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pkgbuild(1)               BSD General Commands Manual              pkgbuild(1)

     pkgbuild -- Build an OS X Installer component package from on-disk files

     pkgbuild [options] --root root-path [--component-plist plist-path] package-output-path
     pkgbuild --analyze --root root-path plist-output-path
     pkgbuild [options] {--component component-path} package-output-path

     A ``component package'' contains payload to be installed by the OS X Installer. Although a component
     package can be installed on its own, it is typically incorporated into a product archive, along with a
     ``distribution'' and localized resources, using productbuild(1).

     To create a product archive for submission to the Mac App Store, do not use pkgbuild.  Instead, use
     productbuild(1) directly.

     pkgbuild has three different modes, as shown in the SYNOPSIS above:

     1.   Package a complete destination root. When you use xcodebuild(1) with the install action, the
          result is a destination root, either under /tmp, or in whatever location you specify with the
          Xcode DSTROOT setting. Use the --root option to specify that destination root directory to
          pkgbuild, and the entire contents of the directory tree will be included in the output package.

     2.   Create a template component property list (analyze mode). You point pkgbuild to a destination root
          as above, but instead of outputting a package, pkgbuild outputs a component property list (see
          COMPONENT PROPERTY LIST).  By editing this property list and specifying it with --component-plist
          when you subsequently build the package, you can control bundle-specific Installer behavior.

     3.   Package one or more individual bundles. If you don't have a destination root, you can use the
          --component option to specify one or more bundles that should be incorporated into the package.
          Note that only bundles can be specified with --component.

     --root root-path
                 Package the entire contents of the directory tree at root-path, typically a destination
                 root created by xcodebuild(1).

     --component component-path
                 The bundle at component-path is added to the package. Valid only if you don't use --root.

     --component-plist plist-path
                 If you specify --root, you can use --component-plist to identity the bundles within that
                 destination root, and control how the OS X Installer handles those bundles. See more at
                 COMPONENT PROPERTY LIST.  If you add bundles and need to update your component property
                 list, you can specify the old version with --component-plist when running pkgbuild with
                 --analyze, and the old settings will be propagated to the output for still-extant bundles.

     --scripts scripts-path
                 Archive the entire contents of scripts-path as the package scripts. If this directory con-tains contains
                 tains scripts named preinstall and/or postinstall, these will be run as the top-level
                 scripts of the package. If you want to run scripts for specific bundles, you must specify
                 those in a component property list; see more at COMPONENT PROPERTY LIST.  Any other files
                 under scripts-path will be used only if the top-level or component-specific scripts invoke

                 Indicates that the package will contain only scripts, with no payload.

     --identifier pkg-identifier
                 Specify a unique identifier for this package. The OS X Installer recognizes a package as
                 being an upgrade to an already-installed package only if the package identifiers match, so
                 it is advisable to set a meaningful, consistent identifier when you build the package.
                 pkgbuild will infer an identifier when building a package from a single component, but will
                 fail otherwise if the identifier has not been set.

     --version pkg-version
                 Specify a version for the package. Packages with the same identifier are compared using
                 this version, to determine if the package is an upgrade or downgrade. If you don't specify
                 a version, a default of zero is assumed, but this may prevent proper upgrade/downgrade

     --install-location install-path
                 Specify the default install location for the contents of the package. For example, if you
                 specify a single application component, you might specify an install-path of /Applications.
                 pkgbuild attempts to infer a sensible install path if this option is not used, but it may
                 not choose correctly. Note that whether or not the default install location is actually
                 used by the OS X Installer depends on the distribution file you deploy with the package.

     --analyze   Instead of creating a package, create a template component property list from the destina-tion destination
                 tion root given with --root.  See COMPONENT PROPERTY LIST.

     --prior pkg-path
                 In addition to the options above, you can also set the package identifier, version and
                 install location by pointing to a prior version of the same package.  pkgbuild will read
                 the package at pkg-path and use the same package identifier and install location contained
                 therein. The version number in the prior package will be converted to an integer and incre-mented, incremented,
                 mented, and the result used for the new package. Note that pkgbuild makes no attempt to
                 verify that the prior package is in any way equivalent to the one being built, so you must
                 make sure you point it to a logically equivalent package.

     --filter filter-expression
                 By default, --root will include the entire contents of the given root-path in the package
                 payload, except for any .svn or CVS directories, and any .DS_Store files. You can override
                 these default filters by specifying one or more --filter options. Each filter-expression is
                 an re_format(7) ``extended'' expression: any path in the root which matches any of the
                 given expressions will be excluded from the package payload. (Note that specifying even one
                 --filter inhibits the default filters, so you must respecify the default filters if you
                 still want them to be used.)

     --ownership (recommended | preserve | preserve-other)
                 By default, when the payload is archived into the package, the recommended UID and GID will
                 be applied to all files. (Generally, this will be root:wheel, which ensures that files
                 installed in the system domain are root-owned, while files installed in the user home
                 directory will be owned by that user.) If you have special ownership requirements, you
                 should use chmod(1) to adjust the ownership of the source files, and use --ownership
                 preserve so that pkgbuild archives the exact ownership of the on-disk files. Alternatively,
                 if you have just a few files to adjust, --ownership preserve-other will apply the recom-mended recommended
                 mended UID and GID to those files that are owned by the user running pkgbuild, but leave
                 other files unchanged. Note that pkgbuild never changes the ownership of the actual on-disk
                 files, only the ownership that is archived into the package.

     --sign identity-name
                 Adds a digital signature to the resulting package. See SIGNED PACKAGES

     --keychain keychain-path
                 Specify a specific keychain to search for the signing identity. See SIGNED PACKAGES

     --cert certificate-name
                 Specify an intermediate certificate to be embedded in the package. See SIGNED_PACKAGES

                 Include a trusted timestamp with the signature. See SIGNED_PACKAGES

                 Disable trusted timestamp, regardless of identity. See SIGNED_PACKAGES

     --quiet     Inhibits status messages on stdout. Any error messages are still sent to stderr.

                   The path to which the package will be written.

                   When --analyze is used, the path to which the template component property list will be

     When you package a destination root, you can use a component property list to specify how bundles in
     that root should be handled by the OS X Installer. This property list should be an array of dictionar-ies, dictionaries,
     ies, where each dictionary specifies a single bundle. The dictionary keys are as follows:

     Key                            Description
     RootRelativeBundlePath         Path to bundle relative to the destination root (string)
     BundleIsRelocatable            Install bundle over previous version if moved by user? (bool)
     BundleIsVersionChecked         Don't install bundle if newer version on disk? (bool)
     BundleHasStrictIdentifier      Require identical bundle identifiers at install path? (bool)
     BundleOverwriteAction          How to treat existing on-disk version of bundle (string)
     BundlePreInstallScriptPath     Relative path to bundle-specific preinstall script
     BundlePostInstallScriptPath    Relative path to bundle-specific postinstall script
     ChildBundles                   Bundles under this bundle (array of dictionaries)

     The easiest way to create a component property list is to use the --analyze option and point pkgbuild
     at your current destination root. The output will be a component property list with default attributes,
     which you can then edit as needed. You can also specify a previous version of your component property
     list when using --analyze, which will cause the attributes of previously existing bundles to be propa-gated propagated
     gated forward.

     BundleOverwriteAction specifies how an existing version of the bundle on disk should be handled when
     the version in the package is installed. If you specify upgrade, the bundle in the package atomically
     replaces any version on disk; this has the effect of deleting old paths that no longer exist in the new
     version of the bundle.  If you specify update, the bundle in the package overwrites the version on
     disk, and any files not contained in the package will be left intact; this is appropriate when you are
     delivering an update-only package.  Another effect of update is that the package bundle will not be
     installed at all if there is not already a version on disk; this allows a package to deliver an update
     for an app that the user might have deleted.

     BundlePreInstallScriptPath and BundlePostInstallScriptPath are meaningful only if --scripts was used to
     specify a scripts directory. The paths given by these keys must be relative to the scripts directory.

     ChildBundles can be used to represent nesting of bundles, but it does not change the meaning of
     RootRelativeBundlePath within lower-level dictionaries (i.e. it is always relative to the destination
     root).  If you write a component property list manually, you do not need to use ChildBundles at all;
     you can simply put all bundle dictionaries in the top-level array.

     When creating a package, you can optionally add a digital signature to the package.  You will need to
     have a certificate and corresponding private key -- together called an ``identity'' -- in one of your
     accessible keychains. To add a signature, specify the name of the identity using the --sign option. The
     identity's name is the same as the ``Common Name'' of the certificate.

     If you want to search for the identity in a specific keychain, specify the path to the keychain file
     using the --keychain option. Otherwise, the default keychain search path is used.

     pkgbuild will embed the signing certificate in the product archive, as well as any intermediate cer-tificates certificates
     tificates that are found in the keychain. If you need to embed additional certificates to form a chain
     of trust between the signing certificate and a trusted root certificate on the system, use the --cert
     option to give the Common Name of the intermediate certificate. Multiple --cert options may be used to
     embed multiple intermediate certificates.

     The signature can optionally include a trusted timestamp. This is enabled by default when signing with
     a Developer ID identity, but it can be enabled explicitly using the --timestamp option. A timestamp
     server must be contacted to embed a trusted timestamp. If you aren't connected to the Internet, you can
     use --timestamp=none to disable timestamps, even for a Developer ID identity.

     Note that if you are going to create a signed product with the resulting package, using
     productbuild(1), there is no reason to sign the individual package.

     pkgbuild --identifier com.sample.pkg.app --root /tmp/Sample.dst Sample.pkg

             Build the package Sample.pkg using the entire contents of the destination root /tmp/Sample.dst.

     pkgbuild --analyze --root /tmp/Sample.dst components.plist

             Analyze the destination root /tmp/Sample.dst, and write a template component property list to

     pkgbuild --identifier com.sample.pkg.app --root /tmp/Sample.dst --component-plist components-edited.plist componentsedited.plist
             edited.plist Sample.pkg

             Build the package Sample.pkg using the destination root /tmp/Sample.dst, using the bundle-spe-cific bundle-specific
             cific behaviors indicated in components-edited.plist.

     pkgbuild --identifier com.sample.pkg.app --root /tmp/Sample.dst --sign sample-identity Sample.pkg

             Build the package Sample.pkg using the destination root /tmp/Sample.dst, and sign the resulting
             package using the identity sample-identity. You will be prompted to allow pkgbuild to access
             the keychain item, unless Always Allow was chosen previously.

     productbuild(1), xcodebuild(1)

Mac OS                        September 15, 2010                        Mac OS

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