The JavaTM Cryptography
(JCE) provides a framework and implementations for encryption, key
generation and key agreement, and Message Authentication Code (MAC)
algorithms. Support for encryption includes symmetric, asymmetric,
block, and stream ciphers. The software also supports secure streams
and sealed objects.
JCE was previously an optional package (extension) to the
JavaTM 2 SDK, Standard Edition
(Java 2 SDK), versions 1.2.x and 1.3.x. JCE has now been integrated
into the Java 2 SDK, v 1.4.
JCE is based on the same design
principles found elsewhere in the Java Cryptography Architecture
framework utilized by all the cryptography-related security components
of the Java 2 platform: implementation independence and, whenever
possible, algorithm independence. It uses the same "provider"
architecture, which uses the notion of a Cryptographic Service
Provider, or "provider" for short. This term refers to
a package (or a set of packages) that supply
a concrete implementation of a subset of the cryptography aspects of
the Java Security API.
JCE extends the list of cryptographic services of which a provider
supply implementations. A provider could,
for example, contain an implementation of one or more digital signature
algorithms and one or more cipher algorithms.
A program wishing to use cryptography functionality
may simply request a particular type of object
(such as a Cipher object) implementing a particular
algorithm (such as DES) and get an implementation from one of the
installed providers. If an implementation from a
particular provider is desired, the program can request
that provider by name, along with the algorithm desired.
Each Java 2 SDK installation has one or more provider packages
Each provider package supplies implementations of cryptographic
defined in one or more security components of the Java 2 SDK (including
Clients may configure their runtimes with different providers,
and specify a preference order for each of them. The preference
order is the order in which providers are searched for requested
algorithms when no particular provider is requested.
The Java 2 SDK, v 1.4 release comes standard with
a JCE provider named "SunJCE", which comes pre-installed and
registered and which supplies the following cryptographic services:
An implementation of the DES (FIPS PUB 46-1), Triple DES, and
Blowfish encryption algorithms in the Electronic Code Book (ECB),
Cipher Block Chaining (CBC), Cipher Feedback (CFB), Output Feedback
(OFB), and Propagating Cipher Block Chaining (PCBC) modes. (Note:
Throughout this document, the terms "Triple DES" and "DES-EDE" will be
used interchangeably.)
Key generators for generating keys suitable for the DES, Triple
DES, Blowfish, HMAC-MD5, and HMAC-SHA1 algorithms.
An implementation of the MD5 with DES-CBC password-based
(PBE) algorithm defined in PKCS #5.
"Secret-key factories" providing bi-directional conversions
between opaque DES, Triple DES and PBE key objects and transparent
representations of their underlying key material.
An implementation of the Diffie-Hellman key agreement algorithm
two or more parties.
A Diffie-Hellman key pair generator for generating a pair of
public and
private values suitable for the Diffie-Hellman algorithm.
A Diffie-Hellman algorithm parameter generator.
A Diffie-Hellman "key factory" providing bi-directional
between opaque Diffie-Hellman key objects and transparent
representations of
their underlying key material.
Algorithm parameter managers for Diffie-Hellman, DES, Triple
Blowfish, and PBE parameters.
An implementation of the HMAC-MD5 and HMAC-SHA1 keyed-hashing
defined in RFC 2104.
An implementation of the padding scheme described in PKCS#5.
A keystore implementation for the proprietary keystore type
named "JCEKS".
New providers may be added statically or dynamically. Clients may
also query which providers are currently installed.
The different implementations may have different
characteristics. Some may be software-based, while others may be
hardware-based. Some may be platform-independent, while others may be
platform-specific. Some provider source code may be available for
review and evaluation, while some may not.
Programmers that only need to use the Java Security API to
access existing cryptography algorithms and other services
do not need to read this document.
This document is intended for developers of cryptographic service
It documents what you need to do in order
to integrate your provider into Java Security so that
your algorithms and other services can be found when Java Security API
clients request them.
Only providers signed by a trusted entity can be plugged into the
JCE framework.
It also discusses various classes and interfaces in the
Java Security API. The complete reference documentation for the
relevant Security API packages can be found in these packages:
The JCE within the Java 2 SDK, v 1.4 includes two software
the framework that defines and supports cryptographic services
that providers can supply implementations for.
This framework includes everything in the javax.crypto
a provider named "SunJCE"
Throughout this document, the term "JCE" by itself refers to the JCE
framework in the Java 2 SDK, v 1.4. Whenever the JCE provider supplied
the Java 2 SDK, v 1.4 is mentioned, it will be
referred to explicitly as the "SunJCE" provider.
JCE was previously an optional package (extension) to the
JavaTM 2 SDK, Standard Edition (Java
2 SDK), versions 1.2.x and 1.3.x. JCE has now been integrated into the
Java 2 SDK, v 1.4. The SunJCE provider is also included and is
registered in the security properties file
included with the Java 2 SDK, v 1.4.
Due to import control restrictions, the jurisdiction policy
files shipped with the Java 2 SDK, v 1.4 allow "strong" but limited
cryptography to be used. An "unlimited" version of these files
indicating no restrictions on
cryptographic strengths is available for those living in
eligible countries (which is most countries). You can download this
version and replace the strong cryptography versions supplied with the
Java 2 SDK, v 1.4 with the unlimited ones. See
where <java-home> refers to the directory where the
runtime software is installed, which is the top-level directory of the
JavaTM 2 Runtime Environment (JRE)
or the jre directory in the JavaTM
2 SDK (Java 2 SDK) software.
They have been moved to this standard location so that it is
easy to replace the strong cryptography versions that come with
the Java 2 SDK, v 1.4 with the unlimited ones.
In JCE 1.2.1, providers needed to include code to authenticate
the JCE framework to assure themselves of the integrity and
authenticity of the JCE that they plugged into. Now that JCE
is integrated into the Java 2 SDK, v 1.4, this is no longer necessary.
However, a provider whose framework authentication code locates
the JCE framework via protection
domain instead of following the recommendations in the
aforementioned JCE 1.2.1 JCE provider document will not work in the
Java 2 SDK, v 1.4. Now that JCE has been
integrated into the Java 2 SDK, v 1.4, the JCE framework has a null
code source just like any other class in the Java 2 SDK, v 1.4.
You can either modify your provider to follow the recommended
approach for authenticating the framework, or put in a conditional so
that the framework authentication code is only executed when the
provider is being run with JCE 1.2.1.
An "engine class" defines a cryptographic service
in an abstract fashion (without a concrete implementation).
A cryptographic service is always associated with a particular
and it either provides cryptographic operations (like those for ciphers
or key agreement protocols),
or generates or supplies the
cryptographic material (keys or parameters) required for cryptographic
operations. For example, two of the engine classes are the Cipher
and KeyAgreement classes. The Cipher class
provides access to the functionality of an encryption algorithm
(such as DES), and the
KeyAgreement class provides access to the functionality
of a key
agreement protocol (such as Diffie-Hellman).
The Java Cryptography Architecture encompasses the classes of the
J2SE Java Security package related to cryptography, including the
engine classes. Users of the API request and utilize instances of the
engine classes to carry out corresponding operations.
JCE was previously an optional package (extension) to the
JavaTM 2 SDK, Standard Edition (Java
2 SDK),
versions 1.2.x and 1.3.x.
JCE has now been integrated into the Java 2 SDK, v 1.4.
JCE defines the following engine classes:
Cipher: used to encrypt or decrypt some
specified data.
KeyAgreement: used to execute a key
agreement (key exchange)
protocol between 2 or more parties.
KeyGenerator: used to generate a secret
(symmetric) key suitable for a specified algorithm.
Mac: used to
compute the message authentication code of some specified data.
SecretKeyFactory: used to convert opaque
cryptographic keys of type SecretKey into key
specifications (transparent representations of the underlying
key material), and vice versa.
ExemptionMechanism: used to
provide the functionality of an exemption mechanism such as
key recovery, key weakening, key escrow,
or any other (custom) exemption mechanism.
Applications or applets that use an exemption mechanism may be granted
stronger encryption capabilities than those which don't.
However, please note that cryptographic restrictions are no longer
required for most countries, and thus exemption mechanisms may only
be useful in those few countries whose governments mandate
An engine class provides the interface to the functionality of a
specific type of cryptographic service (independent
of a particular cryptographic algorithm). It defines "Application
Programming Interface" (API)
methods that allow applications to access the specific type
of cryptographic service it provides. The actual implementations (from
one or more providers) are those for specific
algorithms. The Cipher engine
class, for example, provides access to the functionality of a
cipher algorithm. The actual implementation supplied
in a CipherSpi subclass (see next paragraph) would be
that for a specific kind of encryption
algorithm, such as DES or Triple DES.
The application interfaces supplied by an engine class are
implemented in terms of a Service Provider Interface (SPI).
That is, for each engine class, there is a corresponding
abstract SPI class, which defines the Service Provider Interface
methods that cryptographic service providers must implement.
An instance of an engine class, the "API object", encapsulates (as
private field) an instance of the corresponding SPI class, the "SPI
object". All API methods of an API object are declared final,
their implementations invoke the corresponding SPI methods of the
encapsulated SPI object. An instance of an engine class (and of its
corresponding SPI class) is created by a call to
the getInstance factory method of the engine class.
The name of each SPI class is the same as that of the
corresponding engine class, followed by Spi. For example,
the SPI class corresponding to the Cipher engine class is
CipherSpi class.
Each SPI class is abstract. To supply the implementation of a
particular type of service, for a specific algorithm,
a provider must subclass the corresponding SPI class and provide
implementations for all the abstract methods.
Another example of an engine class is the KeyAgreement
class, which
provides access to a key agreement (key exchange) algorithm. Its
implementations, in KeyAgreementSpi subclasses, may be
those of various
key agreement algorithms such as Diffie-Hellman.
As a final example, the SecretKeyFactory engine
class supports the conversion from opaque secret keys to transparent
key specifications, and vice versa.
(See Key Specification Classes Required by Key
The actual implementation supplied in a SecretKeyFactorySpi
would be that for a specific type of secret keys, e.g., DES keys.
The first thing you need to do is write the code supplying
algorithm-specific implementations of the cryptographic services you
want to support.
Note that your provider may supply implementations of
services defined in one or more of the security components of
the Java 2 SDK v 1.4, including JCE.
In JCE in the Java 2 SDK, v 1.4 (as in the previous JCE 1.2.1
release), you can supply cipher, key agreement and MAC algorithms, as
well as secret-key factories, secret-key generation services, and
exemption mechanism implementations.
For each cryptographic service in the Java 2 SDK (including JCE
ones), you need to create a subclass of the appropriate SPI class. JCE
defines the following engine classes:
CipherSpi, KeyAgreementSpi, KeyGeneratorSpi,
MacSpi, SecretKeyFactorySpi, and ExemptionMechanismSpi.
Engine Classes and Corresponding SPI Classes
in this document for information on the JCE and other cryptographic
classes in the Java 2 SDK, v 1.4.)
Ensure there is a public constructor without any arguments.
Here's why: When one of your services is requested, Java Security looks
the subclass implementing that service, as specified by
a property in your "master class" (see Step 3).
Java Security then creates the Class object associated
with your subclass,
and creates an instance of your subclass by calling the newInstance
method on that Class object.
newInstance requires your subclass to have a
constructor without any parameters.
A default constructor without arguments will automatically
be generated
if your subclass doesn't have any constructors. But if your subclass
defines any constructors, you must explicitly define a public
constructor without arguments.
Additional JCE Provider Requirements and Recommendations
When instantiating a provider's implementation (class) of a
service, the JCE framework will determine the provider's codebase (JAR
file) and verify its signature. In this way, JCE authenticates the
provider and ensures that only providers signed by a trusted entity can
be plugged into JCE. Thus, one requirement for JCE providers is that
they must be signed,
as described in later steps.
In addition, each provider should perform self-integrity
checking to ensure that the JAR file containing its code has not been
in an attempt to invoke provider methods directly rather than
through JCE. For further information, see
How a Provider Can Do Self-Integrity
In order for provider classes to become unusable if
instantiated by an
application directly, bypassing JCE, providers should implement
the following:
All SPI implementation classes in a provider package should be declared
(so that they cannot be subclassed), and their (SPI) implementation
should be declared protected.
All crypto-related helper classes in a provider package
should have package-private
scope, so that they cannot be accessed from outside the provider
For providers that may be exported outside the U.S.,
CipherSpi implementations must include an
implementation of the
engineGetKeySize method which, given a Key,
returns the key size. If there are restrictions on available
cryptographic strength specified in jurisdiction policy files,
each Cipher initialization method calls engineGetKeySize
and then compares the result with
the maximum allowable key size for the particular location and
circumstances of the applet or application being run.
If the key size is too large, the initialization method throws
an exception.
Additional optional features that providers may
the engineWrap and engineUnwrap
methods of CipherSpi. Wrapping a key enables secure
transfer of the key from one place to another. Information about
wrapping and unwrapping keys is provided in the Wrapping and Unwrapping Keys
section of the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Reference Guide.
one or more exemption mechanisms. An exemption
mechanism is something such as key recovery, key escrow, or key
which, if implemented and enforced, may enable reduced cryptographic
restrictions for an application (or applet) that uses it. For
information on the requirements for apps that
utilize exemption mechanisms, see
How to Make
Applications "Exempt" from Cryptographic Restrictions in the Java
Cryptography Extension (JCE) Reference Guide.
The third step is to create a subclass of the class.
Your subclass should be a final class, and its
constructor should
call super, specifying the provider name (see
Step 2), version number, and a string
of information about the provider and algorithms it supports. For
super("CryptoX", 1.0, "CryptoX provider v1.0, implementing " + "RSA encryption and key pair generation, and DES encryption.");
set the values of various properties that are required
for the Java Security API to look up the cryptographic services
implemented by the provider. For each service implemented by the
provider, there must be a
property whose name is the type of service (Cipher, KeyAgreement,
Mac, SecretKeyFactory, or ExemptionMechanism),
followed by a period and the name of the
algorithm to which the service applies. The property value must specify
the fully qualified name of the class implementing the service.
The list below
shows the various types of properties that must be defined for
the various types of JCE services, where the actual algorithm name is
substitued for algName:
In all of these except ExemptionMechanism and
Cipher, algName is the standard name of
the algorithm.
In the case of ExemptionMechanism, algName
refers to the name of the exemption mechanism, which can be one of the
following: KeyRecovery, KeyEscrow, or KeyWeakening.
Case does
not matter.
In the case of Cipher, algName may
represent a transformation, and may be composed of an algorithm
name, a particular mode, and a padding scheme.
(See Appendix A
of the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Reference Guide for
the standard algorithm names that should be used.)
The value of each property must be
the fully qualified name of the class implementing the specified
algorithm. That is, it must be the package name
followed by the class name, where the two are separated by
a period.
As an example, the "SunJCE" provider implements the
Diffie-Hellman key agreement algorithm in a class named
in the com.sun.crypto.provider package. Its subclass of
Provider (which is the SunJCE class
in the com.sun.crypto.provider package) sets the
KeyAgreement.DiffieHellman property to have the
com.sun.crypto.provider.DHKeyAgreement via the
For further master class property setting examples, see
Appendix A to view the current
source file. This shows
how the SunJCE class constructor sets all the properties
for the "SunJCE" provider.
As mentioned above, in the case of a Cipher
algName may actually represent a transformation.
A transformation is a string that describes the operation (or
of operations) to be performed by a Cipher object on some
given input.
A transformation always includes the name of a cryptographic
algorithm (e.g., DES), and may be followed by a mode
and a padding scheme.
A transformation is of the form:
algorithm/mode/padding, or
(In the latter case,
provider-specific default values for the mode and padding scheme are
For example, the following is a valid transformation:
Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance("DES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
When requesting a block cipher in stream cipher mode (e.g.,
DES in CFB or OFB mode), a
may optionally specify the number of bits to be processed at a time,
by appending this number to the mode name as shown in the following
If a number does not follow a stream cipher mode, a
default is used. (For example, the "SunJCE" provider uses a default of
64 bits.)
A provider may supply a separate class for each combination
of algorithm/mode/padding. Alternatively, a provider may decide
to provide more generic
classes representing sub-transformations corresponding to
algorithm or algorithm/mode or algorithm//padding
(note the double slashes); in this case the requested mode and/or
padding are set automatically by
the getInstance methods of Cipher, which
invoke the
engineSetMode and engineSetPadding
methods of the
provider's subclass of CipherSpi.
That is, a Cipher property in a provider master
class may have one of
the formats shown in the table below.
Property Format
A provider's subclass of CipherSpi
implements algName with pluggable mode and padding
A provider's subclass of CipherSpi
implements algName in the specified mode, with
pluggable padding
A provider's subclass of CipherSpi
implements algName with the specified padding, with
pluggable mode
A provider's subclass of CipherSpi
implements algName with the specified mode and padding
(See Appendix A
of the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Reference Guide for
the standard algorithm names, modes, and padding schemes
that should be used.)
For example, a provider may supply a subclass of CipherSpi
that implements DES/ECB/PKCS5Padding, one that implements
DES/CBC/PKCS5Padding, one that implements
DES/CFB/PKCS5Padding, and yet another one that implements
DES/OFB/PKCS5Padding. That provider would have the following
Cipher properties in its master class:
Another provider may implement a class for each of the above
(i.e., one class for ECB, one for CBC, one for CFB,
and one for OFB), one class for PKCS5Padding,
and a generic DES class that subclasses from CipherSpi.
That provider would have the following
Cipher properties in its master class:
The getInstance factory method of the Cipher
engine class follows these rules in order to instantiate a provider's
implementation of CipherSpi for a
transformation of the form "algorithm":
Check if the provider has registered a subclass of CipherSpi
for the specified "algorithm".
If the answer is YES, instantiate this
class, for whose mode and padding scheme default values (as supplied by
the provider) are used.
If the answer is NO, throw a NoSuchAlgorithmException
The getInstance factory method of the Cipher
engine class follows these rules in order to instantiate a provider's
implementation of CipherSpi for a
transformation of the form "algorithm/mode/padding":
Check if the provider has registered a subclass of CipherSpi
for the specified "algorithm/mode/padding" transformation.
If the answer is YES, instantiate it.
If the answer is NO, go to the next step.
Check if the provider has registered a subclass of CipherSpi
for the sub-transformation "algorithm/mode".
If the answer is YES, instantiate it, and call
engineSetPadding(padding) on the new
If the answer is NO, go to the next step.
Check if the provider has registered a subclass of CipherSpi
for the sub-transformation "algorithm//padding" (note the double
If the answer is YES, instantiate it, and call
engineSetMode(mode) on the new instance.
If the answer is NO, go to the next step.
Check if the provider has registered a subclass of CipherSpi
for the sub-transformation "algorithm".
If the answer is YES, instantiate it, and call
engineSetMode(mode) and
engineSetPadding(padding) on the new
If the answer is NO, throw a NoSuchAlgorithmException
After you have created your implementation code
(Step 1), given your provider a name
(Step 2), and created the master class
(Step 3), use the Java compiler to compile your
The next step is to request a code-signing certificate so
you can use it to sign your provider prior to testing. The certificate
will be good for both testing and production. It will be valid for
5 years.
Below are the steps you should use to get a code-signing
certificate. For more information on the keytool tool, see keytool
(for Solaris) (for Microsoft Windows).
(Note: This must be typed as a single line.
Multiple lines and indentation are used in the examples so that they
are legible.)
This will generate a DSA keypair (a public key and an
private key) and store it in an entry in
the specified keystore. The public key is stored in a self-signed
The keystore entry can subsequently be accessed using the specified
The option values in angle brackets ("<" and ">")
represent the
actual values that must be supplied. For example, <alias>
must be
replaced with whatever alias name you wish to be used to refer to the
newly-generated keystore entry in the future, and <keystore
file name> must be replaced with the name of the keystore to
be used. Note: Do not surround actual values
with angle brackets. For example, if you want your alias to be
myTestAlias, specify the -alias
option as follows:
-alias myTestAlias
If you specify a keystore that doesn't yet exist, it will
be created.
Note: If command lines you type are not allowed
to be as long as
the keytool -genkey command you want to execute (for
example, if you are typing to a Microsoft Windows DOS prompt), you can
create and execute a plain-text
batch file containing the command. That is, create a new text file that
contains nothing but the full
keytool -genkey command. (Remember to type it
all on one line.)
Save the file with a .bat extension. Then in your DOS window, type the
file name (with its path, if necessary). This will cause the command in
the batch file
to be executed.
Use keytool to generate a certificate signing
Here, <alias> is the alias for the DSA keypair
entry created in the previous step.
This command generates a Certificate Signing Request (CSR), using the
PKCS#10 format. It stores the CSR in the file whose name is specified
in <csr file name>.
Send the CSR, contact information, and other required
to the JCE Code Signing Certification Authority.
Send, via email, the CSR and contact information (see
below) to
Put the following in the Subject line of your email message:
Request a Certificate for Signing a JCE Provider
Put the contact information in the body of the
message and send the CSR file as a plain text attachment to the
If your mail tool has an option for specifying the encoding format
to be used for attachments, select the "MIME" option. Note: The
CSR file is just a
plain text file, in Base 64 encoding. Only the first and last lines
are human-readable.
Include the following contact information in the body of
your message:
Company Name Street Address (Not a post office box) City State/Province Country Company Telephone Number Company Fax Number Requester Name Requester Telephone Number Requester Email Address Brief description of your company (size, line of business, etc.)
All of the above information is required.
After the JCE Code Signing Certification Authority has
your email message, they will send you a request number via
Once you receive this request number, you should print, fill out and
mail the Certification Form for CSPs.
This form should be mailed to the address below. Be sure
to include the request number on the form so that your hardcopy mailing
can be matched to the email message containing your CSR and contact
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
International Trade Services/Export Compliance
Attn: Encryption Export
4120 Network Circle MS: USCA12-204
Santa Clara, CA 95054
After the JCE Code Signing Certification Authority has received
both your email message and the required form,
they will authenticate you, the requester. Then they will create and
a code-signing certificate valid for 5 years.
You will receive an email message containing two
plain-text file attachments: one file containing this code-signing
certificate and another file containing
its own CA certificate, which authenticates its public key.
Use keytool to import the certificates received
from the CA.
Once you have received the two certificates from the JCE
Code Signing Certification Authority, you can use keytool to
import them into your keystore.
First import
the CA's certificate as a "trusted certificate":
keytool -import -alias <alias for the CA cert> -file <CA cert file name> -keystore <keystore file name> -storepass <keystore password>
Here, <alias> is the same alias as that which you
created in step 1 where you generated a DSA keypair. This command
the self-signed certificate in the keystore entry specified by
<alias> with the one signed by the JCE
Code Signing Certification Authority.
Now that you have in your keystore a certificate from
an entity trusted by JCE (the JCE Code Signing Certification
you can place your provider code in a JAR file (Step
5b) and then use that certificate to sign the JAR file (Step 5c).
Place your provider code in a JAR file, in preparation
for signing it in the next step. For more information on the jar
tool, see jar (for
Solaris) (for
Microsoft Windows).
jar cvf <JAR file name> <list of classes, separated by spaces>
This command creates a JAR file with the specified name
the specified classes.
Sign the JAR file created in the previous step
with the code-signing certificate obtained
in Step 5a.
For more information on the jarsigner tool, see jarsigner
(for Solaris) (for Microsoft Windows).
Here, <alias> is the alias into the
keystore for the
entry containing the code-signing certificate received from the
JCE Code Signing Certification Authority (the same alias as that
specified in the commands in Step 5a).
You can test verification of the signature via the following:
jarsigner -verify <JAR file name>
The text "jar verified" will be displayed if the verification
was successful.
In order to prepare for testing your provider, you must
install it in the same manner as will be done by
clients wishing to use it. The installation enables Java Security to
find your algorithm implementations
when clients request them.
Installing a provider is done in two steps: installing the
package classes, and configuring the provider.
The first thing you must do is make your classes available so that they
can be found when requested. You ship your provider classes as a JAR
(Java ARchive) file.
There are a two possible ways to install provider classes:
Install the JAR file containing the provider classes as
an "installed" or "bundled" extension.
Place the JAR file containing the provider classes in
The provider JAR file will be considered an installed
extension if it is placed in the standard place for the JAR files of an
installed extension:
Here <java-home> refers to the directory
where the runtime software is installed, which is the top-level
directory of the JavaTM 2 Runtime
Environment (JRE)
or the jre directory in the JavaTM
2 SDK (Java 2 SDK) software. For example, if you have the Java 2 SDK, v
1.4 installed on Solaris in a directory named /home/user1/J2SDK1.4.0,
or on Microsoft Windows in a directory named C:\J2SDK1.4.0,
then you
need to install the JAR file in the following directory:
Similarly, if you have the JRE, v 1.4 installed on Solaris
in a directory named /home/user1/j2re1.4.0,
or on Microsoft Windows in a directory named C:\j2re1.4.0,
you need to install the JAR file in the following directory:
Here <java-home> refers to the directory
where the JRE
was installed. For example, if you have the Java 2 SDK v 1.4 installed
on Solaris in a directory named /home/user1/J2SDK1.4.0,
or on Microsoft indows in a directory named C:\J2SDK1.4.0,
then you
need to edit the following file:
Similarly, if you have the Java 2 Runtime Environment, v 1.4
installed on Solaris in a directory named /home/user1/j2re1.4.0,
or on Windows in a directory named C:\j2re1.4.0, then you
need to edit this file:
For each provider, this file should have a statement
of the following form:
This declares a provider, and specifies its preference order
n. The preference order is the order in which providers
searched for requested algorithms when no specific provider is
requested. The order is 1-based; 1 is the most preferred, followed
by 2, and so on.
masterClassName must specify the fully qualified
name of the provider's "master
class", which you implemented in Step 3. This
class is always a subclass of the Provider
The Java 2 SDK, v 1.4 comes standard with a provider named
"SUN", which is
automatically configured as a static provider in the properties file, as follows:
(The "SUN" provider's master class is the Sun
class in the
The JCE provider "SunJCE" and other security-related
providers shipped with the Java 2 platform are
also automatically configured as static providers.
To utilize another JCE provider, add a line registering the
alternate provider, giving it whatever preference order you prefer
(and making corresponding adjustments to the other providers'
orders, if needed).
Suppose that your master class is the CryptoX
class in the
com.cryptox.provider package,
and that you would like to make your provider the second
preferred provider. To do so, add the following line to the
file below the line for the "SUN"
provider, and increment the preference order numbers for all other
providers whose numbers were greater than or equal to 2 before
your addition:
Note: Providers may also be registered dynamically. To
do so, a program (such as your test program, to be written in Step 6) can call either the addProvider
insertProviderAt method in the Security
This type of registration is not persistent and can only be
done by code which is granted the following permission:
where {name} is replaced by the actual provider name.
For example, if the provider name is "MyJCE" and if the
provider's code is in the myjce_provider.jar file in the /localWork
directory, then here is a sample policy file
grant statement granting that permission:
grant codeBase "file:/localWork/myjce_provider.jar" { permission "insertProvider.MyJCE"; };
Whenever JCE providers are not installed extensions,
permissions must be granted for when applets or applications using
JCE are run while a security manager is installed.
There is typically a security manager installed whenever an applet is
running, and a security manager may be installed for an application
either via code in the application itself or via a command-line
Permissions do not need to be granted to installed extensions,
since the default system
policy file
grants all permissions to installed extensions.
Whenever a client does not install your provider as an
installed extension, your provider may need the following permissions
granted to it in the client environment:
java.lang.RuntimePermission to get class
protection domains.
The provider may need to get its own protection domain in the process
of doing self-integrity checking. to set
provider properties.
To ensure your provider works when a security manager is
installed and the provider is not an installed extension, you need to
test such an installation and execution environment. In addition, prior
to testing you need to grant appropriate permissions to your provider
and to any other providers it uses. For example, a sample statement
granting permissions to a provider whose
name is "MyJCE" and whose code is in myjce_provider.jar
below. Such a statement could appear in a policy file. In this example,
myjce_provider.jar file is assumed
to be in the /localWork directory.
Write and compile one or more test programs that test your provider's
incorporation into the Security API as well as the correctness of its
algorithm(s). Create any supporting files needed,
such as those for test data to be encrypted.
The first tests your program should perform are ones
to ensure that your provider is found, and that its name,
version number, and additional information is as expected. To do so,
you could write code like the following, substituting your
provider name for MyPro:
Provider p = Security.getProvider("MyPro");
System.out.println("MyPro provider name is " + p.getName()); System.out.println("MyPro provider version # is " + p.getVersion()); System.out.println("MyPro provider info is " + p.getInfo());
Next, you should ensure that your services are found.
For instance, if you implemented the DES encryption
algorithm, you could check to ensure it's found when requested by
using the following code (again substituting your
provider name for "MyPro"):
Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance("DES", "MyPro");
System.out.println("My Cipher algorithm name is " + c.getAlgorithm());
If you don't specify a provider name in the call to
getInstance, all registered providers will be
searched, in
preference order (see Configuring the Provider),
until one implementing the algorithm is found.
If your provider implements an exemption mechanism, you should
write a test applet or application that uses the exemption mechanism.
Such an applet/application also needs to be signed, and needs to have
a "permission policy file" bundled with it. See How to Make Applications "Exempt"
from Cryptographic Restrictions in the Java Cryptography
Extension (JCE) Reference Guide for complete information on
creating and testing such an application.
Run your test program(s). Debug your code and continue testing
needed. If the Java Security API cannot seem to find one of your
algorithms, review the steps above and ensure they are all
Be sure to include testing of your programs using different
installation options (e.g. making the provider an installed extension
or placing it on the class path) and execution environments
(with or without a security manager running). Installation options
are discussed in Step 5d. In particular, you
need to ensure your provider works when a security manager is
installed and the provider is not an installed extension --
and thus the provider must have permissions granted to it; therefore,
you need to test such an installation and execution environment,
after granting required permissions to your provider
and to any other providers it uses, as described in
Step 5e.
If you find during testing that your code needs modification,
make the changes, recompile (Step 4),
place the updated provider code in a JAR file (Step
5b), sign the JAR file
(Step 5c), re-install the provider
(Step 5d), if needed fix or add to the
permissions (Step 5e), and then re-test
your programs. Repeat these steps as needed.
All U.S. vendors whose providers may be exported outside
the U.S. should apply to the Bureau of Export Administration in the
U.S. Department of Commerce for export approval.
Please consult your export
counsel for more information.
Note: If your provider calls Cipher.getInstance()
and the returned Cipher object needs to perform strong
cryptography regardless of what
cryptographic strength is allowed by the user's downloaded
jurisdiction policy files, you should include a copy of the
cryptoPerms permission policy file which you intend
to bundle in the JAR file for your provider and which
specifies an appropriate permission for the required cryptographic
The necessity for this file is just like the requirement that applets
applications "exempt" from cryptographic restrictions must include
a cryptoPerms permission policy file in their
JAR file. For more information on the creation and inclusion of
such a file, see How to Make
Applications "Exempt" from Cryptographic Restrictions in the Java
Cryptography Extension (JCE) Reference Guide.
The next step is to write documentation for your clients. At the
minimum, you need to specify:
the name programs should use to refer to your provider.
Note: As of this writing, provider name searches are
case-sensitive. That is, if your master class
specifies your provider name as "CryptoX" but a user requests
"CRYPTOx", your provider will not be found. This behavior may
change in the future, but for now be sure to warn your
clients to use the exact case you specify.
the types of algorithms and other services implemented by
your provider.
instructions for installing the provider, similar to those
in Step 5d, except that the information and
examples should be specific to your provider.
the permissions your provider will require if it is not
as an installed extension and if a security manager is run,
as described in Step 5e.
In addition, your documentation should specify anything else of
interest to clients, such as any default algorithm parameters.
For each MAC algorithm, tell whether or not
your implementation is cloneable. This is not technically
necessary, but it may save clients some time and coding
by telling them
whether or not intermediate "message authentication codes" (MACs)
may be possible through
cloning. Clients who do not know whether or not a MAC implementation is
cloneable can find out by attempting
to clone the Mac object and catching the
potential exception, as illustrated by the following example:
try { // try and clone it /* compute the MAC for i1 */ mac.update(i1); byte[] i1Mac = mac.clone().doFinal();
/* compute the MAC for i1 and i2 */ mac.update(i2); byte[] i12Mac = mac.clone().doFinal();
/* compute the MAC for i1, i2 and i3 */ mac.update(i3); byte[] i123Mac = mac.doFinal(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException cnse) { // have to use an approach not involving cloning }
mac is the MAC object they
received when they requested one via a call to Mac.getInstance,
i2 and i3 are input byte arrays, and
they want to calculate separate hashes for:
i1 and i2
i1, i2, and i3
Key Pair Generators
For a key pair generator algorithm, in case the client does not
explicitly initialize the key pair generator
(via a call to an initialize method), each provider must
supply and document a default initialization.
For example, the Diffie-Hellman key pair generator supplied by the
provider uses a default prime modulus size (keysize) of
1024 bits.
Key Factories
A provider should document all the key specifications supported by its
(secret-)key factory.
Algorithm Parameter Generators
In case the client does not explicitly initialize the algorithm
parameter generator (via a call to an init method in the
AlgorithmParameterGenerator engine class), each
provider must supply
and document a default initialization. For example, the "SunJCE"
provider uses a default prime modulus size (keysize) of
1024 bits for
the generation of Diffie-Hellman parameters.
Each provider should do self-integrity checking to ensure that the JAR
file containing its code has not been tampered with, for example in an
attempt to invoke provider methods directly rather than through JCE.
Providers that provide implementations for JCE services must be
digitally signed and should
be signed with a certificate issued by "trusted" Certification
Authorities. Currently, the following two Certification Authorities are
considered "trusted":
Sun Microsystems' JCE Code Signing CA, and
IBM JCE Code Signing CA.
Please refer to Step 5b for detailed
information on how to get a code-signing certificate from Sun
Microsystems' JCE Code Signing CA and the certificate of that CA.
After getting the signing certificate from above Certification
Authority, provider packages should embed within themselves the bytes
for its own signing certificate, for example in an array like the bytesOfProviderCert
array referred to in the Identifying Each of the
Signers and Determining If One is Trusted section below. At
runtime, the embedded certificate will be used in determining whether
or not the provider code is authentic.
The basic approach a provider can use to check its own
integrity is:
Determine the URL of the JAR file containing the provider
code, and
Verify the JAR file's digital signatures to ensure that at
least one signer of each entry of
the JAR file is trusted.
Each of these steps is described in the following sections:
Note: The sample code
is a complete code example that implements these steps.
You can download this code for your reference. The Notes on the Sample Code section traces
how these concepts are implemented in the sample code.
In JCE 1.2.1, providers needed to include code to authenticate
the JCE framework to assure themselves of the integrity and
authenticity of the JCE that they plugged into. Now that JCE
is integrated into the Java 2 SDK, v 1.4, this is no longer necessary.
One implication is that a provider written just for JCE 1.2.1
will not work in the Java 2 SDK, v 1.4 because the provider's JCE
framework authentication check will not work; the JCE framework code is
no longer where the provider expects it to be.
If you want your provider to work only with the Java 2 SDK, v 1.4,
it should not have code to authenticate the JCE framework.
On the other hand, if you want your provider to work both with
JCE 1.2.1 and with the JCE in the Java 2 SDK, v 1.4, then add a
conditional statement. This way the provider
code to authenticate the JCE framework is executed only when
the provider is run with JCE 1.2.1. The following is sample code:
The URL for the provider's JAR file can be
obtained by determining the provider's CodeSource and
calling the getLocation method on the CodeSource.
Once you have the URL for the provider's JAR file, you can
create a java.util.jar.JarFile
referring to the JAR file. This instance is needed in the step for verifying the Provider JAR file.
To create the JAR file, first open a connection
to the specified URL by calling its openConnection
method. Since the URL is a JAR URL, the type is
Here's the basic code:
// Prep the url with the appropriate protocol. jarURL = url.getProtocol().equalsIgnoreCase("jar") ? url : new URL("jar:" + url.toString() + "!/"); // Retrieve the jar file using JarURLConnection JarFile jf = (JarFile) AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedExceptionAction() { public Object run() throws Exception { JarURLConnection conn = (JarURLConnection) jarURL.openConnection();
Now that you have a JarURLConnection, you can call its
getJarFile method to get the JAR file:
// Always get a fresh copy, so we don't have to // worry about the stale file handle when the // cached jar is closed by some other application. conn.setUseCaches(false); jf = conn.getJarFile();
Once you have determined the URL for your provider JAR file and
you have created a JarFile referring to the JAR file, as
shown in the steps above,
you can then verify the file.
The basic approach is:
Ensure that at least one of each entry's signer's
certificates is equal to the provider's own code signing certificate.
Go through all the entries in the JAR file and ensure the
signature on each one verifies correctly.
Ensure that at least one of each entry's signer's
certificates can be
traced back to a trusted Certification Authority.
Sample code for each of these steps is presented
and described in the following sections:
Our approach is to define a class JarVerifier to
handle the retrieval of a JAR file from a given URL and verify whether
the JAR file is signed with the specified certificate.
The constructor of JarVerifier takes the provider
URL as a parameter which will be used to retrieve the JAR file later.
The actual jar verification is implemented in the verify
method which takes the provider code signing certificate as a
public void verify(X509Certificate targetCert) throws IOException { // variable 'jarFile' is a JarFile object created // from the provider's Jar URL. ... Vector entriesVec = new Vector();
Basically the verify method will go through the JAR file
entries twice: the first time checking the signature on each entry and
the second time verifying the signer is trusted.
Note: In our code snippets the jarFile
variable is the JarFile object of the provider's jar
An authentic provider JAR file is signed. So the JAR file has
been tampered with if it isn't signed:
// Ensure the jar file is signed. Manifest man = jarFile.getManifest(); if (man == null) { throw new SecurityException("The provider is not signed"); }
The next step is to go through all the entries in the JAR file
and ensure the signature on each one verifies correctly.
One possible way to verify the signature on a JAR file entry
is to simply read the file. If a JAR file is signed,
the read method itself automatically
performs the signature verification. Here is sample code:
// Ensure all the entries' signatures verify correctly byte[] buffer = new byte[8192]; Enumeration entries = jarFile.entries();
while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { JarEntry je = (JarEntry) entries.nextElement();
// Skip directories. if (je.isDirectory()) continue; entriesVec.addElement(je); InputStream is = jarFile.getInputStream(je);
// Read in each jar entry. A security exception will // be thrown if a signature/digest check fails. int n; while ((n =, 0, buffer.length)) != -1) { // Don't care } is.close(); }
The code in the previous section verified the signatures of all
the provider JAR file entries. The fact that they all verify correctly
is a requirement, but it is not sufficient to verify the authenticity
of the JAR file. A final requirement is that the signatures were
generated by the same entity as the one that developed this provider.
To test that the signatures are trusted, we can again go through each
in the JAR file (this time using the entriesVec
built in the previous step), and for each entry that
must be signed (that is, each entry that is not a directory
and that is not in the META-INF directory):
Get the list of signer certificates for the entry.
Identify each of the certificate chains and determine whether
any of the certificate chains are trusted. At least one of the
certificate chains must be trusted.
The loop setup is the following:
Enumeration e = entriesVec.elements(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { JarEntry je = (JarEntry) e.nextElement(); ... }
The certificates for the signers of a JAR file entry
JarEntry can be obtained simply by calling the JarEntrygetCertificates method:
Certificate[] certs = je.getCertificates();
Adding this line of code to the previous loop setup code, and
adding code to ignore directories and files in the
META-INF directory gives us:
while (e.hasMoreElements()) { JarEntry je = (JarEntry) e.nextElement();
// Every file must be signed except files in META-INF. Certificate[] certs = je.getCertificates(); if ((certs == null) || (certs.length == 0)) { if (!je.getName().startsWith("META-INF")) throw new SecurityException("The provider " + "has unsigned " + "class files."); } else { // Check whether the file is signed by the expected // signer. The jar may be signed by multiple signers. // See if one of the signers is 'targetCert'. ... } ...
The certificate array returned by the JarEntrygetCertificates
method contains one or more certificate chains.
There is one chain per signer of the entry. Each chain contains
one or more certificates. Each certificate in a chain authenticates
the public key in the previous certificate.
The first certificate in a chain is the signer's certificate
which contains the public key corresponding to the private key actually
used to sign the entry. Each subsequent certificate is a certificate
for the issuer of the previous certificate. Since the self-integrity
check is based on whether the JAR file is signed with the provider's
signing cert, the trust decision will be made upon only the first
certificate, the signer's certificate.
We need to go through the array of certificate chains and
check each chain and the associated signers until we find a trusted
entity. For each JAR file entry, at least one of the signers must be
trusted. A signer is considered "trusted" if and only if its
certificate is equals to the embedded provider signing certificate.
The following sample code loops through all the certificate
chains, compares the first certificate in a chain to the embedded
provider signing certificate, and only returns true if a
match is found.
int startIndex = 0; X509Certificate[] certChain; boolean signedAsExpected = false;
while ((certChain = getAChain(certs, startIndex)) != null) { if (certChain[0].equals(targetCert)) { // Stop since one trusted signer is found. signedAsExpected = true; break; } // Proceed to the next chain. startIndex += certChain.length; }
if (!signedAsExpected) { throw new SecurityException("The provider " + "is not signed by a " + "trusted signer"); }
The getAChain method is defined as follows:
/** * Extracts ONE certificate chain from the specified certificate array * which may contain multiple certificate chains, starting from index * 'startIndex'. */ private static X509Certificate[] getAChain(Certificate[] certs, int startIndex) { if (startIndex > certs.length - 1) return null;
int i; // Keep going until the next certificate is not the // issuer of this certificate. for (i = startIndex; i < certs.length - 1; i++) { if (!((X509Certificate)certs[i + 1]).getSubjectDN(). equals(((X509Certificate)certs[i]).getIssuerDN())) { break; } }
// Construct and return the found certificate chain. int certChainSize = (i-startIndex) + 1; X509Certificate[] ret = new X509Certificate[certChainSize]; for (int j = 0; j < certChainSize; j++ ) { ret[j] = (X509Certificate) certs[startIndex + j]; } return ret; }
Notes on the Sample Code
The sample code,, is
a sample provider which has a method selfIntegrityChecking
which performs self-integrity checking. It first determines the URL of
its own provider JAR file and then verifies that the provider JAR file
is signed with the embedded code-signing certificate.
Note: The method selfIntegrityChecking
should be called by all the constructors of its cryptographic engine
classes to ensure that its integrity is not compromised.
Provider MyJCE performs self-integrity checking in
the following steps:
Determine the URL to access the provider JAR file using its
own class, MyJCE.class.
Instantiate a JarVerifier object with the
provider URL in Step 1.
Create a X509Certificate object from the
embedded byte array bytesOfProviderCert.
Call the JarVerifier.verify method to verify
all entries in the provider JAR file are signed and are signed with the
same certificate instantiated in Step 3.
Note: The class JarVerifier will retrieve the
JAR file from the given URL, make sure the JAR file is signed, all
entries have valid signatures, and that entries are signed with the
specified X509Certificate.
A security exception is thrown by JarVerifier.verify
in several cases:
The certificate passed to verify is null
When unable to retrieve JAR file from the given URL.
The provider is not signed. (The jar has no manifest.)
The provider has unsigned class files.
The provider is not signed with the specified certificate.
The sample code is
comprised of the code snippets shown above. In addition, it includes
error handling, sample code signing certificate bytes, and code for
instantiating a X509Certificate object from the embedded
sample code signing certificate bytes.
Regarding the use of AccessController.doPrivileged,
please see API For Privileged Blocks
for information on the use of doPrivileged.
For many cryptographic algorithms, there is a single official "standard
The standard names defined by JCE in the Java 2 SDK, v 1.4 are listed
Appendix A
of the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Reference Guide.
For example, DiffieHellman is the standard name
for the
Diffie-Hellman key agreement algorithm defined in PKCS #3.
JCE uses the same aliasing scheme for algorithm names as the
rest of
the security products in the Java 2 SDK, v 1.4.
That scheme enables clients to use
aliases when referring to algorithms, rather than their standard names.
For example, the "SunJCE" provider's master class
( defines the alias "DH" for the key agreement
standard name is DiffieHellman. Thus, the following
statements are
KeyAgreement ka = KeyAgreement.getInstance("DiffieHellman", "SunJCE");
KeyAgreement ka = KeyAgreement.getInstance("DH", "SunJCE");
Aliases can be defined in your "master class" (see
Step 3). To define an alias, create a
where engineClassName is either Cipher,
KeyAgreement, KeyGenerator,
Mac, SecretKeyFactory, or ExemptionMechanism,
aliasName is your alias name. For all but
ExemptionMechanism, the value of the property
must be the standard algorithm name for the algorithm being aliased.
For ExemptionMechanism, the value is the exemption
name (KeyRecovery, KeyEscrow, or KeyWeakening).
As an example, the "SunJCE" provider defines the alias "DH" for
the key agreement
algorithm whose standard name is "DiffieHellman" by setting a property
named Alg.Alias.KeyAgreement.DH to have the value DiffieHellman
via the following:
Note that aliases defined by one provider are available only to
that provider and not to any other providers. Thus, aliases defined by
the "SunJCE" provider are available only to the "SunJCE" provider.
Some algorithms require the use of other types of algorithms.
For example, a PBE algorithm usually needs to use a message
digest algorithm in order to transform a password into a key.
If you are implementing one type of algorithm that requires
another, you can do one of the following:
Provide your own implementations for both.
Let your implementation of one algorithm use an instance of
the other type of algorithm, as supplied by the default "SUN" provider
that is included
with every Java 2 Platform installation. For example, if you
are implementing a PBE algorithm that requires a message digest
algorithm, you can obtain an instance of a class implementing the MD5
message digest algorithm by calling
MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5", "SUN")
Let your implementation of one algorithm use an instance of
the other type of algorithm, as supplied by
another specific provider. This is only appropriate if you are
sure that all clients who will use your provider will also have the
other provider installed.
Let your implementation of one algorithm use an instance of
the other type of algorithm, as supplied by
another (unspecified) provider. That is, you can request an algorithm
by name, but without specifying any particular provider, as in
This is only appropriate if you are sure that there will be at
least one implementation of the requested algorithm (in this case,
MD5) installed on each Java platform where
your provider will be used.
In case the client does not explicitly initialize a key pair
or an algorithm parameter generator, each provider of such a service
must supply (and document) a default initialization.
For example, the "SunJCE" provider uses a default modulus size
of 1024 bits for the generation of Diffie-Hellman parameters.
JCE contains the following interfaces (in the javax.crypto.interfaces
for the convenience of programmers implementing Diffie-Hellman
If you implement a Diffie-Hellman key pair generator or key factory,
you need to create classes implementing the DHPrivateKey
and DHPublicKey interfaces.
If you implement a Diffie-Hellman key pair generator, your generateKeyPair
method (in your KeyPairGeneratorSpi subclass) will return
of your implementations of those interfaces.
If you implement a Diffie-Hellman key factory, your
engineGeneratePrivate method (in your KeyFactorySpi
subclass) will return an instance of your DHPrivateKey
implementation, and your engineGeneratePublic method will
return an instance of your DHPublicKey implementation.
Also, your engineGetKeySpec and
engineTranslateKey methods
will expect the passed-in key to be an instance of
a DHPrivateKey or DHPublicKey
The getParams method provided by the interface
implementations is useful for obtaining and extracting the
parameters from the keys. You can then use the parameters, for example,
as parameters to the DHParameterSpec constructor called
to create a parameter specification from parameter values used to
initialize a KeyPairGenerator object for Diffie-Hellman.
If you implement the Diffie-Hellman key agreement algorithm,
your engineInit method (in your KeyAgreementSpi
subclass) will expect to be passed a
DHPrivateKey and your engineDoPhase
will expect to be passed a DHPublicKey.
Note: The DHPublicKey and DHPrivateKey
define a very generic, provider-independent interface to Diffie-Hellman
and private keys, respectively. The engineGetKeySpec and
engineTranslateKey methods (in your KeyFactorySpi
subclass) could additionally check if the passed-in key is actually an
instance of their provider's own implementation
of DHPrivateKey or DHPublicKey, e.g., to
take advantage of provider-specific
implementation details. The same is true for the Diffie-Hellman
engineInit and engineDoPhase methods
(in your KeyAgreementSpi subclass).
To see what methods need to be implemented by classes that
implement the DHPublicKey and DHPrivateKey
interfaces, first
note the following interface signatures:
In the javax.crypto.interfaces package:
public interface DHPrivateKey extends DHKey,
public interface DHPublicKey extends DHKey,
public interface DHKey
In the package:
public interface PrivateKey extends Key
public interface PublicKey extends Key
public interface Key extends
To implement the DHPrivateKey and DHPublicKey
interfaces, you must implement the methods
they define as well as those defined by interfaces they
extend, directly or indirectly.
Thus, for private keys, you need to supply a class that
the getAlgorithm, getEncoded,
and getFormat methods from the interface, since DHPrivateKey
extends, and PrivateKey
extends Key.
Similarly, for public Diffie-Hellman keys, you need to supply a class
that implements:
the getAlgorithm, getEncoded,
and getFormat methods from the interface, since DHPublicKey
extends, and PublicKey
extends Key.
An algorithm parameter specification is a transparent
representation of the sets of parameters used with an algorithm.
A transparent representation of parameters means that
you can access
each value individually, through one of the "get" methods defined
in the corresponding specification class (e.g., DHParameterSpec
defines getP, getG, and
getL methods, to access the p, g, and l parameters,
This is contrasted with an opaque representation, as
supplied by the AlgorithmParameters engine class, in
you have no direct access to the key material values;
you can only get the name of the algorithm associated with the
parameter set (via getAlgorithm) and some kind of
encoding for
the parameter set (via getEncoded).
If you supply an AlgorithmParametersSpi, AlgorithmParameterGeneratorSpi,
or KeyPairGeneratorSpi implementation, you must utilize
the AlgorithmParameterSpec interface, since each of those
classes contain methods that take an AlgorithmParameterSpec
Such methods need to determine which actual implementation of
that interface has been passed in, and act accordingly.
JCE contains a number of AlgorithmParameterSpec
implementations for
the most frequently used cipher and key agreement algorithm parameters.
If you are operating on
algorithm parameters that should be for a different type of
algorithm not provided by JCE, you will need to supply your own
AlgorithmParameterSpec implementation appropriate for
that type of algorithm.
JCE defines the following algorithm parameter specification
classes in the javax.crypto.spec package:
This class (which implements the AlgorithmParameterSpec
specifies the set of parameters used with a password-based encryption
This class (which implements the AlgorithmParameterSpec
specifies the set of parameters used with the Diffie-Hellman algorithm.
Methods in DHParameterSpec
BigInteger getG()
Returns the base generator g.
int getL()
Returns the size in bits, l, of the
random exponent (private value).
BigInteger getP()
Returns the prime modulus p.
Many types of Diffie-Hellman services will find this class
useful; for
example, it is used by the Diffie-Hellman key agreement, key pair
generator, algorithm parameter generator, and algorithm parameters
implemented by the "SunJCE" provider. As a specific example, an
algorithm parameters implementation must include an implementation
for the getParameterSpec method, which returns an
AlgorithmParameterSpec. The Diffie-Hellman algorithm
parameters implementation
supplied by "SunJCE" returns an instance of the DHParameterSpec
This class implements the KeySpec
interface. A user-chosen password can be used with password-based
encryption (PBE); the password can be viewed as a type of raw key
material. An encryption mechanism that uses this class can derive a
cryptographic key from the raw key material.
Methods in PBEKeySpec
void clearPassword
Clears the internal copy of the password.
int getIterationCount
Returns the iteration count or 0 if not specified.
int getKeyLength
Returns the to-be-derived key length or 0 if not
char[] getPassword
Returns a copy of the password.
byte[] getSalt
Returns a copy of the salt or null if not specified.
This class implements the KeySpec
interface. Since it also implements the
interface, it
can be used to construct a SecretKey object in a
provider-independent fashion, i.e., without having to go through a
provider-based SecretKeyFactory.
Methods in SecretKeySpec
boolean equals (Object obj)
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this
String getAlgorithm()
Returns the name of the algorithm associated with this
secret key.
byte[] getEncoded()
Returns the key material of this secret key.
String getFormat()
Returns the name of the encoding format for this secret
If you provide a secret-key generator (subclass of
javax.crypto.KeyGeneratorSpi) for a particular
algorithm, you may return the generated secret-key object (which must
be an instance of javax.crypto.SecretKey, see engineGenerateKey)
in one of the following ways:
You implement a class whose instances represent secret-keys
of the algorithm associated with your key generator. Your key
generator implementation returns instances of that class. This
approach is useful if the keys generated by your key generator have
provider-specific properties.
Your key generator returns an instance of SecretKeySpec,
which already implements the javax.crypto.SecretKey
interface. You pass the (raw) key bytes and the name of the
secret-key algorithm associated with your key generator to the
SecretKeySpec constructor. This approach is useful
if the
underlying (raw) key bytes can be represented as a byte array and have
no key-parameters associated with them.
A key feature of JCE is the exportability
of the JCE framework and of the provider cryptography implementations
if certain conditions are met.
Due to import control restrictions by the governments of a few
countries, the jurisdiction policy files shipped with the Java 2 SDK, v
1.4 from Sun Microsystems specify that "strong" but limited
cryptography may be used. An "unlimited" version of these files
indicating no restrictions on
cryptographic strengths is available for those living in
eligible countries (which is most countries). But only the
"strong" version can be imported into those countries whose
governments mandate restrictions.
The JCE framework will enforce the restrictions specified in
the installed jurisdiction policy files.
As noted elsewhere, you can write just one version of your
software, implementing cryptography of maximum strength.
It is up to JCE, not your provider, to enforce
any jurisdiction policy file-mandated
restrictions regarding the cryptographic algorithms and maximum
cryptographic strengths available to applets/applications in different
The conditions that must be met by your provider in order to
enable it to be plugged into JCE in the Java 2 SDK, v 1.4 are the
The provider code should be written in such a way that
provider classes become unusable if instantiated by an
application directly, bypassing JCE. See Step 1:
Write Your Service Implementation Code in the Steps to
and Integrate a Provider section.
The provider package must be signed by an entity trusted by
JCE framework. (See Step 5a through
Step 5c.) U.S. vendors whose providers
may be exported outside the U.S. first need to apply for U.S.
government export approval. (See Step 8.)
Below is an edited version of the file,
which contains a class named SunJCE that is the master class for the provider named "SunJCE".
As with all master classes, this class is a subclass of Provider.
It specifies the class names and package locations of all the
cryptographic service implementations
supplied by the "SunJCE" provider. This information is used by the
getInstance methods of the engine classes
to look up the various algorithms and other services when they are
This code is supplied as an example of a provider master class.