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JavaFX: Bringing Rich Experiences To All the Screens Of Your Life

Profile: desktop, common


The MediaPlayer class provides the controls for playing media. It is used in combination with the Media and MediaViewer classes to display and control media playing. Note that the MediaPlayer does not contain any visual elements so must be used with the MediaView class to view the media.

See Also:
Media, MediaView

Profile: common

Script Variable Summary

accessnametypeCan ReadCan InitCan WriteDefault Valuedescription

Status value when player is buffering.

Status value when player is buffering. Buffering may occur when player is paused or playing

Profile: common


Status value when player is paused


status value when player is playing


Value of repeatCount to repeat forever


Value of repeatCount for no repeating (play once)


Status value when player is stalled.

Status value when player is stalled. STALLED occurs when media is being played, but data is not being delivered fast enough to continue playing

See Also:

Profile: common


Variable Summary

accessnametypeCan ReadCan InitCan WriteDefault Valuedescription

If autoPlay is true, playing will start as soon as possible


Defines the balance, or left right setting, of the audio output.

Defines the balance, or left right setting, of the audio output. Value ranges continuously from -1.0 being left, 0 being center, and 1.0 being right.

Profile: common


For a bufferred stream, the current buffer position which indicates how much media can be played without stalling the MediaPlayer.


Defines the current number of time the media has repeated


The current media time, may be read to indicate the current position or written to cause the media to seek to the set position.

The current media time, may be read to indicate the current position or written to cause the media to seek to the set position. Note that since the variable is being updated by the JavaFX rutime, bind with inverse must be used if it is being bound from another variable.

Profile: common


The sequence of tracks that are currently enabled on this MediaPlayer To enable or disable tracks, a Track is respctively added or removed from this sequence.


The fader, or forward and back setting, of audio output on 4+ channel output.

The fader, or forward and back setting, of audio output on 4+ channel output. value ranges continuously from -1.0 being rear, 0 being center, and 1.0 being forward.

Profile: common


Defines the source Media to be played


Equals true if the player's audio is muted, false otherwise.


Invoked when the player is buffering data.

Invoked when the player is buffering data. timeRemaining is an estimate of how much time it will take before the mediaPlayer can play the media

Profile: common


Invoked when the player reaches the end of media


The onError function is called when a mediaError occurs on this player.

The onError function is called when a mediaError occurs on this player. Note that onError shoudl be intitialized before other variables so that errors can be handled appropriately.

See Also:

Profile: common


Invoked when the player reaches the end of media.


Invoked when the player has stalled because it was not receiving data fast enough to continue playing.

Invoked when the player has stalled because it was not receiving data fast enough to continue playing. timeRemaining is an estimate of how much time it will take before the mediaPlayer can continue playing.

Profile: common


Indicated if the player has been paused, either programatically, by the user, or because the media has finished playing


Defines the rate at which the media is being played.

Defines the rate at which the media is being played. Rate 1.0 is normal play, 2.0 is 2 time normal, -1.0 is backwards. Note that all media formats do not support playing backwards or arbitrary rates.

Profile: common


Defines the number of times the media should repeat.

Defines the number of times the media should repeat. if repeatCount is 1 the media will play once. if it is REPEAT_FOREVER, it will repeat indefinitely

Profile: common


Defines the time offset where media should start playing, or restart from when repeating


Reflects the current status of the MediaPlayer.

Reflects the current status of the MediaPlayer. The status is one of PAUSED: The player has been paused PLAYING: The player is playing BUFFERING: This may occur when player is paused or playing STALLED : Occurs when media is being played, but data is not being delivered fast enough to continue playing

Profile: common


Defines the time offset where media should stop playing or restart when repeating


Indicates if this player can have multiple views associated with it.


the sequence media timers for this player.

the sequence media timers for this player. For each Timer in this sequence, its action function will be invoked when the time is reached by this MediaPlayer

See Also:

Profile: common


Defines the volume at which the media is being played.

Defines the volume at which the media is being played. 1.0 is full volume, which is the default.

Profile: common


Inherited Variables

Function Summary

public pause() : Boolean

Pauses playing

Pauses playing


Profile: common

public play() : Boolean

Starts or resumes playing

Starts or resumes playing


Profile: common

public stop() : Number

Stops playing, resets to beginning of media, and resets the play count

Stops playing, resets to beginning of media, and resets the play count


Profile: common


Inherited Functions