInputStream.ProgressMonitorInputStream(Component parentComponent,
Object message,
InputStream in)
Constructs an object to monitor the progress of an input stream. |
Uses of InputStream in javax.swing.text |
Methods in javax.swing.text with parameters of type InputStream | |
abstract void |
EditorKit.read(InputStream in,
Document doc,
int pos)
Inserts content from the given stream which is expected to be in a format appropriate for this kind of content handler. |
void |
DefaultEditorKit.read(InputStream in,
Document doc,
int pos)
Inserts content from the given stream which is expected to be in a format appropriate for this kind of content handler. |
Uses of InputStream in javax.swing.text.rtf |
Methods in javax.swing.text.rtf with parameters of type InputStream | |
void |
RTFEditorKit.read(InputStream in,
Document doc,
int pos)
Insert content from the given stream which is expected to be in a format appropriate for this kind of content handler. |
Uses of InputStream in org.omg.CORBA.portable |
Subclasses of InputStream in org.omg.CORBA.portable | |
class |
InputStream is the Java API for reading IDL types from CDR marshal streams. |
JavaTM 2 Platform Standard Edition |