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This INFORMATION_SCHEMA table presents a wide variety of InnoDB performance information, complementing the specific focus areas of the PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA tables for InnoDB. With simple queries, you can check the overall health of the system. With more detailed queries, you can diagnose issues such as performance bottlenecks, resource shortages, and application issues.

Each monitor represents a point within the InnoDB source code that is instrumented to gather counter information. Each counter can be started, stopped, and reset. You can also perform these actions for a group of counters using their common module name.

Table 20.18. INNODB_METRICS Columns

Column name Description
NAME Unique name for the counter.
SUBSYSTEM The aspect of InnoDB that the metric applies to. See the list following the table for the corresponding module names to use with the SET GLOBAL syntax.
COUNT Value since the counter is enabled.
MAX_COUNT Maximum value since the counter is enabled.
MIN_COUNT Minimum value since the counter is enabled.
AVG_COUNT Average value since the counter is enabled.
COUNT_RESET Counter value since it was last reset. (The _RESET fields act like the lap counter on a stopwatch: you can measure the activity during some time interval, while the cumulative figures are still available in the COUNT, MAX_COUNT, and so on fields.)
MAX_COUNT_RESET Maximum counter value since it was last reset.
MIN_COUNT_RESET Minimum counter value since it was last reset.
AVG_COUNT_RESET Average counter value since it was last reset.
TIME_ENABLED Timestamp of last start.
TIME_DISABLED Timestamp of last stop.
TIME_ELAPSED Elapsed time in seconds since the counter started.
TIME_RESET Timestamp of last stop.
STATUS Whether the counter is still running () or stopped ().
TYPE Whether the item is a cumulative counter, or measures the current valueof some resource.
COMMENT Additional description.
