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The stopword list is loaded and searched for full-text queries using the server character set and collation (the
values of the character_set_server
and collation_server
system variables). False hits or misses might occur for stopword
lookups if the stopword file or columns used for full-text indexing or searches have a character set or
collation different from character_set_server
or collation_server
Case sensitivity of stopword lookups depends on the server collation. For example, lookups are case insensitive
if the collation is latin1_swedish_ci
, whereas lookups are case sensitive if the
collation is latin1_general_cs
or latin1_bin
Search IndexesInnoDB
has a relatively short list of default stopwords, because documents from
technical, literary, and so on sources often use short words as keywords or in significant phrases. For example,
you might search for "to be or not to be" and
expect to get a sensible result, rather than having all those words ignored.
To see the list, query the table information_schema.innodb_ft_default_stopword
. To define your own stopword list
used for all InnoDB
tables, define a table with the same structure as innodb_ft_default_stopword
fill it with the desired stopwords, and set the value of the innodb_ft_server_stopword_table
option to a value of the form
before creating the search index. To create special stopword lists on a table-by-table basis, define other
tables to hold these lists and specify the appropriate one in the db_name
option before creating the search index.
Search Indexes In MySQL 5.6, the stopword file is loaded and searched using latin1
if character_set_server
is ucs2
, utf16
, or utf32
. If any table was created with FULLTEXT
indexes while the server character set was ucs2
, utf16
, utf16le
or utf32
, it should be repaired using this statement:
The following table shows the default list of stopwords for MyISAM
search indexes.
In a MySQL source distribution, you can find this list in the storage/myisam/ft_static.c
a's | able | about | above | according |
accordingly | across | actually | after | afterwards |
again | against | ain't | all | allow |
allows | almost | alone | along | already |
also | although | always | am | among |
amongst | an | and | another | any |
anybody | anyhow | anyone | anything | anyway |
anyways | anywhere | apart | appear | appreciate |
appropriate | are | aren't | around | as |
aside | ask | asking | associated | at |
available | away | awfully | be | became |
because | become | becomes | becoming | been |
before | beforehand | behind | being | believe |
below | beside | besides | best | better |
between | beyond | both | brief | but |
by | c'mon | c's | came | can |
can't | cannot | cant | cause | causes |
certain | certainly | changes | clearly | co |
com | come | comes | concerning | consequently |
consider | considering | contain | containing | contains |
corresponding | could | couldn't | course | currently |
definitely | described | despite | did | didn't |
different | do | does | doesn't | doing |
don't | done | down | downwards | during |
each | edu | eg | eight | either |
else | elsewhere | enough | entirely | especially |
et | etc | even | ever | every |
everybody | everyone | everything | everywhere | ex |
exactly | example | except | far | few |
fifth | first | five | followed | following |
follows | for | former | formerly | forth |
four | from | further | furthermore | get |
gets | getting | given | gives | go |
goes | going | gone | got | gotten |
greetings | had | hadn't | happens | hardly |
has | hasn't | have | haven't | having |
he | he's | hello | help | hence |
her | here | here's | hereafter | hereby |
herein | hereupon | hers | herself | hi |
him | himself | his | hither | hopefully |
how | howbeit | however | i'd | i'll |
i'm | i've | ie | if | ignored |
immediate | in | inasmuch | inc | indeed |
indicate | indicated | indicates | inner | insofar |
instead | into | inward | is | isn't |
it | it'd | it'll | it's | its |
itself | just | keep | keeps | kept |
know | known | knows | last | lately |
later | latter | latterly | least | less |
lest | let | let's | like | liked |
likely | little | look | looking | looks |
ltd | mainly | many | may | maybe |
me | mean | meanwhile | merely | might |
more | moreover | most | mostly | much |
must | my | myself | name | namely |
nd | near | nearly | necessary | need |
needs | neither | never | nevertheless | new |
next | nine | no | nobody | non |
none | noone | nor | normally | not |
nothing | novel | now | nowhere | obviously |
of | off | often | oh | ok |
okay | old | on | once | one |
ones | only | onto | or | other |
others | otherwise | ought | our | ours |
ourselves | out | outside | over | overall |
own | particular | particularly | per | perhaps |
placed | please | plus | possible | presumably |
probably | provides | que | quite | qv |
rather | rd | re | really | reasonably |
regarding | regardless | regards | relatively | respectively |
right | said | same | saw | say |
saying | says | second | secondly | see |
seeing | seem | seemed | seeming | seems |
seen | self | selves | sensible | sent |
serious | seriously | seven | several | shall |
she | should | shouldn't | since | six |
so | some | somebody | somehow | someone |
something | sometime | sometimes | somewhat | somewhere |
soon | sorry | specified | specify | specifying |
still | sub | such | sup | sure |
t's | take | taken | tell | tends |
th | than | thank | thanks | thanx |
that | that's | thats | the | their |
theirs | them | themselves | then | thence |
there | there's | thereafter | thereby | therefore |
therein | theres | thereupon | these | they |
they'd | they'll | they're | they've | think |
third | this | thorough | thoroughly | those |
though | three | through | throughout | thru |
thus | to | together | too | took |
toward | towards | tried | tries | truly |
try | trying | twice | two | un |
under | unfortunately | unless | unlikely | until |
unto | up | upon | us | use |
used | useful | uses | using | usually |
value | various | very | via | viz |
vs | want | wants | was | wasn't |
way | we | we'd | we'll | we're |
we've | welcome | well | went | were |
weren't | what | what's | whatever | when |
whence | whenever | where | where's | whereafter |
whereas | whereby | wherein | whereupon | wherever |
whether | which | while | whither | who |
who's | whoever | whole | whom | whose |
why | will | willing | wish | with |
within | without | won't | wonder | would |
wouldn't | yes | yet | you | you'd |
you'll | you're | you've | your | yours |
yourself | yourselves | zero |