Spec-Zone .ru
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JavaFX: Bringing Rich Experiences To All the Screens Of Your Life

Profile: desktop, common


Represents a spot light source at a given position in 3D space, with configurable direction and focus.

the code:

import javafx.scene.*;
    import javafx.scene.effect.*;
    import javafx.scene.effect.light.*;
    import javafx.scene.paint.*;
    import javafx.scene.shape.*;
    import javafx.scene.text.*;

    Group {
    var t:Text;
    content: [
    Rectangle {
    width: bind t.layoutBounds.width+30
    height: bind t.layoutBounds.height+20
    fill: Color.BLACK
    t = Text {
    effect: Lighting {
    light: SpotLight {
    x: 0 y: 100 z: 50
    pointsAtX: 400 pointsAtY: 0
    pointsAtZ: 0
    specularExponent: 2
    surfaceScale: 5
    textOrigin: TextOrigin.TOP
    x: 10 y: 10
    content: "SpotLight"
    fill: Color.RED
    font: Font.font(null, FontWeight.BOLD, 90);

Profile: desktop

Variable Summary

access name type Can Read Can Init Can Write Default Value description
public pointsAtX Number 0.0

The x coordinate of the direction vector for this light.

The x coordinate of the direction vector for this light.

       Min: n/a
       Max: n/a
   Default: 0.0
  Identity: n/a

public pointsAtY Number 0.0

The y coordinate of the direction vector for this light.

The y coordinate of the direction vector for this light.

       Min: n/a
       Max: n/a
   Default: 0.0
  Identity: n/a

public pointsAtZ Number 0.0

The z coordinate of the direction vector for this light.

The z coordinate of the direction vector for this light.

       Min: n/a
       Max: n/a
   Default: 0.0
  Identity: n/a

public specularExponent Number 1.0

The specular exponent, which controls the focus of this light source.

The specular exponent, which controls the focus of this light source.

       Min: 0.0
       Max: 4.0
   Default: 1.0
  Identity: 1.0


Inherited Variables


access name type Can Read Can Init Can Write Default Value description
public x Number 0.0

The x coordinate of the light position.

The x coordinate of the light position.

       Min: n/a
       Max: n/a
   Default: 0.0
  Identity: n/a

public y Number 0.0

The y coordinate of the light position.

The y coordinate of the light position.

       Min: n/a
       Max: n/a
   Default: 0.0
  Identity: n/a

public z Number 0.0

The z coordinate of the light position.

The z coordinate of the light position.

       Min: n/a
       Max: n/a
   Default: 0.0
  Identity: n/a



access name type Can Read Can Init Can Write Default Value description
public color Color WHITE

The color of the light source.

The color of the light source.

       Min: n/a
       Max: n/a
   Default: Color.WHITE
  Identity: n/a


Inherited Functions


public impl_getImpl() : com.sun.scenario.effect.light.Light


public abstract impl_getImpl() : com.sun.scenario.effect.light.Light