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JavaFX: Bringing Rich Experiences To All the Screens Of Your Life

Profile: desktop, common


An effect that shifts each pixel by a distance specified by the first two bands of of the specified FloatMap. For each pixel in the output, the corresponding data from the mapData is retrieved, scaled and offset by the scale and offset attributes, scaled again by the size of the source input image and used as an offset from the destination pixel to retrieve the pixel data from the source input.

     dst[x,y] = src[(x,y) + (offset+scale*map[x,y])*(srcw,srch)]
A value of (0.0, 0.0) would specify no offset for the pixel data whereas a value of (0.5, 0.5) would specify an offset of half of the source image size.

Note that the mapping is the offset from a destination pixel to the source pixel location from which it is sampled which means that filling the map with all values of 0.5 would displace the image by half of its size towards the upper left since each destination pixel would contain the data that comes from the source pixel below and to the right of it.

Also note that this effect does not adjust the coordinates of input events or any methods that measure containment on a Node. The results of mouse picking and the containment methods are undefined when a Node has a DisplacementMap effect in place.

the code:

import java.lang.Math;
    import javafx.scene.*;
    import javafx.scene.text.*;
    import javafx.scene.shape.*;
    import javafx.scene.paint.*;
    import javafx.scene.effect.*;

    var w = 220;
    var h = 100;
    var map = FloatMap { width: w height: h }
    for (i:Integer in [0..w-1]) {
    var v = (Math.sin(i/50.0*Math.PI)-0.5)/40.0;
    for (j:Integer in [0..h-1]) {
    map.setSamples(i, j, 0.0, v);
    Group {
    effect: DisplacementMap { mapData: map }
    cache: true
    content: [
    Rectangle {
    x: 20 y: 20
    width: w
    height: h
    fill: Color.BLUE
    Text {
    x: 40 y: 80
    content: "Wavy Text"
    fill: Color.YELLOW
    font: Font.font(null, FontWeight.BOLD, 36);

Profile: desktop

Variable Summary

access name type Can Read Can Init Can Write Default Value description
public input Effect null

The input for this Effect.

The input for this Effect. If set to null, or left unspecified, a graphical image of the Node to which the Effect is attached will be used as the input.

public mapData FloatMap an empty map

The map data for this Effect.

public offsetX Number 0.0

The offset by which all x coordinate offset values in the FloatMap are displaced after they are scaled.

The offset by which all x coordinate offset values in the FloatMap are displaced after they are scaled.

       Min: n/a
       Max: n/a
   Default: 0.0
  Identity: 0.0

public offsetY Number 0.0

The offset by which all y coordinate offset values in the FloatMap are displaced after they are scaled.

The offset by which all y coordinate offset values in the FloatMap are displaced after they are scaled.

       Min: n/a
       Max: n/a
   Default: 0.0
  Identity: 0.0

public scaleX Number 1.0

The scale factor by which all x coordinate offset values in the FloatMap are multiplied.

The scale factor by which all x coordinate offset values in the FloatMap are multiplied.

       Min: n/a
       Max: n/a
   Default: 1.0
  Identity: 1.0

public scaleY Number 1.0

The scale factor by which all y coordinate offset values in the FloatMap are multiplied.

The scale factor by which all y coordinate offset values in the FloatMap are multiplied.

       Min: n/a
       Max: n/a
   Default: 1.0
  Identity: 1.0

public wrap Boolean false

Defines whether values taken from outside the edges of the map "wrap around" or not.

Defines whether values taken from outside the edges of the map "wrap around" or not.

       Min:  n/a
       Max:  n/a
   Default: false
  Identity:  n/a


Inherited Variables

Function Summary

public impl_getImpl() : com.sun.scenario.effect.Effect

Inherited Functions


public getAccelType(config: java.lang.Object) : java.lang.String

Returns a String representing the type of hardware acceleration, if any, that is used when applying this Effect on the given GraphicsConfiguration.

Returns a String representing the type of hardware acceleration, if any, that is used when applying this Effect on the given GraphicsConfiguration. This method is intended for informational or debugging purposes only.

public impl_add(node: Node) : Void
public abstract impl_getImpl() : com.sun.scenario.effect.Effect
public impl_remove(node: Node) : Void