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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
JavaTM 2 Platform Standard Edition |
Packages that use String | |
java.applet | Provides the classes necessary to create an applet and the classes an applet uses to communicate with its applet context. |
java.awt | Contains all of the classes for creating user interfaces and for painting graphics and images. |
java.awt.color | Provides classes for color spaces. |
java.awt.datatransfer | Provides interfaces and classes for transferring data between and within applications. |
java.awt.dnd | Drag and Drop is a direct manipulation gesture found in many Graphical User Interface systems that provides a mechanism to transfer information between two entities logically associated with presentation elements in the GUI. |
java.awt.event | Provides interfaces and classes for dealing with different types of events fired by AWT components. |
java.awt.font | Provides classes and interface relating to fonts. |
java.awt.geom | Provides the Java 2D classes for defining and performing operations on objects related to two-dimensional geometry. |
java.awt.image | Provides classes for creating and modifying images. |
java.awt.image.renderable | Provides classes and interfaces for producing rendering-independent images. |
java.awt.print | Provides classes and interfaces for a general printing API. |
java.beans | Contains classes related to Java Beans development. |
java.beans.beancontext | Provides classes and interfaces relating to bean context. |
java.io | Provides for system input and output through data streams, serialization and the file system. |
java.lang | Provides classes that are fundamental to the design of the Java programming language. |
java.lang.reflect | Provides classes and interfaces for obtaining reflective information about classes and objects. |
java.math | Provides classes for performing arbitrary-precision integer arithmetic (BigInteger) and arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic (BigDecimal). |
java.net | Provides the classes for implementing networking applications. |
java.rmi | Provides the RMI package. |
java.rmi.activation | Provides support for RMI Object Activation. |
java.rmi.dgc | Provides classes and interface for RMI distributed garbage-collection (DGC). |
java.rmi.registry | Provides a class and two interfaces for the RMI registry. |
java.rmi.server | Provides classes and interfaces for supporting the server side of RMI. |
java.security | Provides the classes and interfaces for the security framework. |
java.security.acl | The classes and interfaces in this package have been superseded by classes in the java.security package. |
java.security.cert | Provides classes and interfaces for parsing and managing certificates. |
java.security.spec | Provides classes and interfaces for key specifications and algorithm parameter specifications. |
java.sql | Provides the JDBC package. |
java.text | Provides classes and interfaces for handling text, dates, numbers, and messages in a manner independent of natural languages. |
java.util | Contains the collections framework, legacy collection classes, event model, date and time facilities, internationalization, and miscellaneous utility classes (a string tokenizer, a random-number generator, and a bit array). |
java.util.jar | Provides classes for reading and writing the JAR (Java ARchive) file format, which is based on the standard ZIP file format with an optional manifest file. |
java.util.zip | Provides classes for reading and writing the standard ZIP and GZIP file formats. |
javax.accessibility | Defines a contract between user-interface components and an assistive technology that provides access to those components. |
javax.swing | Provides a set of "lightweight" (all-Java language) components that, to the maximum degree possible, work the same on all platforms. |
javax.swing.border | Provides classes and interface for drawing specialized borders around a Swing component. |
javax.swing.colorchooser | Contains classes and interfaces used by the JColorChooser component. |
javax.swing.event | Provides for events fired by Swing components. |
javax.swing.filechooser | Contains classes and interfaces used by the JFileChooser component. |
javax.swing.plaf | Provides one interface and many abstract classes that Swing uses to provide its pluggable look-and-feel capabilities. |
javax.swing.plaf.basic | Provides user interface objects built according to the Basic look-and-feel. |
javax.swing.plaf.metal | Provides user interface objects built according to the ``metal'' look-and-feel. |
javax.swing.plaf.multi | The multiplexing look and feel allows users to combine auxiliary look and feels with the default look and feel. |
javax.swing.table | Provides classes and interfaces for dealing with java.awt.swing.JTable. |
javax.swing.text | Provides classes and interfaces that deal with editable and noneditable text components. |
javax.swing.text.html | Provides the class HTMLEditorKit and supporting classes
for creating HTML text editors. |
javax.swing.text.html.parser | |
javax.swing.text.rtf | Provides a class (RTFEditorKit) for creating Rich-Text-Format text editors. |
javax.swing.tree | Provides classes and interfaces for dealing with java.awt.swing.JTree. |
javax.swing.undo | Provides support for undo/redo capabilities in an application such as a text editor. |
org.omg.CORBA | Provides the mapping of the OMG CORBA APIs to the JavaTM programming language, including the class ORB, which is implemented so that a programmer can use it as a fully-functional Object Request Broker (ORB). |
org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage | Provides the exceptions used with the DynAny interface
(InvalidValue ,
Invalid , InvalidSeq , and
TypeMismatch ). |
org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage | Provides the exception InvalidName , which is thrown
by the method ORB.resolve_initial_references
and the exception InconsistentTypeCode , which is thrown
by the Dynamic Any creation methods in the ORB class. |
org.omg.CORBA.portable | Provides a portability layer, that is, a set of ORB APIs that makes it possible for code generated by one vendor to run on another vendor's ORB. |
org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage | Provides the user-defined exceptions BadKind
and Bounds , which are thrown by methods in
in the class TypeCode . |
org.omg.CosNaming | Provides the naming service for Java IDL. |
org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage | Provides the exceptions used in the package org.omg.CosNaming
(AlreadyBound , CannotProceed ,
InvalidName , NotEmpty , and
NotFound )
and also the Helper and Holder classes for those
exceptions. |
Uses of String in java.applet |
Methods in java.applet that return String | |
String |
Applet.getParameter(String name)
Returns the value of the named parameter in the HTML tag. |
String |
Returns information about this applet. |
String[][] |
Returns information about the parameters than are understood by this applet. |
String |
AppletStub.getParameter(String name)
Returns the value of the named parameter in the HTML tag. |
Methods in java.applet with parameters of type String | |
String |
Applet.getParameter(String name)
Returns the value of the named parameter in the HTML tag. |
void |
Applet.showStatus(String msg)
Requests that the argument string be displayed in the "status window". |
Image |
Applet.getImage(URL url,
String name)
Returns an Image object that can then be painted on
the screen. |
AudioClip |
Applet.getAudioClip(URL url,
String name)
Returns the AudioClip object specified by the
URL and name arguments. |
void |
Applet.play(URL url,
String name)
Plays the audio clip given the URL and a specifier that is relative to it. |
String |
AppletStub.getParameter(String name)
Returns the value of the named parameter in the HTML tag. |
Applet |
AppletContext.getApplet(String name)
Finds and returns the applet in the document represented by this applet context with the given name. |
void |
AppletContext.showDocument(URL url,
String target)
Requests that the browser or applet viewer show the Web page indicated by the url argument. |
void |
AppletContext.showStatus(String status)
Requests that the argument string be displayed in the "status window". |
Uses of String in java.awt |
Fields in java.awt declared as String | |
protected String |
The user-visible name of the cursor. |
protected String |
The logical name of this Font , as passed to the
constructor. |
static String |
The north layout constraint (top of container). |
static String |
The south layout constraint (bottom of container). |
static String |
The east layout constraint (right side of container). |
static String |
The west layout constraint (left side of container). |
static String |
The center layout constraint (middle of container). |
static String |
The component comes before the first line of the layout's content. |
static String |
The component comes after the last line of the layout's content. |
static String |
The component goes at the beginning of the line direction for the layout. |
static String |
The component goes at the end of the line direction for the layout. |
Methods in java.awt that return String | |
String |
Gets the name of the component. |
protected String |
Returns a string representing the state of this component. |
String |
Returns a string representation of this component and its values. |
protected String |
Returns the parameter string representing the state of this container. |
String |
Returns a string representation of the state of this card layout. |
abstract String[] |
Returns an array containing the names of all font families available in this GraphicsEnvironment . |
abstract String[] |
GraphicsEnvironment.getAvailableFontFamilyNames(Locale l)
Returns an array containing the localized names of all font families available in this GraphicsEnvironment . |
String |
Returns the name of this cursor. |
String |
Returns a string representation of this cursor. |
String |
Returns a string representation of the values of this Dimension object's height and
width fields. |
protected String |
Returns the parameter string representing this event. |
String |
Returns a representation of this event's values as a string. |
String |
Gets the name of the menu component. |
protected String |
Returns the parameter string representing the state of this menu component. |
String |
Returns a representation of this menu component as a string. |
abstract String |
Returns the identification string associated with this GraphicsDevice . |
String |
Returns a string representation of this point and its location in the (x, y) coordinate space. |
String |
Returns a string representation of this check box group, including the value of its current selection. |
String |
Returns a String object representing this
Graphics object's value. |
String |
Gets the text that is presented by this text component. |
String |
Gets the selected text from the text that is presented by this text component. |
protected String |
Returns the parameter string representing the state of this text component. |
String |
Returns the string representation of this grid layout's values. |
String |
Returns a rather long string representation of the hashmap which contains the mappings of keys to values for this RenderingHints object. |
String |
Gets the label of this check box. |
protected String |
Returns the parameter string representing the state of this check box. |
String |
Returns a string representation of this color. |
String |
Returns the String representation of this Color's values. |
String |
Returns an internationalized description of the MenuShortcut. |
protected String |
abstract String[] |
Deprecated. see GraphicsEnvironment.getAvailableFontFamilyNames() |
static String |
Toolkit.getProperty(String key,
String defaultValue)
Gets a property with the specified key and default. |
String |
Returns a string representation of this Insets object. |
String |
protected String |
Returns the parameter string representing the state of this scroll bar. |
String |
Choice.getItem(int index)
Gets the string at the specified index in this Choice menu. |
String |
Gets a representation of the current choice as a string. |
protected String |
Returns the parameter string representing the state of this choice menu. |
String |
Returns a representation of this FontMetrics
object's values as a String . |
String |
Gets the warning string that is displayed with this window. |
String |
Gets the label for this menu item. |
String |
Gets the command name of the action event that is fired by this menu item. |
String |
Returns the parameter string representing the state of this menu item. |
String |
Returns the parameter string representing the state of this check box menu item. |
String |
Gets the title of the frame. |
protected String |
Returns the parameter String of this Frame. |
String |
Gets the label of this button. |
String |
Returns the command name of the action event fired by this button. |
protected String |
Returns the parameter string representing the state of this button. |
protected String |
Returns the parameter string representing the state of this text field. |
String |
Gets the parameter string representing the state of this menu. |
String |
Returns a String representing this
Rectangle and its values. |
String |
Gets the title of the dialog. |
protected String |
Returns the parameter string representing the state of this dialog window. |
String |
Gets the directory of this file dialog. |
String |
Gets the selected file of this file dialog. |
protected String |
Returns the parameter string representing the state of this file dialog window. |
protected String |
Returns the parameter string representing the state of this text area. |
String |
List.getItem(int index)
Gets the item associated with the specified index. |
String[] |
Gets the items in the list. |
String |
Get the selected item on this scrolling list. |
String[] |
Get the selected items on this scrolling list. |
protected String |
Returns the parameter string representing the state of this scrolling list. |
String |
Returns a string representation of this grid bag layout's values. |
String |
String |
Returns a string representing the state of this event. |
String |
Returns the family name of this Font . |
String |
Font.getFamily(Locale l)
Returns the family name of this Font , localized for
the specified locale. |
String |
Returns the postscript name of this Font . |
String |
Returns the logical name of this Font . |
String |
Returns the font face name of this Font . |
String |
Font.getFontName(Locale l)
Returns the font face name of the Font , localized
for the specified locale. |
String |
Converts this Font object to a String
representation. |
String |
Returns a string representation of this FlowLayout
object and its values. |
String |
Gets the text of this label. |
protected String |
Returns the parameter string representing the state of this label. |
String |
Returns a string representation of the state of this border layout. |
Methods in java.awt with parameters of type String | |
void |
Component.setName(String name)
Sets the name of the component to the specified string. |
void |
Component.addPropertyChangeListener(String propertyName,
PropertyChangeListener listener)
Add a PropertyChangeListener for a specific property. |
void |
Component.removePropertyChangeListener(String propertyName,
PropertyChangeListener listener)
Remove a PropertyChangeListener for a specific property. |
protected void |
Component.firePropertyChange(String propertyName,
Object oldValue,
Object newValue)
Support for reporting bound property changes. |
Component |
Container.add(String name,
Component comp)
Adds the specified component to this container. |
void |
CardLayout.addLayoutComponent(String name,
Component comp)
Deprecated. replaced by addLayoutComponent(Component, Object) . |
void |
CardLayout.show(Container parent,
String name)
Flips to the component that was added to this layout with the specified name , using addLayoutComponent . |
static Cursor |
Cursor.getSystemCustomCursor(String name)
void |
MenuComponent.setName(String name)
Sets the name of the component to the specified string. |
abstract void |
Graphics.drawString(String str,
int x,
int y)
Draws the text given by the specified string, using this graphics context's current font and color. |
void |
TextComponent.setText(String t)
Sets the text that is presented by this text component to be the specified text. |
void |
GridLayout.addLayoutComponent(String name,
Component comp)
Adds the specified component with the specified name to the layout. |
void |
Checkbox.setLabel(String label)
Sets this check box's label to be the string argument. |
static Color |
Color.decode(String nm)
Converts a string to an integer and returns the specified opaque color. |
static Color |
Color.getColor(String nm)
Finds a color in the system properties. |
static Color |
Color.getColor(String nm,
Color v)
Finds a color in the system properties. |
static Color |
Color.getColor(String nm,
int v)
Finds a color in the system properties. |
protected abstract java.awt.peer.FontPeer |
Toolkit.getFontPeer(String name,
int style)
Deprecated. see java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment#getAllFonts |
abstract Image |
Toolkit.getImage(String filename)
Returns an image which gets pixel data from the specified file. |
abstract Image |
Toolkit.createImage(String filename)
Returns an image which gets pixel data from the specified file. |
abstract PrintJob |
Toolkit.getPrintJob(Frame frame,
String jobtitle,
Properties props)
Gets a PrintJob object which is the result
of initiating a print operation on the toolkit's platform. |
Cursor |
Toolkit.createCustomCursor(Image cursor,
Point hotSpot,
String name)
Creates a new custom cursor object. |
static String |
Toolkit.getProperty(String key,
String defaultValue)
Gets a property with the specified key and default. |
Object |
Toolkit.getDesktopProperty(String propertyName)
obtain a value for the specified desktop property. |
protected void |
Toolkit.setDesktopProperty(String name,
Object newValue)
set the named desktop property to the specified value and fire a property change event to notify any listeners that the value has changed |
protected Object |
Toolkit.lazilyLoadDesktopProperty(String name)
an opportunity to lazily evaluate desktop property values. |
void |
Toolkit.addPropertyChangeListener(String name,
PropertyChangeListener pcl)
add the specified property change listener for the named desktop property If pcl is null, no exception is thrown and no action is performed. |
void |
Toolkit.removePropertyChangeListener(String name,
PropertyChangeListener pcl)
remove the specified property change listener for the named desktop property If pcl is null, no exception is thrown and no action is performed. |
abstract Object |
Image.getProperty(String name,
ImageObserver observer)
Gets a property of this image by name. |
void |
Choice.add(String item)
Adds an item to this Choice menu. |
void |
Choice.addItem(String item)
Adds an item to this Choice. |
void |
Choice.insert(String item,
int index)
Inserts the item into this choice at the specified position. |
void |
Choice.remove(String item)
Remove the first occurrence of item
from the Choice menu. |
void |
Choice.select(String str)
Sets the selected item in this Choice menu
to be the item whose name is equal to the specified string. |
int |
FontMetrics.stringWidth(String str)
Returns the total advance width for showing the specified String in this Font . |
LineMetrics |
FontMetrics.getLineMetrics(String str,
Graphics context)
Returns the LineMetrics object for the specified
String in the specified Graphics context. |
LineMetrics |
FontMetrics.getLineMetrics(String str,
int beginIndex,
int limit,
Graphics context)
Returns the LineMetrics object for the specified
String in the specified Graphics context. |
Rectangle2D |
FontMetrics.getStringBounds(String str,
Graphics context)
Returns the bounds of the specified String in the
specified Graphics context. |
Rectangle2D |
FontMetrics.getStringBounds(String str,
int beginIndex,
int limit,
Graphics context)
Returns the bounds of the specified String in the
specified Graphics context. |
void |
Window.applyResourceBundle(String rbName)
Load the ResourceBundle with the given name using the default locale and apply its settings to this window. |
void |
MenuItem.setLabel(String label)
Sets the label for this menu item to the specified label. |
void |
MenuItem.setActionCommand(String command)
Sets the command name of the action event that is fired by this menu item. |
abstract void |
Graphics2D.drawString(String str,
int x,
int y)
Renders the text of the specified String , using the
current Font and Paint attributes in the
Graphics2D context. |
abstract void |
Graphics2D.drawString(String s,
float x,
float y)
Renders the text specified by the specified String ,
using the current Font and Paint attributes
in the Graphics2D context. |
void |
Frame.setTitle(String title)
Sets the title for this frame to the specified string. |
void |
Button.setLabel(String label)
Sets the button's label to be the specified string. |
void |
Button.setActionCommand(String command)
Sets the command name for the action event fired by this button. |
void |
TextField.setText(String t)
Sets the text that is presented by this text component to be the specified text. |
void |
Menu.add(String label)
Adds an item with the specified label to this menu. |
void |
Menu.insert(String label,
int index)
Inserts a menu item with the specified label into this menu at the specified position. |
void |
Dialog.setTitle(String title)
Sets the title of the Dialog. |
void |
LayoutManager.addLayoutComponent(String name,
Component comp)
Adds the specified component with the specified name to the layout. |
void |
FileDialog.setDirectory(String dir)
Sets the directory of this file dialog window to be the specified directory. |
void |
FileDialog.setFile(String file)
Sets the selected file for this file dialog window to be the specified file. |
void |
TextArea.insert(String str,
int pos)
Inserts the specified text at the specified position in this text area. |
void |
TextArea.insertText(String str,
int pos)
Deprecated. As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by insert(String, int) . |
void |
TextArea.append(String str)
Appends the given text to the text area's current text. |
void |
TextArea.appendText(String str)
Deprecated. As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by append(String) . |
void |
TextArea.replaceRange(String str,
int start,
int end)
Replaces text between the indicated start and end positions with the specified replacement text. |
void |
TextArea.replaceText(String str,
int start,
int end)
Deprecated. As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by replaceRange(String, int, int) . |
void |
List.add(String item)
Adds the specified item to the end of scrolling list. |
void |
List.addItem(String item)
Deprecated. replaced by add(String) . |
void |
List.add(String item,
int index)
Adds the specified item to the the scrolling list at the position indicated by the index. |
void |
List.addItem(String item,
int index)
Deprecated. replaced by add(String, int) . |
void |
List.replaceItem(String newValue,
int index)
Replaces the item at the specified index in the scrolling list with the new string. |
void |
List.remove(String item)
Removes the first occurrence of an item from the list. |
void |
GridBagLayout.addLayoutComponent(String name,
Component comp)
Adds the specified component with the specified name to the layout. |
static Font |
Font.getFont(String nm)
Returns a Font object from the system properties list. |
static Font |
Font.decode(String str)
Returns the Font that the str
argument describes. |
static Font |
Font.getFont(String nm,
Font font)
Gets the specified Font from the system properties
list. |
int |
Font.canDisplayUpTo(String str)
Indicates whether or not this Font can display a
specified String . |
LineMetrics |
Font.getLineMetrics(String str,
FontRenderContext frc)
Returns a LineMetrics object created with the specified
String and FontRenderContext . |
LineMetrics |
Font.getLineMetrics(String str,
int beginIndex,
int limit,
FontRenderContext frc)
Returns a LineMetrics object created with the
specified arguments. |
Rectangle2D |
Font.getStringBounds(String str,
FontRenderContext frc)
Returns the bounds of the specified String in the
specified FontRenderContext . |
Rectangle2D |
Font.getStringBounds(String str,
int beginIndex,
int limit,
FontRenderContext frc)
Returns the bounds of the specified String in the
specified FontRenderContext . |
GlyphVector |
Font.createGlyphVector(FontRenderContext frc,
String str)
Returns a new GlyphVector object created with the
specified String and the specified
FontRenderContext . |
void |
FlowLayout.addLayoutComponent(String name,
Component comp)
Adds the specified component to the layout. |
void |
Label.setText(String text)
Sets the text for this label to the specified text. |
protected void |
AWTEventMulticaster.saveInternal(ObjectOutputStream s,
String k)
protected static void |
AWTEventMulticaster.save(ObjectOutputStream s,
String k,
EventListener l)
void |
BorderLayout.addLayoutComponent(String name,
Component comp)
Deprecated. replaced by addLayoutComponent(Component, Object) . |
Constructors in java.awt with parameters of type String | |
AWTException.AWTException(String msg)
Constructs an instance of AWTException with the
specified detail message. |
IllegalComponentStateException.IllegalComponentStateException(String s)
Constructs an IllegalComponentStateException with the specified detail message. |
Cursor.Cursor(String name)
Creates a new custom cursor object with the specified name. |
Checkbox.Checkbox(String label)
Creates a check box with the specified label. |
Checkbox.Checkbox(String label,
boolean state)
Creates a check box with the specified label and sets the specified state. |
Checkbox.Checkbox(String label,
boolean state,
CheckboxGroup group)
Creates a check box with the specified label, in the specified check box group, and set to the specified state. |
Checkbox.Checkbox(String label,
CheckboxGroup group,
boolean state)
Constructs a Checkbox with the specified label, set to the specified state, and in the specified check box group. |
AWTPermission.AWTPermission(String name)
Creates a new AWTPermission with the specified name. |
AWTPermission.AWTPermission(String name,
String actions)
Creates a new AWTPermission object with the specified name. |
MenuItem.MenuItem(String label)
Constructs a new MenuItem with the specified label and no keyboard shortcut. |
MenuItem.MenuItem(String label,
MenuShortcut s)
Create a menu item with an associated keyboard shortcut. |
CheckboxMenuItem.CheckboxMenuItem(String label)
Create a check box menu item with the specified label. |
CheckboxMenuItem.CheckboxMenuItem(String label,
boolean state)
Create a check box menu item with the specified label and state. |
Frame.Frame(String title)
Constructs a new, initially invisible Frame object
with the specified title. |
Button.Button(String label)
Constructs a Button with the specified label. |
TextField.TextField(String text)
Constructs a new text field initialized with the specified text. |
TextField.TextField(String text,
int columns)
Constructs a new text field initialized with the specified text to be displayed, and wide enough to hold the specified number of columns. |
Menu.Menu(String label)
Constructs a new menu with the specified label. |
Menu.Menu(String label,
boolean tearOff)
Constructs a new menu with the specified label, indicating whether the menu can be torn off. |
PopupMenu.PopupMenu(String label)
Creates a new popup menu with the specified name. |
Dialog.Dialog(Frame owner,
String title)
Constructs an initially invisible, non-modal Dialog with the specified owner frame and title. |
Dialog.Dialog(Frame owner,
String title,
boolean modal)
Constructs an initially invisible Dialog with the specified owner frame, title, and modality. |
Dialog.Dialog(Dialog owner,
String title)
Constructs an initially invisible, non-modal Dialog with the specified owner dialog and title. |
Dialog.Dialog(Dialog owner,
String title,
boolean modal)
Constructs an initially invisible Dialog with the specified owner dialog, title, and modality. |
FileDialog.FileDialog(Frame parent,
String title)
Creates a file dialog window with the specified title for loading a file. |
FileDialog.FileDialog(Frame parent,
String title,
int mode)
Creates a file dialog window with the specified title for loading or saving a file. |
AWTError.AWTError(String msg)
Constructs an instance of AWTError with the specified
detail message. |
TextArea.TextArea(String text)
Constructs a new text area with the specified text. |
TextArea.TextArea(String text,
int rows,
int columns)
Constructs a new text area with the specified text, and with the specified number of rows and columns. |
TextArea.TextArea(String text,
int rows,
int columns,
int scrollbars)
Constructs a new text area with the specified text, and with the rows, columns, and scroll bar visibility as specified. |
Font.Font(String name,
int style,
int size)
Creates a new Font from the specified name, style and
point size. |
Label.Label(String text)
Constructs a new label with the specified string of text, left justified. |
Label.Label(String text,
int alignment)
Constructs a new label that presents the specified string of text with the specified alignment. |
Uses of String in java.awt.color |
Methods in java.awt.color that return String | |
String |
ColorSpace.getName(int idx)
Returns the name of the component given the component index |
Methods in java.awt.color with parameters of type String | |
static ICC_Profile |
ICC_Profile.getInstance(String fileName)
Constructs an ICC_Profile corresponding to the data in a file. |
void |
ICC_Profile.write(String fileName)
Write this ICC_Profile to a file. |
Constructors in java.awt.color with parameters of type String | |
CMMException.CMMException(String s)
Constructs a CMMException with the specified detail message. |
ProfileDataException.ProfileDataException(String s)
Constructs a ProfileDataException with the specified detail message. |
Uses of String in java.awt.datatransfer |
Fields in java.awt.datatransfer declared as String | |
static String |
a MIME Content-Type of application/x-java-serialized-object represents a graph of Java object(s) that have been made persistent. |
static String |
to transfer a reference to an arbitrary Java object reference that has no associated MIME Content-type, across a Transferable interface WITHIN THE SAME JVM, a DataFlavor with this type/subtype is used, with a representationClass equal to the type of the class/interface being passed across the Transferble. |
static String |
In order to pass a live link to a Remote object via a Drag and Drop ACTION_LINK operation a Mime Content Type of application/x-java-remote-object should be used, where the representation class of the DataFlavor represents the type of the Remote interface to be transferred. |
Methods in java.awt.datatransfer that return String | |
String |
String |
Returns the MIME type string for this DataFlavor |
String |
Returns the human presentable name for the data foramt that this DataFlavor represents. |
String |
String |
String |
DataFlavor.getParameter(String paramName)
protected String |
DataFlavor.normalizeMimeTypeParameter(String parameterName,
String parameterValue)
Deprecated. |
protected String |
DataFlavor.normalizeMimeType(String mimeType)
Deprecated. |
static String |
SystemFlavorMap.encodeJavaMIMEType(String mimeType)
static String |
SystemFlavorMap.encodeDataFlavor(DataFlavor df)
static String |
SystemFlavorMap.decodeJavaMIMEType(String atom)
String |
Returns the name of this clipboard object. |
Methods in java.awt.datatransfer with parameters of type String | |
protected static Class |
DataFlavor.tryToLoadClass(String className,
ClassLoader fallback)
tried to load a class from: the bootstrap loader, the system loader, the context loader (if one is present) and finally the loader specified |
String |
DataFlavor.getParameter(String paramName)
void |
DataFlavor.setHumanPresentableName(String humanPresentableName)
Sets the human presentable name for the data format that this DataFlavor represents. |
boolean |
DataFlavor.equals(String s)
Compare only the mineType against the passed in String and representationClass is not considered in the comparison. |
boolean |
DataFlavor.isMimeTypeEqual(String mimeType)
Is the string representation of the MIME type passed in equivalent to the MIME type of this DataFlavor? Parameters are not incuded in the comparison. |
protected String |
DataFlavor.normalizeMimeTypeParameter(String parameterName,
String parameterValue)
Deprecated. |
protected String |
DataFlavor.normalizeMimeType(String mimeType)
Deprecated. |
Map |
FlavorMap.getFlavorsForNatives(String[] natives)
map natives to corresponding flavors |
Map |
SystemFlavorMap.getFlavorsForNatives(String[] natives)
map natives to corresponding flavors |
static String |
SystemFlavorMap.encodeJavaMIMEType(String mimeType)
static boolean |
SystemFlavorMap.isJavaMIMEType(String atom)
static String |
SystemFlavorMap.decodeJavaMIMEType(String atom)
static DataFlavor |
SystemFlavorMap.decodeDataFlavor(String atom)
Constructors in java.awt.datatransfer with parameters of type String | |
StringSelection.StringSelection(String data)
Creates a transferable object capable of transferring the specified string in plain text format. |
DataFlavor.DataFlavor(Class representationClass,
String humanPresentableName)
Construct a DataFlavor that represents a Java class |
DataFlavor.DataFlavor(String mimeType,
String humanPresentableName)
Construct a DataFlavor that represents a MimeType |
DataFlavor.DataFlavor(String mimeType,
String humanPresentableName,
ClassLoader classLoader)
Construct a DataFlavor that represents a MimeType |
DataFlavor.DataFlavor(String mimeType)
Construct a DataFlavor from a Mime Type string. |
Clipboard.Clipboard(String name)
Creates a clipboard object. |
Uses of String in java.awt.dnd |
Constructors in java.awt.dnd with parameters of type String | |
InvalidDnDOperationException.InvalidDnDOperationException(String msg)
Create an Exception with its own descriptive message |
Uses of String in java.awt.event |
Methods in java.awt.event that return String | |
String |
Returns a parameter string identifying this event. |
String |
Returns a parameter string identifying this event. |
String |
String |
Returns a parameter string identifying this text event. |
static String |
KeyEvent.getKeyText(int keyCode)
Returns a String describing the keyCode, such as "HOME", "F1" or "A". |
static String |
KeyEvent.getKeyModifiersText(int modifiers)
Returns a String describing the modifier key(s), such as "Shift", or "Ctrl+Shift". |
String |
Returns a parameter string identifying this event. |
String |
Returns a parameter string identifying this event. |
String |
Returns a parameter string identifying this event. |
String |
Returns a parameter string identifying this event. |
String |
String |
Returns a parameter string identifying this event. |
String |
Returns a parameter string identifying this event. |
String |
Returns a parameter string identifying this item event. |
String |
Returns the command string associated with this action. |
String |
Returns a parameter string identifying this action event. |
Constructors in java.awt.event with parameters of type String | |
ActionEvent.ActionEvent(Object source,
int id,
String command)
Constructs an ActionEvent object. |
ActionEvent.ActionEvent(Object source,
int id,
String command,
int modifiers)
Constructs an ActionEvent object with modifier keys. |
Uses of String in java.awt.font |
Methods in java.awt.font that return String | |
String |
Returns debugging information for this TextLayout . |
String[] |
Returns the name for each design axis. |
String |
Returns a String representing the hit for debugging
use only. |
Methods in java.awt.font with parameters of type String | |
byte[] |
OpenType.getFontTable(String strSfntTag)
Returns the table as an array of bytes for a specified tag. |
byte[] |
OpenType.getFontTable(String strSfntTag,
int offset,
int count)
Returns a subset of the table as an array of bytes for a specified tag. |
int |
OpenType.getFontTableSize(String strSfntTag)
Returns the size of the table for a specified tag. |
Constructors in java.awt.font with parameters of type String | |
TextAttribute.TextAttribute(String name)
Constructs a TextAttribute with the specified name. |
TextLayout.TextLayout(String string,
Font font,
FontRenderContext frc)
Constructs a TextLayout from a String
and a Font . |
TextLayout.TextLayout(String string,
Map attributes,
FontRenderContext frc)
Constructs a TextLayout from a String
and an attribute set. |
Uses of String in java.awt.geom |
Methods in java.awt.geom that return String | |
String |
Returns a String that represents the value of this
Object . |
String |
Returns the String representation of this
Rectangle2D . |
String |
Returns the String representation of this
Rectangle2D . |
String |
Returns a String that represents the value
of this Point2D . |
String |
Returns a String that represents the value
of this Point2D . |
Constructors in java.awt.geom with parameters of type String | |
NoninvertibleTransformException.NoninvertibleTransformException(String s)
Constructs an instance of NoninvertibleTransformException
with the specified detail message. |
IllegalPathStateException.IllegalPathStateException(String s)
Constructs an IllegalPathStateException with the
specified detail message. |
Uses of String in java.awt.image |
Methods in java.awt.image that return String | |
String |
Returns the String representation of the contents of
this ColorModel object. |
String |
Returns a String representation of this
BufferedImage object and its values. |
String[] |
Returns an array of names recognized by getProperty(String)
or null , if no property names are recognized. |
String |
Returns a String that represents this
DirectColorModel . |
String[] |
Returns an array of names recognized by getProperty(String)
or null , if no property names are recognized. |
String |
Prints the contents of this object |
Methods in java.awt.image with parameters of type String | |
Object |
BufferedImage.getProperty(String name,
ImageObserver observer)
Returns a property of the image by name. |
Object |
BufferedImage.getProperty(String name)
Returns a property of the image by name. |
Object |
RenderedImage.getProperty(String name)
Gets a property from the property set of this image. |
Constructors in java.awt.image with parameters of type String | |
RasterFormatException.RasterFormatException(String s)
Constructs a new RasterFormatException with the
specified message. |
ImagingOpException.ImagingOpException(String s)
Constructs an ImagingOpException object with the
specified message. |
Uses of String in java.awt.image.renderable |
Fields in java.awt.image.renderable declared as String | |
static String |
String constant that can be used to identify a property on a RenderedImage obtained via the createRendering or createScaledRendering methods. |
Methods in java.awt.image.renderable that return String | |
String[] |
Returns a list of names recognized by getProperty. |
String[] |
Return a list of names recognized by getProperty. |
String[] |
Returns a list of names recognized by getProperty. |
Methods in java.awt.image.renderable with parameters of type String | |
Object |
ContextualRenderedImageFactory.getProperty(ParameterBlock paramBlock,
String name)
Gets the appropriate instance of the property specified by the name parameter. |
Object |
RenderableImageOp.getProperty(String name)
Gets a property from the property set of this image. |
Object |
RenderableImage.getProperty(String name)
Gets a property from the property set of this image. |
Uses of String in java.awt.print |
Methods in java.awt.print that return String | |
abstract String |
Gets the name of the printing user. |
abstract String |
Gets the name of the document to be printed. |
Methods in java.awt.print with parameters of type String | |
abstract void |
PrinterJob.setJobName(String jobName)
Sets the name of the document to be printed. |
Constructors in java.awt.print with parameters of type String | |
PrinterException.PrinterException(String msg)
Constructs a new PrinterException object
with the specified detail message. |
PrinterAbortException.PrinterAbortException(String msg)
Constructs a new PrinterAbortException with
the specified detail message. |
Uses of String in java.beans |
Fields in java.beans declared as String | |
static String |
the standard value of the propertyName as fired from a BeanContext or other source of PropertyChangeEvents. |
Methods in java.beans that return String | |
String |
This method is intended for use when generating Java code to set the value of the property. |
String |
Gets the property value as a string suitable for presentation to a human to edit. |
String[] |
If the property value must be one of a set of known tagged values, then this method should return an array of the tag values. |
static String[] |
Gets the package names that will be searched for property editors. |
String |
Gets the programmatic name of this feature. |
String |
Gets the localized display name of this feature. |
String |
Gets the short description of this feature. |
String |
This method is intended for use when generating Java code to set the value of the property. |
String |
Gets the property value as text. |
String[] |
If the property value must be one of a set of known tagged values, then this method should return an array of the tags. |
String |
Gets the programmatic name of the property that was changed. |
static String |
Introspector.decapitalize(String name)
Utility method to take a string and convert it to normal Java variable name capitalization. |
static String[] |
Gets the list of package names that will be used for finding BeanInfo classes. |
Methods in java.beans with parameters of type String | |
void |
PropertyEditorSupport.setAsText(String text)
Sets the property value by parsing a given String. |
static void |
PropertyEditorManager.setEditorSearchPath(String[] path)
Change the list of package names that will be used for finding property editors. |
void |
FeatureDescriptor.setName(String name)
Sets the programmatic name of this feature. |
void |
FeatureDescriptor.setDisplayName(String displayName)
Sets the localized display name of this feature. |
void |
FeatureDescriptor.setShortDescription(String text)
You can associate a short descriptive string with a feature. |
void |
FeatureDescriptor.setValue(String attributeName,
Object value)
Associate a named attribute with this feature. |
Object |
FeatureDescriptor.getValue(String attributeName)
Retrieve a named attribute with this feature. |
void |
VetoableChangeSupport.addVetoableChangeListener(String propertyName,
VetoableChangeListener listener)
Add a VetoableChangeListener for a specific property. |
void |
VetoableChangeSupport.removeVetoableChangeListener(String propertyName,
VetoableChangeListener listener)
Remove a VetoableChangeListener for a specific property. |
void |
VetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange(String propertyName,
Object oldValue,
Object newValue)
Report a vetoable property update to any registered listeners. |
void |
VetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange(String propertyName,
int oldValue,
int newValue)
Report a int vetoable property update to any registered listeners. |
void |
VetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange(String propertyName,
boolean oldValue,
boolean newValue)
Report a boolean vetoable property update to any registered listeners. |
boolean |
VetoableChangeSupport.hasListeners(String propertyName)
Check if there are any listeners for a specific property. |
void |
PropertyChangeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener(String propertyName,
PropertyChangeListener listener)
Add a PropertyChangeListener for a specific property. |
void |
PropertyChangeSupport.removePropertyChangeListener(String propertyName,
PropertyChangeListener listener)
Remove a PropertyChangeListener for a specific property. |
void |
PropertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(String propertyName,
Object oldValue,
Object newValue)
Report a bound property update to any registered listeners. |
void |
PropertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(String propertyName,
int oldValue,
int newValue)
Report an int bound property update to any registered listeners. |
void |
PropertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(String propertyName,
boolean oldValue,
boolean newValue)
Report a boolean bound property update to any registered listeners. |
boolean |
PropertyChangeSupport.hasListeners(String propertyName)
Check if there are any listeners for a specific property. |
void |
PropertyEditor.setAsText(String text)
Set the property value by parsing a given String. |
static Object |
Beans.instantiate(ClassLoader cls,
String beanName)
Instantiate a JavaBean. |
static Object |
Beans.instantiate(ClassLoader cls,
String beanName,
BeanContext beanContext)
Instantiate a JavaBean. |
static Object |
Beans.instantiate(ClassLoader cls,
String beanName,
BeanContext beanContext,
AppletInitializer initializer)
Instantiate a bean. |
Image |
SimpleBeanInfo.loadImage(String resourceName)
This is a utility method to help in loading icon images. |
static String |
Introspector.decapitalize(String name)
Utility method to take a string and convert it to normal Java variable name capitalization. |
static void |
Introspector.setBeanInfoSearchPath(String[] path)
Change the list of package names that will be used for finding BeanInfo classes. |
Constructors in java.beans with parameters of type String | |
PropertyDescriptor.PropertyDescriptor(String propertyName,
Class beanClass)
Constructs a PropertyDescriptor for a property that follows the standard Java convention by having getFoo and setFoo accessor methods. |
PropertyDescriptor.PropertyDescriptor(String propertyName,
Class beanClass,
String getterName,
String setterName)
This constructor takes the name of a simple property, and method names for reading and writing the property. |
PropertyDescriptor.PropertyDescriptor(String propertyName,
Method getter,
Method setter)
This constructor takes the name of a simple property, and Method objects for reading and writing the property. |
IndexedPropertyDescriptor.IndexedPropertyDescriptor(String propertyName,
Class beanClass)
This constructor constructs an IndexedPropertyDescriptor for a property that follows the standard Java conventions by having getFoo and setFoo accessor methods, for both indexed access and array access. |
IndexedPropertyDescriptor.IndexedPropertyDescriptor(String propertyName,
Class beanClass,
String getterName,
String setterName,
String indexedGetterName,
String indexedSetterName)
This constructor takes the name of a simple property, and method names for reading and writing the property, both indexed and non-indexed. |
IndexedPropertyDescriptor.IndexedPropertyDescriptor(String propertyName,
Method getter,
Method setter,
Method indexedGetter,
Method indexedSetter)
This constructor takes the name of a simple property, and Method objects for reading and writing the property. |
PropertyVetoException.PropertyVetoException(String mess,
PropertyChangeEvent evt)
Constructs a PropertyVetoException with a
detailed message. |
IntrospectionException.IntrospectionException(String mess)
Constructs an IntrospectionException with a
detailed message. |
PropertyChangeEvent.PropertyChangeEvent(Object source,
String propertyName,
Object oldValue,
Object newValue)
Constructs a new PropertyChangeEvent . |
EventSetDescriptor.EventSetDescriptor(Class sourceClass,
String eventSetName,
Class listenerType,
String listenerMethodName)
This constructor creates an EventSetDescriptor assuming that you are following the most simple standard design pattern where a named event "fred" is (1) delivered as a call on the single method of interface FredListener, (2) has a single argument of type FredEvent, and (3) where the FredListener may be registered with a call on an addFredListener method of the source component and removed with a call on a removeFredListener method. |
EventSetDescriptor.EventSetDescriptor(Class sourceClass,
String eventSetName,
Class listenerType,
String[] listenerMethodNames,
String addListenerMethodName,
String removeListenerMethodName)
This constructor creates an EventSetDescriptor from scratch using string names. |
EventSetDescriptor.EventSetDescriptor(String eventSetName,
Class listenerType,
Method[] listenerMethods,
Method addListenerMethod,
Method removeListenerMethod)
This constructor creates an EventSetDescriptor from scratch using java.lang.reflect.Method and java.lang.Class objects. |
EventSetDescriptor.EventSetDescriptor(String eventSetName,
Class listenerType,
MethodDescriptor[] listenerMethodDescriptors,
Method addListenerMethod,
Method removeListenerMethod)
This constructor creates an EventSetDescriptor from scratch using java.lang.reflect.MethodDescriptor and java.lang.Class objects. |
Uses of String in java.beans.beancontext |
Methods in java.beans.beancontext with parameters of type String | |
void |
BeanContextChildSupport.addPropertyChangeListener(String name,
PropertyChangeListener pcl)
add a property change listener |
void |
BeanContextChildSupport.removePropertyChangeListener(String name,
PropertyChangeListener pcl)
remove a property change listener |
void |
BeanContextChildSupport.addVetoableChangeListener(String name,
VetoableChangeListener vcl)
add a vetoable change listener |
void |
BeanContextChildSupport.removeVetoableChangeListener(String name,
VetoableChangeListener vcl)
remove a vetoable change listener |
void |
BeanContextChildSupport.firePropertyChange(String name,
Object oldValue,
Object newValue)
fires a propertyChange Event |
void |
BeanContextChildSupport.fireVetoableChange(String name,
Object oldValue,
Object newValue)
fires a vetoableChange Event |
Object |
BeanContextSupport.instantiateChild(String beanName)
The instantiateChild method is a convenience hook in BeanContext to simplify the task of instantiating a Bean, nested, into a BeanContext. |
InputStream |
BeanContextSupport.getResourceAsStream(String name,
BeanContextChild bcc)
BeanContextSupport.getResource(String name,
BeanContextChild bcc)
Object |
BeanContext.instantiateChild(String beanName)
Instantiate the javaBean named as a child of this BeanContext |
InputStream |
BeanContext.getResourceAsStream(String name,
BeanContextChild bcc)
BeanContext.getResource(String name,
BeanContextChild bcc)
void |
BeanContextChild.addPropertyChangeListener(String name,
PropertyChangeListener pcl)
add a property change listener to this bean child |
void |
BeanContextChild.removePropertyChangeListener(String name,
PropertyChangeListener pcl)
remove a property change listener to this bean child |
void |
BeanContextChild.addVetoableChangeListener(String name,
VetoableChangeListener vcl)
add a vetoable change listener to this child |
void |
BeanContextChild.removeVetoableChangeListener(String name,
VetoableChangeListener vcl)
remove a vetoable change listener to this child |
Uses of String in java.io |
Fields in java.io declared as String | |
String |
If the current token is a word token, this field contains a string giving the characters of the word token. |
String |
static String |
The system-dependent default name-separator character, represented as a string for convenience. |
static String |
The system-dependent path-separator character, represented as a string for convenience. |
protected String |
Deprecated. The string from which bytes are read. |
Methods in java.io that return String | |
String |
Returns the canonical name of the character encoding being used by this stream. |
String |
Returns the canonical name of the character encoding being used by this stream. |
String |
Returns the string representation of the current stream token. |
String |
Returns the "canonical string representation" of the actions. |
String |
Produce the message and include the message from the nested exception, if there is one. |
String |
Produce the message and include the classname, if present. |
String |
Deprecated. This method does not properly convert bytes to characters. As of JDK 1.1, the preferred way to read lines of text is via the BufferedReader.readLine() method. Programs that use the
DataInputStream class to read lines can be converted to use
the BufferedReader class by replacing code of the form:
with:DataInputStream d = new DataInputStream(in); BufferedReader d = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); |
String |
See the general contract of the readUTF
method of DataInput . |
static String |
DataInputStream.readUTF(DataInput in)
Reads from the stream in a representation
of a Unicode character string encoded in
Java modified UTF-8 format; this string
of characters is then returned as a String . |
String |
Read a line of text. |
String |
Read a line of text. |
String |
Converts the buffer's contents into a string, translating bytes into characters according to the platform's default character encoding. |
String |
ByteArrayOutputStream.toString(String enc)
Converts the buffer's contents into a string, translating bytes into characters according to the specified character encoding. |
String |
ByteArrayOutputStream.toString(int hibyte)
Deprecated. This method does not properly convert bytes into characters. As of JDK 1.1, the preferred way to do this is via the toString(String enc) method, which takes an encoding-name
argument, or the toString() method, which uses the
platform's default character encoding. |
String |
Reads the next line of text from the input stream. |
String |
Reads in a string that has been encoded using a modified UTF-8 format. |
String |
Get the name of this field. |
String |
Return the JVM type signature. |
String |
Return a string that describes this field. |
String |
Reads the next line of text from this file. |
String |
Reads in a string from this file. |
String |
The name of the class described by this descriptor. |
String |
Return a string describing this ObjectStreamClass. |
String |
Returns the name of the file or directory denoted by this abstract pathname. |
String |
Returns the pathname string of this abstract pathname's parent, or null if this pathname does not name a parent directory. |
String |
Converts this abstract pathname into a pathname string. |
String |
Returns the absolute pathname string of this abstract pathname. |
String |
Returns the canonical pathname string of this abstract pathname. |
String[] |
Returns an array of strings naming the files and directories in the directory denoted by this abstract pathname. |
String[] |
File.list(FilenameFilter filter)
Returns an array of strings naming the files and directories in the directory denoted by this abstract pathname that satisfy the specified filter. |
String |
Returns the pathname string of this abstract pathname. |
String |
Converts input data to a string. |
String |
Return the buffer's current value as a string. |
String |
Deprecated. This method does not properly convert bytes to characters. see DataInputStream for the details and alternatives. |
String |
Reads a UTF format String. |
Methods in java.io with parameters of type String | |
void |
Writer.write(String str)
Write a string. |
void |
Writer.write(String str,
int off,
int len)
Write a portion of a string. |
void |
OutputStreamWriter.write(String str,
int off,
int len)
Write a portion of a string. |
void |
ObjectOutputStream.writeBytes(String data)
Writes a String as a sequence of bytes. |
void |
ObjectOutputStream.writeChars(String data)
Writes a String as a sequence of chars. |
void |
ObjectOutputStream.writeUTF(String data)
Primitive data write of this String in UTF format. |
abstract void |
ObjectOutputStream.PutField.put(String name,
boolean value)
Put the value of the named boolean field into the persistent field. |
abstract void |
ObjectOutputStream.PutField.put(String name,
char value)
Put the value of the named char field into the persistent fields. |
abstract void |
ObjectOutputStream.PutField.put(String name,
byte value)
Put the value of the named byte field into the persistent fields. |
abstract void |
ObjectOutputStream.PutField.put(String name,
short value)
Put the value of the named short field into the persistent fields. |
abstract void |
ObjectOutputStream.PutField.put(String name,
int value)
Put the value of the named int field into the persistent fields. |
abstract void |
ObjectOutputStream.PutField.put(String name,
long value)
Put the value of the named long field into the persistent fields. |
abstract void |
ObjectOutputStream.PutField.put(String name,
float value)
Put the value of the named float field into the persistent fields. |
abstract void |
ObjectOutputStream.PutField.put(String name,
double value)
Put the value of the named double field into the persistent field. |
abstract void |
ObjectOutputStream.PutField.put(String name,
Object value)
Put the value of the named Object field into the persistent field. |
void |
DataOutputStream.writeBytes(String s)
Writes out the string to the underlying output stream as a sequence of bytes. |
void |
DataOutputStream.writeChars(String s)
Writes a string to the underlying output stream as a sequence of characters. |
void |
DataOutputStream.writeUTF(String str)
Writes a string to the underlying output stream using UTF-8 encoding in a machine-independent manner. |
void |
FilterWriter.write(String str,
int off,
int len)
Write a portion of a string. |
String |
ByteArrayOutputStream.toString(String enc)
Converts the buffer's contents into a string, translating bytes into characters according to the specified character encoding. |
void |
PrintWriter.write(String s,
int off,
int len)
Write a portion of a string. |
void |
PrintWriter.write(String s)
Write a string. |
void |
PrintWriter.print(String s)
Print a string. |
void |
PrintWriter.println(String x)
Print a String and then terminate the line. |
void |
RandomAccessFile.writeBytes(String s)
Writes the string to the file as a sequence of bytes. |
void |
RandomAccessFile.writeChars(String s)
Writes a string to the file as a sequence of characters. |
void |
RandomAccessFile.writeUTF(String str)
Writes a string to the file using UTF-8 encoding in a machine-independent manner. |
ObjectStreamField |
ObjectStreamClass.getField(String name)
Get the field of this class by name. |
static File |
File.createTempFile(String prefix,
String suffix,
File directory)
Creates a new empty file in the specified directory, using the given prefix and suffix strings to generate its name. |
static File |
File.createTempFile(String prefix,
String suffix)
Creates an empty file in the default temporary-file directory, using the given prefix and suffix to generate its name. |
void |
PrintStream.print(String s)
Print a string. |
void |
PrintStream.println(String x)
Print a String and then terminate the line. |
void |
DataOutput.writeBytes(String s)
Writes a string to the output stream. |
void |
DataOutput.writeChars(String s)
Writes every character in the string s ,
to the output stream, in order,
two bytes per character. |
void |
DataOutput.writeUTF(String str)
Writes two bytes of length information to the output stream, followed by the Java modified UTF representation of every character in the string s . |
void |
CharArrayWriter.write(String str,
int off,
int len)
Write a portion of a string to the buffer. |
void |
BufferedWriter.write(String s,
int off,
int len)
Write a portion of a String. |
boolean |
FilenameFilter.accept(File dir,
String name)
Tests if a specified file should be included in a file list. |
void |
StringWriter.write(String str)
Write a string. |
void |
StringWriter.write(String str,
int off,
int len)
Write a portion of a string. |
abstract boolean |
ObjectInputStream.GetField.defaulted(String name)
Return true if the named field is defaulted and has no value in this stream. |
abstract boolean |
ObjectInputStream.GetField.get(String name,
boolean defvalue)
Get the value of the named boolean field from the persistent field. |
abstract char |
ObjectInputStream.GetField.get(String name,
char defvalue)
Get the value of the named char field from the persistent fields. |
abstract byte |
ObjectInputStream.GetField.get(String name,
byte defvalue)
Get the value of the named byte field from the persistent fields. |
abstract short |
ObjectInputStream.GetField.get(String name,
short defvalue)
Get the value of the named short field from the persistent fields. |
abstract int |
ObjectInputStream.GetField.get(String name,
int defvalue)
Get the value of the named int field from the persistent fields. |
abstract long |
ObjectInputStream.GetField.get(String name,
long defvalue)
Get the value of the named long field from the persistent fields. |
abstract float |
ObjectInputStream.GetField.get(String name,
float defvalue)
Get the value of the named float field from the persistent fields. |
abstract double |
ObjectInputStream.GetField.get(String name,
double defvalue)
Get the value of the named double field from the persistent field. |
abstract Object |
ObjectInputStream.GetField.get(String name,
Object defvalue)
Get the value of the named Object field from the persistent field. |
Constructors in java.io with parameters of type String | |
InputStreamReader.InputStreamReader(InputStream in,
String enc)
Create an InputStreamReader that uses the named character encoding. |
OutputStreamWriter.OutputStreamWriter(OutputStream out,
String enc)
Create an OutputStreamWriter that uses the named character encoding. |
FileWriter.FileWriter(String fileName)
FileWriter.FileWriter(String fileName,
boolean append)
FileInputStream.FileInputStream(String name)
Creates a FileInputStream by
opening a connection to an actual file,
the file named by the path name name
in the file system. |
FilePermission.FilePermission(String path,
String actions)
Creates a new FilePermission object with the specified actions. |
IOException.IOException(String s)
Constructs an IOException with the specified detail
message. |
ObjectStreamException.ObjectStreamException(String classname)
Create an ObjectStreamException with the specified argument. |
WriteAbortedException.WriteAbortedException(String s,
Exception ex)
Thrown during a read operation when one of the ObjectStreamExceptions was thrown during a write operation. |
FileReader.FileReader(String fileName)
StringReader.StringReader(String s)
Create a new string reader. |
InterruptedIOException.InterruptedIOException(String s)
Constructs an InterruptedIOException with the
specified detail message. |
FileOutputStream.FileOutputStream(String name)
Creates an output file stream to write to the file with the specified name. |
FileOutputStream.FileOutputStream(String name,
boolean append)
Creates an output file stream to write to the file with the specified name . |
NotActiveException.NotActiveException(String reason)
Constructor to create a new NotActiveException with the reason given. |
InvalidClassException.InvalidClassException(String reason)
Report a InvalidClassException for the reason specified. |
InvalidClassException.InvalidClassException(String cname,
String reason)
StreamCorruptedException.StreamCorruptedException(String reason)
Create a StreamCorruptedException and list a reason why thrown. |
FileNotFoundException.FileNotFoundException(String s)
Constructs a FileNotFoundException with the
specified detail message. |
EOFException.EOFException(String s)
Constructs an EOFException with the specified detail
message. |
UnsupportedEncodingException.UnsupportedEncodingException(String s)
detailed message |
NotSerializableException.NotSerializableException(String classname)
InvalidObjectException.InvalidObjectException(String reason)
Constructs an InvalidObjectException . |
CharConversionException.CharConversionException(String s)
provides a detailed message |
SyncFailedException.SyncFailedException(String desc)
Constructs an SyncFailedException with a detail message. |
ObjectStreamField.ObjectStreamField(String n,
Class clazz)
Create a Serializable field with the specified type. |
RandomAccessFile.RandomAccessFile(String name,
String mode)
Creates a random access file stream to read from, and optionally to write to, a file with the specified name. |
RandomAccessFile.RandomAccessFile(File file,
String mode)
Creates a random access file stream to read from, and optionally to write to, the file specified by the File argument. |
File.File(String pathname)
Creates a new File instance by converting the given
pathname string into an abstract pathname. |
File.File(String parent,
String child)
Creates a new File instance from a parent pathname string
and a child pathname string. |
File.File(File parent,
String child)
Creates a new File instance from a parent abstract
pathname and a child pathname string. |
StringBufferInputStream.StringBufferInputStream(String s)
Deprecated. Creates a string input stream to read data from the specified string. |
UTFDataFormatException.UTFDataFormatException(String s)
Constructs a UTFDataFormatException with the
specified detail message. |
SerializablePermission.SerializablePermission(String name)
Creates a new SerializablePermission with the specified name. |
SerializablePermission.SerializablePermission(String name,
String actions)
Creates a new SerializablePermission object with the specified name. |
Uses of String in java.lang |
Methods in java.lang that return String | |
String |
Returns a string representation of the object. |
String |
Returns the errort message string of this throwable object. |
String |
Creates a localized description of this Throwable . |
String |
Returns a short description of this throwable object. |
String |
Returns a String object representing this character's value. |
String |
Returns the name of this subset. |
String |
Returns this thread's name. |
String |
Returns a string representation of this thread, including the thread's name, priority, and thread group. |
protected String |
ClassLoader.findLibrary(String libname)
Returns the absolute path name of a native library. |
static String |
Byte.toString(byte b)
Returns a new String object representing the specified Byte. |
String |
Returns a String object representing this Byte's value. |
String |
Converts the object to a string. |
String |
Returns the fully-qualified name of the entity (class, interface, array class, primitive type, or void) represented by this Class
object, as a String . |
static String |
Short.toString(short s)
Returns a new String object representing the specified Short. |
String |
Returns a String object representing this Short's value. |
static String |
Double.toString(double d)
Creates a string representation of the double
argument. |
String |
Returns a String representation of this Double object. |
static String |
Long.toString(long i,
int radix)
Creates a string representation of the first argument in the radix specified by the second argument. |
static String |
Long.toHexString(long i)
Creates a string representation of the long argument as an unsigned integer in base 16. |
static String |
Long.toOctalString(long i)
Creates a string representation of the long argument as an unsigned integer in base 8. |
static String |
Long.toBinaryString(long i)
Creates a string representation of the long argument as an unsigned integer in base 2. |
static String |
Long.toString(long i)
Returns a new String object representing the specified integer. |
String |
Returns a String object representing this Long's value. |
static String |
Float.toString(float f)
Returns a String representation for the specified float value. |
String |
Returns a String representation of this Float object. |
String |
Returns the name of this thread group. |
String |
Returns a string representation of this Thread group. |
String |
StringBuffer.substring(int start)
Returns a new String that contains a subsequence of
characters currently contained in this StringBuffer .The
substring begins at the specified index and extends to the end of the
StringBuffer . |
String |
StringBuffer.substring(int start,
int end)
Returns a new String that contains a subsequence of
characters currently contained in this StringBuffer . |
String |
Converts to a string representing the data in this string buffer. |
String |
Return the name of this package. |
String |
Return the title of the specification that this package implements. |
String |
Returns the version number of the specification that this package implements. |
String |
Return the name of the organization, vendor, or company that owns and maintains the specification of the classes that implement this package. |
String |
Return the title of this package. |
String |
Return the version of this implementation. |
String |
Returns the name of the organization, vendor or company that provided this implementation. |
String |
Returns the string representation of this Package. |
static String |
System.getProperty(String key)
Gets the system property indicated by the specified key. |
static String |
System.getProperty(String key,
String def)
Gets the system property indicated by the specified key. |
static String |
System.setProperty(String key,
String value)
Sets the system property indicated by the specified key. |
static String |
System.getenv(String name)
Deprecated. The preferred way to extract system-dependent information is the system properties of the java.lang.System.getProperty methods and the
corresponding get TypeName methods of
the Boolean , Integer , and
Long primitive types. For example:
String classPath = System.getProperty("java.class.path","."); |
static String |
System.mapLibraryName(String libname)
Maps a library name into a platform-specific string representing a native library. |
String |
String.substring(int beginIndex)
Returns a new string that is a substring of this string. |
String |
String.substring(int beginIndex,
int endIndex)
Returns a new string that is a substring of this string. |
String |
String.concat(String str)
Concatenates the specified string to the end of this string. |
String |
String.replace(char oldChar,
char newChar)
Returns a new string resulting from replacing all occurrences of oldChar in this string with newChar . |
String |
String.toLowerCase(Locale locale)
Converts all of the characters in this String to lower
case using the rules of the given Locale . |
String |
Converts all of the characters in this String to lower
case using the rules of the default locale, which is returned
by Locale.getDefault . |
String |
String.toUpperCase(Locale locale)
Converts all of the characters in this String to upper
case using the rules of the given locale. |
String |
Converts all of the characters in this String to upper
case using the rules of the default locale, which is returned
by Locale.getDefault . |
String |
Removes white space from both ends of this string. |
String |
This object (which is already a string!) is itself returned. |
static String |
String.valueOf(Object obj)
Returns the string representation of the Object argument. |
static String |
String.valueOf(char[] data)
Returns the string representation of the char array
argument. |
static String |
String.valueOf(char[] data,
int offset,
int count)
Returns the string representation of a specific subarray of the char array argument. |
static String |
String.copyValueOf(char[] data,
int offset,
int count)
Returns a String that is equivalent to the specified character array. |
static String |
String.copyValueOf(char[] data)
Returns a String that is equivalent to the specified character array. |
static String |
String.valueOf(boolean b)
Returns the string representation of the boolean argument. |
static String |
String.valueOf(char c)
Returns the string representation of the char
argument. |
static String |
String.valueOf(int i)
Returns the string representation of the int argument. |
static String |
String.valueOf(long l)
Returns the string representation of the long argument. |
static String |
String.valueOf(float f)
Returns the string representation of the float argument. |
static String |
String.valueOf(double d)
Returns the string representation of the double argument. |
String |
Returns a canonical representation for the string object. |
static String |
Integer.toString(int i,
int radix)
Creates a string representation of the first argument in the radix specified by the second argument. |
static String |
Integer.toHexString(int i)
Creates a string representation of the integer argument as an unsigned integer in base 16. |
static String |
Integer.toOctalString(int i)
Creates a string representation of the integer argument as an unsigned integer in base 8. |
static String |
Integer.toBinaryString(int i)
Creates a string representation of the integer argument as an unsigned integer in base 2. |
static String |
Integer.toString(int i)
Returns a new String object representing the specified integer. |
String |
Returns a String object representing this Integer's value. |
String |
Returns a String object representing this Boolean's value. |
Methods in java.lang with parameters of type String | |
void |
Thread.setName(String name)
Changes the name of this thread to be equal to the argument name . |
Class |
ClassLoader.loadClass(String name)
Loads the class with the specified name. |
protected Class |
ClassLoader.loadClass(String name,
boolean resolve)
Loads the class with the specified name. |
protected Class |
ClassLoader.findClass(String name)
Finds the specified class. |
protected Class |
ClassLoader.defineClass(String name,
byte[] b,
int off,
int len)
Converts an array of bytes into an instance of class Class . |
protected Class |
ClassLoader.defineClass(String name,
byte[] b,
int off,
int len,
ProtectionDomain protectionDomain)
Converts an array of bytes into an instance of class Class, with an optional ProtectionDomain. |
protected Class |
ClassLoader.findSystemClass(String name)
Finds a class with the specified name, loading it if necessary. |
protected Class |
ClassLoader.findLoadedClass(String name)
Finds the class with the given name if it had been previously loaded through this class loader. |
ClassLoader.getResource(String name)
Finds the resource with the given name. |
Enumeration |
ClassLoader.getResources(String name)
Finds all the resources with the given name. |
protected Enumeration |
ClassLoader.findResources(String name)
Returns an Enumeration of URLs representing all the resources with the given name. |
protected URL |
ClassLoader.findResource(String name)
Finds the resource with the given name. |
static URL |
ClassLoader.getSystemResource(String name)
Find a resource of the specified name from the search path used to load classes. |
static Enumeration |
ClassLoader.getSystemResources(String name)
Finds all resources of the specified name from the search path used to load classes. |
InputStream |
ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(String name)
Returns an input stream for reading the specified resource. |
static InputStream |
ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(String name)
Open for reading, a resource of the specified name from the search path used to load classes. |
protected Package |
ClassLoader.definePackage(String name,
String specTitle,
String specVersion,
String specVendor,
String implTitle,
String implVersion,
String implVendor,
URL sealBase)
Defines a package by name in this ClassLoader. |
protected Package |
ClassLoader.getPackage(String name)
Returns a Package that has been defined by this class loader or any of its ancestors. |
protected String |
ClassLoader.findLibrary(String libname)
Returns the absolute path name of a native library. |
static byte |
Byte.parseByte(String s)
Assuming the specified String represents a byte, returns that byte's value. |
static byte |
Byte.parseByte(String s,
int radix)
Assuming the specified String represents a byte, returns that byte's value. |
static Byte |
Byte.valueOf(String s,
int radix)
Assuming the specified String represents a byte, returns a new Byte object initialized to that value. |
static Byte |
Byte.valueOf(String s)
Assuming the specified String represents a byte, returns a new Byte object initialized to that value. |
static Byte |
Byte.decode(String nm)
Decodes a String into a Byte. |
static Class |
Class.forName(String className)
Returns the Class object associated with the class or
interface with the given string name. |
static Class |
Class.forName(String name,
boolean initialize,
ClassLoader loader)
Returns the Class object associated with the class or
interface with the given string name, using the given class loader. |
Field |
Class.getField(String name)
Returns a Field object that reflects the specified public
member field of the class or interface represented by this
Class object. |
Method |
Class.getMethod(String name,
Class[] parameterTypes)
Returns a Method object that reflects the specified public
member method of the class or interface represented by this
Class object. |
Field |
Class.getDeclaredField(String name)
Returns a Field object that reflects the specified declared
field of the class or interface represented by this Class
object. |
Method |
Class.getDeclaredMethod(String name,
Class[] parameterTypes)
Returns a Method object that reflects the specified
declared method of the class or interface represented by this
Class object. |
InputStream |
Class.getResourceAsStream(String name)
Finds a resource with a given name. |
Class.getResource(String name)
Finds a resource with a given name. |
static short |
Short.parseShort(String s)
Assuming the specified String represents a short, returns that short's value. |
static short |
Short.parseShort(String s,
int radix)
Assuming the specified String represents a short, returns that short's value. |
static Short |
Short.valueOf(String s,
int radix)
Assuming the specified String represents a short, returns a new Short object initialized to that value. |
static Short |
Short.valueOf(String s)
Assuming the specified String represents a short, returns a new Short object initialized to that value. |
static Short |
Short.decode(String nm)
Decodes a String into a Short . |
Process |
Runtime.exec(String command)
Executes the specified string command in a separate process. |
Process |
Runtime.exec(String command,
String[] envp)
Executes the specified string command in a separate process with the specified environment. |
Process |
Runtime.exec(String[] cmdarray)
Executes the specified command and arguments in a separate process. |
Process |
Runtime.exec(String[] cmdarray,
String[] envp)
Executes the specified command and arguments in a separate process with the specified environment. |
void |
Runtime.load(String filename)
Loads the specified filename as a dynamic library. |
void |
Runtime.loadLibrary(String libname)
Loads the dynamic library with the specified library name. |
protected int |
SecurityManager.classDepth(String name)
Deprecated. This type of security checking is not recommended. It is recommended that the checkPermission
call be used instead. |
protected boolean |
SecurityManager.inClass(String name)
Deprecated. This type of security checking is not recommended. It is recommended that the checkPermission
call be used instead. |
void |
SecurityManager.checkExec(String cmd)
Throws a SecurityException if the
calling thread is not allowed to create a subprocess. |
void |
SecurityManager.checkLink(String lib)
Throws a SecurityException if the
calling thread is not allowed to dynamic link the library code
specified by the string argument file. |
void |
SecurityManager.checkRead(String file)
Throws a SecurityException if the
calling thread is not allowed to read the file specified by the
string argument. |
void |
SecurityManager.checkRead(String file,
Object context)
Throws a SecurityException if the
specified security context is not allowed to read the file
specified by the string argument. |
void |
SecurityManager.checkWrite(String file)
Throws a SecurityException if the
calling thread is not allowed to write to the file specified by
the string argument. |
void |
SecurityManager.checkDelete(String file)
Throws a SecurityException if the
calling thread is not allowed to delete the specified file. |
void |
SecurityManager.checkConnect(String host,
int port)
Throws a SecurityException if the
calling thread is not allowed to open a socket connection to the
specified host and port number. |
void |
SecurityManager.checkConnect(String host,
int port,
Object context)
Throws a SecurityException if the
specified security context is not allowed to open a socket
connection to the specified host and port number. |
void |
SecurityManager.checkAccept(String host,
int port)
Throws a SecurityException if the
calling thread is not permitted to accept a socket connection from
the specified host and port number. |
void |
SecurityManager.checkPropertyAccess(String key)
Throws a SecurityException if the
calling thread is not allowed to access the system property with
the specified key name. |
void |
SecurityManager.checkPackageAccess(String pkg)
Throws a SecurityException if the
calling thread is not allowed to access the package specified by
the argument. |
void |
SecurityManager.checkPackageDefinition(String pkg)
Throws a SecurityException if the
calling thread is not allowed to define classes in the package
specified by the argument. |
void |
SecurityManager.checkSecurityAccess(String target)
Determines whether the permission with the specified permission target name should be granted or denied. |
static Double |
Double.valueOf(String s)
Returns a new Double object initialized to the value
represented by the specified string. |
static double |
Double.parseDouble(String s)
Returns a new double initialized to the value represented by the specified String , as performed by the valueOf
method of class Double . |
static long |
Long.parseLong(String s,
int radix)
Parses the string argument as a signed long in the
radix specified by the second argument. |
static long |
Long.parseLong(String s)
Parses the string argument as a signed decimal long . |
static Long |
Long.valueOf(String s,
int radix)
Returns a new long object initialized to the value of the specified String. |
static Long |
Long.valueOf(String s)
Returns a new long object initialized to the value of the specified String. |
static Long |
Long.decode(String nm)
Decodes a String into a Long . |
static Long |
Long.getLong(String nm)
Determines the long value of the system property
with the specified name. |
static Long |
Long.getLong(String nm,
long val)
Determines the long value of the system property
with the specified name. |
static Long |
Long.getLong(String nm,
Long val)
Returns the long value of the system property with the specified name. |
static Float |
Float.valueOf(String s)
Returns the floating point value represented by the specified String. |
static float |
Float.parseFloat(String s)
Returns a new float initialized to the value represented by the specified String , as performed by the valueOf
method of class Double . |
StringBuffer |
StringBuffer.append(String str)
Appends the string to this string buffer. |
StringBuffer |
StringBuffer.replace(int start,
int end,
String str)
Replaces the characters in a substring of this StringBuffer
with characters in the specified String . |
StringBuffer |
StringBuffer.insert(int offset,
String str)
Inserts the string into this string buffer. |
static boolean |
Compiler.compileClasses(String string)
Compiles all classes whose name matches the specified string. |
boolean |
Package.isCompatibleWith(String desired)
Compare this package's specification version with a desired version. |
static Package |
Package.getPackage(String name)
Find a package by name in the callers classloader. |
static String |
System.getProperty(String key)
Gets the system property indicated by the specified key. |
static String |
System.getProperty(String key,
String def)
Gets the system property indicated by the specified key. |
static String |
System.setProperty(String key,
String value)
Sets the system property indicated by the specified key. |
static String |
System.getenv(String name)
Deprecated. The preferred way to extract system-dependent information is the system properties of the java.lang.System.getProperty methods and the
corresponding get TypeName methods of
the Boolean , Integer , and
Long primitive types. For example:
String classPath = System.getProperty("java.class.path","."); |
static void |
System.load(String filename)
Loads a code file with the specified filename from the local file system as a dynamic library. |
static void |
System.loadLibrary(String libname)
Loads the system library specified by the libname
argument. |
static String |
System.mapLibraryName(String libname)
Maps a library name into a platform-specific string representing a native library. |
byte[] |
String.getBytes(String enc)
Convert this String into bytes according to the specified
character encoding, storing the result into a new byte array. |
boolean |
String.equalsIgnoreCase(String anotherString)
Compares this String to another String ,
ignoring case considerations. |
int |
String.compareTo(String anotherString)
Compares two strings lexicographically. |
int |
String.compareToIgnoreCase(String str)
Compares two strings lexicographically, ignoring case considerations. |
boolean |
String.regionMatches(int toffset,
String other,
int ooffset,
int len)
Tests if two string regions are equal. |
boolean |
String.regionMatches(boolean ignoreCase,
int toffset,
String other,
int ooffset,
int len)
Tests if two string regions are equal. |
boolean |
String.startsWith(String prefix,
int toffset)
Tests if this string starts with the specified prefix beginning a specified index. |
boolean |
String.startsWith(String prefix)
Tests if this string starts with the specified prefix. |
boolean |
String.endsWith(String suffix)
Tests if this string ends with the specified suffix. |
int |
String.indexOf(String str)
Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the specified substring. |
int |
String.indexOf(String str,
int fromIndex)
Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the specified substring, starting at the specified index. |
int |
String.lastIndexOf(String str)
Returns the index within this string of the rightmost occurrence of the specified substring. |
int |
String.lastIndexOf(String str,
int fromIndex)
Returns the index within this string of the last occurrence of the specified substring. |
String |
String.concat(String str)
Concatenates the specified string to the end of this string. |
static int |
Integer.parseInt(String s,
int radix)
Parses the string argument as a signed integer in the radix specified by the second argument. |
static int |
Integer.parseInt(String s)
Parses the string argument as a signed decimal integer. |
static Integer |
Integer.valueOf(String s,
int radix)
Returns a new Integer object initialized to the value of the specified String. |
static Integer |
Integer.valueOf(String s)
Returns a new Integer object initialized to the value of the specified String. |
static Integer |
Integer.getInteger(String nm)
Determines the integer value of the system property with the specified name. |
static Integer |
Integer.getInteger(String nm,
int val)
Determines the integer value of the system property with the specified name. |
static Integer |
Integer.getInteger(String nm,
Integer val)
Returns the integer value of the system property with the specified name. |
static Integer |
Integer.decode(String nm)
Decodes a String into an Integer . |
static Boolean |
Boolean.valueOf(String s)
Returns the boolean value represented by the specified String. |
static boolean |
Boolean.getBoolean(String name)
Returns true if and only if the system property
named by the argument exists and is equal to the string
"true" . |
Constructors in java.lang with parameters of type String | |
Throwable.Throwable(String message)
Constructs a new Throwable with the specified error
message. |
Exception.Exception(String s)
Constructs an Exception with the specified detail message. |
RuntimeException.RuntimeException(String s)
Constructs a RuntimeException with the specified
detail message. |
IllegalStateException.IllegalStateException(String s)
Constructs an IllegalStateException with the specified detail message. |
Error.Error(String s)
Constructs an Error with the specified detail message. |
Character.Subset.Character.Subset(String name)
Constructs a new Subset instance. |
Thread.Thread(String name)
Allocates a new Thread object. |
Thread.Thread(ThreadGroup group,
String name)
Allocates a new Thread object. |
Thread.Thread(Runnable target,
String name)
Allocates a new Thread object. |
Thread.Thread(ThreadGroup group,
Runnable target,
String name)
Allocates a new Thread object so that it has
target as its run object, has the specified
name as its name, and belongs to the thread group
referred to by group . |
NoSuchMethodException.NoSuchMethodException(String s)
Constructs a NoSuchMethodException with a detail message. |
LinkageError.LinkageError(String s)
Constructs a LinkageError with the specified detail
message. |
ClassFormatError.ClassFormatError(String s)
Constructs a ClassFormatError with the specified
detail message. |
UnsupportedClassVersionError.UnsupportedClassVersionError(String s)
Constructs a UnsupportedClassVersionError with
the specified detail message. |
IndexOutOfBoundsException.IndexOutOfBoundsException(String s)
Constructs an IndexOutOfBoundsException with the
specified detail message. |
StringIndexOutOfBoundsException.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(String s)
Constructs a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException with
the specified detail message. |
ArrayStoreException.ArrayStoreException(String s)
Constructs an ArrayStoreException with the specified
detail message. |
Byte.Byte(String s)
Constructs a Byte object initialized to the value specified by the String parameter. |
VirtualMachineError.VirtualMachineError(String s)
Constructs a VirtualMachineError with the specified
detail message. |
UnknownError.UnknownError(String s)
Constructs an UnknownError with the specified detail
message. |
IllegalArgumentException.IllegalArgumentException(String s)
Constructs an IllegalArgumentException with the
specified detail message. |
IllegalThreadStateException.IllegalThreadStateException(String s)
Constructs an IllegalThreadStateException with the
specified detail message. |
IllegalMonitorStateException.IllegalMonitorStateException(String s)
Constructs an IllegalMonitorStateException with the
specified detail message. |
Short.Short(String s)
Constructs a Short object initialized to the value specified by the String parameter. |
StackOverflowError.StackOverflowError(String s)
Constructs a StackOverflowError with the specified
detail message. |
IncompatibleClassChangeError.IncompatibleClassChangeError(String s)
Constructs an IncompatibleClassChangeError with the
specified detail message. |
InstantiationError.InstantiationError(String s)
Constructs an InstantiationError with the specified
detail message. |
ExceptionInInitializerError.ExceptionInInitializerError(String s)
Constructs an ExceptionInInitializerError with the specified detail message string. |
IllegalAccessError.IllegalAccessError(String s)
Constructs an IllegalAccessError with the specified
detail message. |
Double.Double(String s)
Constructs a newly allocated Double object that
represents the floating- point value of type double
represented by the string. |
OutOfMemoryError.OutOfMemoryError(String s)
Constructs an OutOfMemoryError with the specified
detail message. |
ClassCastException.ClassCastException(String s)
Constructs a ClassCastException with the specified
detail message. |
Long.Long(String s)
Constructs a newly allocated Long object that
represents the value represented by the string in decimal form. |
NullPointerException.NullPointerException(String s)
Constructs a NullPointerException with the specified
detail message. |
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(String s)
Constructs an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException class
with the specified detail message. |
Float.Float(String s)
Constructs a newly allocated Float object that
represents the floating-point value of type float
represented by the string. |
UnsupportedOperationException.UnsupportedOperationException(String message)
Constructs an UnsupportedOperationException with the specified detail message. |
ThreadGroup.ThreadGroup(String name)
Constructs a new thread group. |
ThreadGroup.ThreadGroup(ThreadGroup parent,
String name)
Creates a new thread group. |
VerifyError.VerifyError(String s)
Constructs an VerifyError with the specified detail message. |
InterruptedException.InterruptedException(String s)
Constructs an InterruptedException with the
specified detail message. |
NoSuchMethodError.NoSuchMethodError(String s)
Constructs a NoSuchMethodError with the
specified detail message. |
NoSuchFieldException.NoSuchFieldException(String s)
Constructor with a detail message. |
NegativeArraySizeException.NegativeArraySizeException(String s)
Constructs a NegativeArraySizeException with the
specified detail message. |
UnsatisfiedLinkError.UnsatisfiedLinkError(String s)
Constructs an UnsatisfiedLinkError with the
specified detail message. |
InstantiationException.InstantiationException(String s)
Constructs an InstantiationException with the
specified detail message. |
StringBuffer.StringBuffer(String str)
Constructs a string buffer so that it represents the same sequence of characters as the string argument; in other words, the initial contents of the string buffer is a copy of the argument string. |
InternalError.InternalError(String s)
Constructs an InternalError with the specified
detail message. |
ClassCircularityError.ClassCircularityError(String s)
Constructs a ClassCircularityError with the
specified detail message. |
IllegalAccessException.IllegalAccessException(String s)
Constructs an IllegalAccessException with a detail message. |
ClassNotFoundException.ClassNotFoundException(String s)
Constructs a ClassNotFoundException with the
specified detail message. |
ClassNotFoundException.ClassNotFoundException(String s,
Throwable ex)
Constructs a ClassNotFoundException with the
specified detail message and optional exception that was
raised while loading the class. |
NumberFormatException.NumberFormatException(String s)
Constructs a NumberFormatException with the
specified detail message. |
String.String(String value)
Initializes a newly created String object so that it
represents the same sequence of characters as the argument; in other
words, the newly created string is a copy of the argument string. |
String.String(byte[] bytes,
int offset,
int length,
String enc)
Construct a new String by converting the specified
subarray of bytes using the specified character encoding. |
String.String(byte[] bytes,
String enc)
Construct a new String by converting the specified array
of bytes using the specified character encoding. |
NoClassDefFoundError.NoClassDefFoundError(String s)
Constructs a NoClassDefFoundError with the specified
detail message. |
CloneNotSupportedException.CloneNotSupportedException(String s)
Constructs a CloneNotSupportedException with the
specified detail message. |
AbstractMethodError.AbstractMethodError(String s)
Constructs an AbstractMethodError with the specified
detail message. |
Integer.Integer(String s)
Constructs a newly allocated Integer object that
represents the value represented by the string. |
RuntimePermission.RuntimePermission(String name)
Creates a new RuntimePermission with the specified name. |
RuntimePermission.RuntimePermission(String name,
String actions)
Creates a new RuntimePermission object with the specified name. |
ArithmeticException.ArithmeticException(String s)
Constructs an ArithmeticException with the specified
detail message. |
SecurityException.SecurityException(String s)
Constructs a SecurityException with the specified
detail message. |
Boolean.Boolean(String s)
Allocates a Boolean object representing the value
true if the string argument is not null
and is equal, ignoring case, to the string "true" . |
NoSuchFieldError.NoSuchFieldError(String s)
Constructs a NoSuchFieldException with the specified
detail message. |
Uses of String in java.lang.reflect |
Methods in java.lang.reflect that return String | |
String |
Returns the name of the field represented by this Field object. |
String |
Returns a string describing this Field . |
String |
Returns the name of the method represented by this Method
object, as a String . |
String |
Returns a string describing this Method . |
String |
Returns the name of this constructor, as a string. |
String |
Returns a string describing this Constructor . |
String |
Returns the simple name of the underlying member or constructor represented by this Member. |
static String |
Modifier.toString(int mod)
Return a string describing the access modifier flags in the specified modifier. |
Constructors in java.lang.reflect with parameters of type String | |
InvocationTargetException.InvocationTargetException(Throwable target,
String s)
Constructs a InvocationTargetException with a target exception and a detail message. |
ReflectPermission.ReflectPermission(String name)
Constructs a ReflectPermission with the specified name. |
ReflectPermission.ReflectPermission(String name,
String actions)
Constructs a ReflectPermission with the specified name and actions. |
Uses of String in java.math |
Methods in java.math that return String | |
String |
BigInteger.toString(int radix)
Returns the String representation of this BigInteger in the given radix. |
String |
Returns the decimal String representation of this BigInteger. |
String |
Returns the string representation of this BigDecimal. |
Constructors in java.math with parameters of type String | |
BigInteger.BigInteger(String val,
int radix)
Translates the String representation of a BigInteger in the specified radix into a BigInteger. |
BigInteger.BigInteger(String val)
Translates the decimal String representation of a BigInteger into a BigInteger. |
BigDecimal.BigDecimal(String val)
Translates the String representation of a BigDecmal into a BigDecimal. |
Uses of String in java.net |
Fields in java.net declared as String | |
protected String |
protected String |
Methods in java.net that return String | |
protected String |
Give the protocol that's requesting the connection. |
protected String |
protected String |
protected String |
URLStreamHandler.toExternalForm(URL u)
Converts a URL of a specific protocol to a
String . |
static String |
URLDecoder.decode(String s)
String |
Returns the value of the content-type header field. |
String |
Returns the value of the content-encoding header field. |
String |
URLConnection.getHeaderField(String name)
Returns the name of the specified header field. |
String |
URLConnection.getHeaderFieldKey(int n)
Returns the key for the n th header field. |
String |
URLConnection.getHeaderField(int n)
Returns the value for the n th header field. |
String |
Returns a String representation of this URL connection. |
String |
URLConnection.getRequestProperty(String key)
Returns the value of the named general request property for this connection. |
static String |
URLConnection.getDefaultRequestProperty(String key)
Returns the value of the default request property. |
protected static String |
URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromName(String fname)
Tries to determine the content type of an object, based on the specified "file" component of a URL. |
static String |
URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromStream(InputStream is)
Tries to determine the type of an input stream based on the characters at the beginning of the input stream. |
String |
Return the entry name for this connection. |
String |
Converts this socket to a String . |
String |
Get the request method. |
String |
Gets the HTTP response message, if any, returned along with the response code from a server. |
String |
Returns the user name. |
String |
Returns the hostname for this address. |
String |
Returns the IP address string "%d.%d.%d.%d". |
String |
Converts this IP address to a String . |
static String |
URLEncoder.encode(String s)
Translates a string into x-www-form-urlencoded format. |
String |
Returns the implementation address and implementation port of this socket as a String . |
String |
Returns the protocol name this URL . |
String |
Returns the host name of this URL , if applicable. |
String |
Returns the file name of this URL . |
String |
Returns the anchor (also known as the "reference") of this URL . |
String |
Constructs a string representation of this URL . |
String |
Constructs a string representation of this URL . |
String |
Returns the canonical string representation of the actions. |
String |
Returns the address and port of this socket as a String . |
String |
FileNameMap.getContentTypeFor(String fileName)
Methods in java.net with parameters of type String | |
static PasswordAuthentication |
Authenticator.requestPasswordAuthentication(InetAddress addr,
int port,
String protocol,
String prompt,
String scheme)
Ask the authenticator that has been registered with the system for a password. |
URLStreamHandler |
URLStreamHandlerFactory.createURLStreamHandler(String protocol)
Creates a new URLStreamHandler instance with the specified
protocol. |
protected void |
URLStreamHandler.parseURL(URL u,
String spec,
int start,
int limit)
Parses the string representation of a URL into a
URL object. |
protected void |
URLStreamHandler.setURL(URL u,
String protocol,
String host,
int port,
String file,
String ref)
Sets the fields of the URL argument to the indicated values. |
ContentHandler |
ContentHandlerFactory.createContentHandler(String mimetype)
Creates a new ContentHandler to read an object from
a URLStreamHandler . |
static String |
URLDecoder.decode(String s)
String |
URLConnection.getHeaderField(String name)
Returns the name of the specified header field. |
int |
URLConnection.getHeaderFieldInt(String name,
int Default)
Returns the value of the named field parsed as a number. |
long |
URLConnection.getHeaderFieldDate(String name,
long Default)
Returns the value of the named field parsed as date. |
void |
URLConnection.setRequestProperty(String key,
String value)
Sets the general request property. |
String |
URLConnection.getRequestProperty(String key)
Returns the value of the named general request property for this connection. |
static void |
URLConnection.setDefaultRequestProperty(String key,
String value)
Sets the default value of a general request property. |
static String |
URLConnection.getDefaultRequestProperty(String key)
Returns the value of the default request property. |
protected static String |
URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromName(String fname)
Tries to determine the content type of an object, based on the specified "file" component of a URL. |
void |
HttpURLConnection.setRequestMethod(String method)
Set the method for the URL request, one of: GET POST HEAD OPTIONS PUT DELETE TRACE are legal, subject to protocol restrictions. |
static InetAddress |
InetAddress.getByName(String host)
Determines the IP address of a host, given the host's name. |
static InetAddress[] |
InetAddress.getAllByName(String host)
Determines all the IP addresses of a host, given the host's name. |
static String |
URLEncoder.encode(String s)
Translates a string into x-www-form-urlencoded format. |
protected void |
URL.set(String protocol,
String host,
int port,
String file,
String ref)
Sets the fields of the URL. |
protected Class |
URLClassLoader.findClass(String name)
Finds and loads the class with the specified name from the URL search path. |
protected Package |
URLClassLoader.definePackage(String name,
Manifest man,
URL url)
Defines a new package by name in this ClassLoader. |
URLClassLoader.findResource(String name)
Finds the resource with the specified name on the URL search path. |
Enumeration |
URLClassLoader.findResources(String name)
Returns an Enumeration of URLs representing all of the resources on the URL search path having the specified name. |
protected abstract void |
SocketImpl.connect(String host,
int port)
Connects this socket to the specified port on the named host. |
String |
FileNameMap.getContentTypeFor(String fileName)
Constructors in java.net with parameters of type String | |
MalformedURLException.MalformedURLException(String msg)
Constructs a MalformedURLException with the
specified detail message. |
SocketException.SocketException(String msg)
Constructs a new ProtocolException with the
specified detail message. |
ConnectException.ConnectException(String msg)
Constructs a new ConnectException with the specified detail message as to why the connect error occurred. |
Socket.Socket(String host,
int port)
Creates a stream socket and connects it to the specified port number on the named host. |
Socket.Socket(String host,
int port,
InetAddress localAddr,
int localPort)
Creates a socket and connects it to the specified remote host on the specified remote port. |
Socket.Socket(String host,
int port,
boolean stream)
Deprecated. Use DatagramSocket instead for UDP transport. |
PasswordAuthentication.PasswordAuthentication(String userName,
char[] password)
Creates a new PasswordAuthentication object from the given
user name and password. |
BindException.BindException(String msg)
Constructs a new BindException with the specified detail message as to why the bind error occurred. |
UnknownHostException.UnknownHostException(String host)
Constructs a new UnknownHostException with the
specified detail message. |
NoRouteToHostException.NoRouteToHostException(String msg)
Constructs a new NoRouteToHostException with the specified detail message as to why the remote host cannot be reached. |
NetPermission.NetPermission(String name)
Creates a new NetPermission with the specified name. |
NetPermission.NetPermission(String name,
String actions)
Creates a new NetPermission object with the specified name. |
URL.URL(String protocol,
String host,
int port,
String file)
Creates a URL object from the specified
protocol , host , port
number, and file . |
URL.URL(String protocol,
String host,
String file)
Creates an absolute URL from the specified protocol
name, host name, and file name. |
URL.URL(String protocol,
String host,
int port,
String file,
URLStreamHandler handler)
Creates a URL object from the specified
protocol , host , port
number, file , and handler . |
URL.URL(String spec)
Creates a URL object from the String
representation. |
URL.URL(URL context,
String spec)
Creates a URL by parsing the specification spec
within a specified context. |
URL.URL(URL context,
String spec,
URLStreamHandler handler)
Creates a URL by parsing the specification spec
within a specified context. |
SocketPermission.SocketPermission(String host,
String action)
Creates a new SocketPermission object with the specified actions. |
ProtocolException.ProtocolException(String host)
Constructs a new ProtocolException with the
specified detail message. |
UnknownServiceException.UnknownServiceException(String msg)
Constructs a new UnknownServiceException with the
specified detail message. |
Uses of String in java.rmi |
Methods in java.rmi that return String | |
String |
Returns the detail message, including the message from the nested exception if there is one. |
static String[] |
Naming.list(String name)
Returns an array of the names bound in the registry. |
Methods in java.rmi with parameters of type String | |
static Remote |
Naming.lookup(String name)
Returns a reference, a stub, for the remote object associated with the specified name . |
static void |
Naming.bind(String name,
Remote obj)
Binds the specified name to a remote object. |
static void |
Naming.unbind(String name)
Destroys the binding for the specified name that is associated with a remote object. |
static void |
Naming.rebind(String name,
Remote obj)
Rebinds the specified name to a new remote object. |
static String[] |
Naming.list(String name)
Returns an array of the names bound in the registry. |
Constructors in java.rmi with parameters of type String | |
NotBoundException.NotBoundException(String s)
Constructs a NotBoundException with the specified
detail message. |
RemoteException.RemoteException(String s)
Constructs a RemoteException with the specified
detail message. |
RemoteException.RemoteException(String s,
Throwable ex)
Constructs a RemoteException with the specified
detail message and nested exception. |
ServerException.ServerException(String s)
Constructs a ServerException with the specified
detail message. |
ServerException.ServerException(String s,
Exception ex)
Constructs a ServerException with the specified
detail message and nested exception. |
MarshalException.MarshalException(String s)
Constructs a MarshalException with the specified
detail message. |
MarshalException.MarshalException(String s,
Exception ex)
Constructs a MarshalException with the specified
detail message and nested exception. |
ConnectIOException.ConnectIOException(String s)
Constructs a ConnectIOException with the specified
detail message. |
ConnectIOException.ConnectIOException(String s,
Exception ex)
Constructs a ConnectIOException with the specified
detail message and nested exception. |
AlreadyBoundException.AlreadyBoundException(String s)
Constructs an AlreadyBoundException with the specified
detail message. |
ServerError.ServerError(String s,
Error err)
Constructs a ServerError with the specified
detail message and nested error. |
ServerRuntimeException.ServerRuntimeException(String s,
Exception ex)
Deprecated. no replacement |
NoSuchObjectException.NoSuchObjectException(String s)
Constructs a NoSuchObjectException with the specified
detail message. |
AccessException.AccessException(String s)
Constructs an AccessException with the specified
detail message. |
AccessException.AccessException(String s,
Exception ex)
Constructs an AccessException with the specified
detail message and nested exception. |
RMISecurityException.RMISecurityException(String name)
Deprecated. no replacement |
RMISecurityException.RMISecurityException(String name,
String arg)
Deprecated. no replacement |
StubNotFoundException.StubNotFoundException(String s)
Constructs a StubNotFoundException with the specified
detail message and nested exception. |
StubNotFoundException.StubNotFoundException(String s,
Exception ex)
Constructs a StubNotFoundException with the specified
detail message and nested exception. |
UnexpectedException.UnexpectedException(String s)
Constructs an UnexpectedException with the specified
detail message. |
UnexpectedException.UnexpectedException(String s,
Exception ex)
Constructs a UnexpectedException with the specified
detail message and nested exception. |
UnmarshalException.UnmarshalException(String s)
Constructs an UnmarshalException with the specified
detail message. |
UnmarshalException.UnmarshalException(String s,
Exception ex)
Constructs an UnmarshalException with the specified
detail message and nested exception. |
UnknownHostException.UnknownHostException(String s)
Constructs an UnknownHostException with the specified
detail message. |
UnknownHostException.UnknownHostException(String s,
Exception ex)
Constructs an UnknownHostException with the specified
detail message and nested exception. |
ConnectException.ConnectException(String s)
Constructs a ConnectException with the specified
detail message. |
ConnectException.ConnectException(String s,
Exception ex)
Constructs a ConnectException with the specified
detail message and nested exception. |
Uses of String in java.rmi.activation |
Methods in java.rmi.activation that return String | |
String |
Produces the message, include the message from the nested exception if there is one. |
String |
Returns the group's class name. |
String |
Returns the group's code location. |
String |
Fetch the configured path-qualified java command name. |
String[] |
Fetch the configured java command options. |
String |
Returns the class name for the object specified by this descriptor. |
String |
Returns the code location for the object specified by this descriptor. |
Methods in java.rmi.activation with parameters of type String | |
static ActivationID |
Activatable.exportObject(Remote obj,
String location,
MarshalledObject data,
boolean restart,
int port)
This exportObject method may be invoked explicitly
by an "activatable" object, that does not extend the
Activatable class, in order to both a) register
the object's activation descriptor, constructed from the supplied
location , and data , with
the activation system (so the object can be activated), and
b) export the remote object, obj , on a specific
port (if port=0, then an anonymous port is chosen). |
static ActivationID |
Activatable.exportObject(Remote obj,
String location,
MarshalledObject data,
boolean restart,
int port,
RMIClientSocketFactory csf,
RMIServerSocketFactory ssf)
This exportObject method may be invoked explicitly
by an "activatable" object, that does not extend the
Activatable class, in order to both a) register
the object's activation descriptor, constructed from the supplied
location , and data , with
the activation system (so the object can be activated), and
b) export the remote object, obj , on a specific
port (if port=0, then an anonymous port is chosen). |
Constructors in java.rmi.activation with parameters of type String | |
ActivationException.ActivationException(String s)
Constructs an ActivationException with detail
message, s . |
ActivationException.ActivationException(String s,
Throwable ex)
Constructs an ActivationException with detail message,
s , and detail exception ex . |
UnknownGroupException.UnknownGroupException(String s)
Constructs an UnknownGroupException with the specified
detail message. |
ActivationGroupDesc.ActivationGroupDesc(String className,
String location,
MarshalledObject data,
Properties overrides,
ActivationGroupDesc.CommandEnvironment cmd)
Specifies an alternate group implementation and execution environment to be used for the group. |
ActivationGroupDesc.CommandEnvironment.ActivationGroupDesc.CommandEnvironment(String cmdpath,
String[] argv)
Create a CommandEnvironment with all the necessary information. |
UnknownObjectException.UnknownObjectException(String s)
Constructs an UnknownObjectException with the specified
detail message. |
Activatable.Activatable(String location,
MarshalledObject data,
boolean restart,
int port)
Constructor used to register and export the object on a specified port (an anonymous port is chosen if port=0) . |
Activatable.Activatable(String location,
MarshalledObject data,
boolean restart,
int port,
RMIClientSocketFactory csf,
RMIServerSocketFactory ssf)
Constructor used to register and export the object on a specified port (an anonymous port is chosen if port=0) . |
ActivationDesc.ActivationDesc(String className,
String location,
MarshalledObject data)
Constructs an object descriptor for an object whose class name is className , that can be loaded from the
code location and whose initialization
information is data . |
ActivationDesc.ActivationDesc(String className,
String location,
MarshalledObject data,
boolean restart)
Constructs an object descriptor for an object whose class name is className , that can be loaded from the
code location and whose initialization
information is data . |
ActivationDesc.ActivationDesc(ActivationGroupID groupID,
String className,
String location,
MarshalledObject data)
Constructs an object descriptor for an object whose class name is className that can be loaded from the
code location and whose initialization
information is data . |
ActivationDesc.ActivationDesc(ActivationGroupID groupID,
String className,
String location,
MarshalledObject data,
boolean restart)
Constructs an object descriptor for an object whose class name is className that can be loaded from the
code location and whose initialization
information is data . |
ActivateFailedException.ActivateFailedException(String s)
Constructs an ActivateFailedException with the specified
detail message. |
ActivateFailedException.ActivateFailedException(String s,
Exception ex)
Constructs an ActivateFailedException with the specified
detail message and nested exception. |
Uses of String in java.rmi.dgc |
Methods in java.rmi.dgc that return String | |
String |
Return string representation of this VMID. |
Uses of String in java.rmi.registry |
Methods in java.rmi.registry that return String | |
String[] |
Returns an array of the names bound in the registry. |
Methods in java.rmi.registry with parameters of type String | |
Registry |
RegistryHandler.registryStub(String host,
int port)
Deprecated. no replacement. As of JDK1.2, RMI no longer uses the RegistryHandler to obtain the registry's stub. |
Remote |
Registry.lookup(String name)
Returns a reference, a stub, for the remote object associated with the specified name . |
void |
Registry.bind(String name,
Remote obj)
Binds the specified name to a remote object. |
void |
Registry.unbind(String name)
Destroys the binding for the specified name that is associated with a remote object. |
void |
Registry.rebind(String name,
Remote obj)
Rebinds the specified name to a new remote object. |
static Registry |
LocateRegistry.getRegistry(String host)
Returns a reference to the remote object Registry on the
specified host on the default registry port of 1099. |
static Registry |
LocateRegistry.getRegistry(String host,
int port)
Returns a reference to the remote object Registry on the
specified host and port . |
static Registry |
LocateRegistry.getRegistry(String host,
int port,
RMIClientSocketFactory csf)
Returns a locally created remote reference to the remote object Registry on the specified host and
port . |
Uses of String in java.rmi.server |
Fields in java.rmi.server declared as String | |
static String |
Deprecated. package of system LoaderHandler implementation |
static String |
Initialize the server package prefix: assumes that the implementation of server ref classes (e.g., UnicastRef, UnicastServerRef) are located in the package defined by the prefix. |
Methods in java.rmi.server that return String | |
String |
Returns a String that represents the value of this remote object. |
static String |
Return the hostname of the current client. |
String |
Returns a string containing the object id representation. |
String |
RemoteRef.getRefClass(ObjectOutput out)
Returns the class name of the ref type to be serialized onto the stream 'out'. |
String |
Returns a String that represents the reference of this remote object. |
String |
Deprecated. no replacement |
String |
Returns the string representation of the UID . |
String |
Deprecated. no replacement |
String |
Deprecated. no replacement |
String |
Obtains the message, include the message from the nested exception if there is one. |
static String |
RMIClassLoader.getClassAnnotation(Class cl)
Returns the class annotation (representing the location for a class) that RMI will use to annotate the call stream when marshalling objects of the given class. |
String |
Returns the hostname of the current client. |
Methods in java.rmi.server with parameters of type String | |
Class |
LoaderHandler.loadClass(String name)
Deprecated. no replacement |
Class |
LoaderHandler.loadClass(URL codebase,
String name)
Deprecated. no replacement |
static LogStream |
LogStream.log(String name)
Deprecated. no replacement |
static int |
LogStream.parseLevel(String s)
Deprecated. no replacement |
Socket |
RMIClientSocketFactory.createSocket(String host,
int port)
Create a client socket connected to the specified host and port. |
abstract Socket |
RMISocketFactory.createSocket(String host,
int port)
Creates a client socket connected to the specified host and port. |
static Class |
RMIClassLoader.loadClass(String name)
Deprecated. replaced by loadClass(String,String) method |
static Class |
RMIClassLoader.loadClass(URL codebase,
String name)
Load a class from a codebase URL. |
static Class |
RMIClassLoader.loadClass(String codebase,
String name)
Load a class from a codebase URL path. |
Constructors in java.rmi.server with parameters of type String | |
SkeletonNotFoundException.SkeletonNotFoundException(String s)
Deprecated. Constructs a SkeletonNotFoundException with the specified
detail message. |
SkeletonNotFoundException.SkeletonNotFoundException(String s,
Exception ex)
Deprecated. Constructs a SkeletonNotFoundException with the specified
detail message and nested exception. |
SkeletonMismatchException.SkeletonMismatchException(String s)
Deprecated. no replacement |
Operation.Operation(String op)
Deprecated. no replacement |
ServerCloneException.ServerCloneException(String s)
Constructs an ServerCloneException with the specified
detail message. |
ServerCloneException.ServerCloneException(String s,
Exception ex)
Constructs an ServerCloneException with the specified
detail message and nested exception. |
ExportException.ExportException(String s)
Constructs an ExportException with the specified
detail message. |
ExportException.ExportException(String s,
Exception ex)
Constructs an ExportException with the specified
detail message and nested exception. |
SocketSecurityException.SocketSecurityException(String s)
Constructs an SocketSecurityException with the specified
detail message. |
SocketSecurityException.SocketSecurityException(String s,
Exception ex)
Constructs an SocketSecurityException with the specified
detail message and nested exception. |
ServerNotActiveException.ServerNotActiveException(String s)
Constructs an ServerNotActiveException with the specified
detail message. |
Uses of String in java.security |
Methods in java.security that return String | |
String |
Returns the name of this Permission. |
abstract String |
Returns the actions as a String. |
String |
Returns a string describing this Permission. |
String |
Returns the canonical string representation of the actions, which currently is the empty string "", since there are no actions for a BasicPermission. |
String |
Returns the name of the algorithm associated with this parameter object. |
String |
Returns a formatted string describing the parameters. |
String |
Returns a string representation of this message digest object. |
String |
Returns a string that identifies the algorithm, independent of implementation details. |
String |
Returns the standard name of the algorithm for this key pair generator. |
String |
Prints a string representation of this digest output stream and its associated message digest object. |
String |
Retrieves the name of the signature algorithm. |
String |
Returns a string describing this PermissionCollection object, providing information about all the permissions it contains. |
String |
Returns a string representation of this principal. |
String |
Returns the name of this principal. |
String |
Returns the standard name of the algorithm this parameter generator is associated with. |
String |
Returns a string describing this CodeSource, telling its URL and certificates. |
String |
Deprecated. Returns this identity's name. |
String |
Deprecated. Returns general information previously specified for this identity. |
String |
Deprecated. Returns a short string describing this identity, telling its name and its scope (if any). |
String |
Identity.toString(boolean detailed)
Deprecated. Returns a string representation of this identity, with optionally more details than that provided by the toString method without any arguments. |
String |
Deprecated. Returns a string representation of this identity scope, including its name, its scope name, and the number of identities in this identity scope. |
String |
Prints a string representation of this digest input stream and its associated message digest object. |
abstract String |
KeyStoreSpi.engineGetCertificateAlias(Certificate cert)
Returns the (alias) name of the first keystore entry whose certificate matches the given certificate. |
String |
Returns the type of this keystore. |
String |
KeyStore.getCertificateAlias(Certificate cert)
Returns the (alias) name of the first keystore entry whose certificate matches the given certificate. |
static String |
Returns the default keystore type as specified in the Java security properties file, or the string "jks" (acronym for "Java keystore") if no such property exists. |
String |
Returns the canonical string representation of the actions, which currently is the empty string "", since there are no actions for an UnresolvedPermission. |
String |
Returns a string describing this UnresolvedPermission. |
String |
Convert a ProtectionDomain to a String. |
String |
Returns the name of the algorithm associated with this key factory. |
String |
Returns the canonical string representation of the actions. |
protected abstract String |
Returns a formatted string describing the parameters. |
String |
Deprecated. Returns a string of information about the signer. |
static String |
Security.getAlgorithmProperty(String algName,
String propName)
Deprecated. This method used to return the value of a proprietary property in the master file of the "SUN" Cryptographic Service Provider in order to determine how to parse algorithm-specific parameters. Use the new provider-based and algorithm-independent AlgorithmParameters and KeyFactory engine
classes (introduced in JDK 1.2) instead. |
static String |
Security.getProperty(String key)
Gets a security property value. |
String |
Returns the name of the algorithm for this signature object. |
String |
Returns a string representation of this signature object, providing information that includes the state of the object and the name of the algorithm used. |
String |
Returns the name of this provider. |
String |
Returns a human-readable description of the provider and its services. |
String |
Returns a string with the name and the version number of this provider. |
String |
Deprecated. Returns the name of the coding format. |
String |
Certificate.toString(boolean detailed)
Deprecated. Returns a string that represents the contents of the certificate. |
String |
Returns the standard algorithm name for this key. |
String |
Returns the name of the primary encoding format of this key, or null if this key does not support encoding. |
Methods in java.security with parameters of type String | |
protected Class |
SecureClassLoader.defineClass(String name,
byte[] b,
int off,
int len,
CodeSource cs)
Converts an array of bytes into an instance of class Class, with an optional CodeSource. |
static AlgorithmParameters |
AlgorithmParameters.getInstance(String algorithm)
Generates a parameter object for the specified algorithm. |
static AlgorithmParameters |
AlgorithmParameters.getInstance(String algorithm,
String provider)
Generates a parameter object for the specified algorithm, as supplied by the specified provider, if such an algorithm is available from the provider. |
void |
AlgorithmParameters.init(byte[] params,
String format)
Imports the parameters from params and decodes them
according to the specified decoding scheme. |
byte[] |
AlgorithmParameters.getEncoded(String format)
Returns the parameters encoded in the specified scheme. |
static SecureRandom |
SecureRandom.getInstance(String algorithm)
Generates a SecureRandom object that implements the specified Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG) algorithm. |
static SecureRandom |
SecureRandom.getInstance(String algorithm,
String provider)
Generates a SecureRandom object for the specified PRNG algorithm, as supplied from the specified provider, if such a PRNG implementation is available from the provider. |
static MessageDigest |
MessageDigest.getInstance(String algorithm)
Generates a MessageDigest object that implements the specified digest algorithm. |
static MessageDigest |
MessageDigest.getInstance(String algorithm,
String provider)
Generates a MessageDigest object implementing the specified algorithm, as supplied from the specified provider, if such an algorithm is available from the provider. |
static KeyPairGenerator |
KeyPairGenerator.getInstance(String algorithm)
Generates a KeyPairGenerator object that implements the specified digest algorithm. |
static KeyPairGenerator |
KeyPairGenerator.getInstance(String algorithm,
String provider)
Generates a KeyPairGenerator object implementing the specified algorithm, as supplied from the specified provider, if such an algorithm is available from the provider. |
static AlgorithmParameterGenerator |
AlgorithmParameterGenerator.getInstance(String algorithm)
Generates an AlgorithmParameterGenerator object that implements the specified digest algorithm. |
static AlgorithmParameterGenerator |
AlgorithmParameterGenerator.getInstance(String algorithm,
String provider)
Generates an AlgorithmParameterGenerator object for the requested algorithm, as supplied from the specified provider, if such a parameter generator is available from the provider. |
protected abstract void |
SignatureSpi.engineSetParameter(String param,
Object value)
Deprecated. Replaced by engineSetParameter. |
protected abstract Object |
SignatureSpi.engineGetParameter(String param)
Deprecated. |
void |
Identity.setInfo(String info)
Deprecated. Specifies a general information string for this identity. |
abstract Identity |
IdentityScope.getIdentity(String name)
Deprecated. Returns the identity in this scope with the specified name (if any). |
abstract Key |
KeyStoreSpi.engineGetKey(String alias,
char[] password)
Returns the key associated with the given alias, using the given password to recover it. |
abstract Certificate[] |
KeyStoreSpi.engineGetCertificateChain(String alias)
Returns the certificate chain associated with the given alias. |
abstract Certificate |
KeyStoreSpi.engineGetCertificate(String alias)
Returns the certificate associated with the given alias. |
abstract Date |
KeyStoreSpi.engineGetCreationDate(String alias)
Returns the creation date of the entry identified by the given alias. |
abstract void |
KeyStoreSpi.engineSetKeyEntry(String alias,
Key key,
char[] password,
Certificate[] chain)
Assigns the given key to the given alias, protecting it with the given password. |
abstract void |
KeyStoreSpi.engineSetKeyEntry(String alias,
byte[] key,
Certificate[] chain)
Assigns the given key (that has already been protected) to the given alias. |
abstract void |
KeyStoreSpi.engineSetCertificateEntry(String alias,
Certificate cert)
Assigns the given certificate to the given alias. |
abstract void |
KeyStoreSpi.engineDeleteEntry(String alias)
Deletes the entry identified by the given alias from this keystore. |
abstract boolean |
KeyStoreSpi.engineContainsAlias(String alias)
Checks if the given alias exists in this keystore. |
abstract boolean |
KeyStoreSpi.engineIsKeyEntry(String alias)
Returns true if the entry identified by the given alias is a key entry, and false otherwise. |
abstract boolean |
KeyStoreSpi.engineIsCertificateEntry(String alias)
Returns true if the entry identified by the given alias is a trusted certificate entry, and false otherwise. |
static KeyStore |
KeyStore.getInstance(String type)
Generates a keystore object of the given type. |
static KeyStore |
KeyStore.getInstance(String type,
String provider)
Generates a keystore object for the specified keystore type from the specified provider. |
Key |
KeyStore.getKey(String alias,
char[] password)
Returns the key associated with the given alias, using the given password to recover it. |
Certificate[] |
KeyStore.getCertificateChain(String alias)
Returns the certificate chain associated with the given alias. |
Certificate |
KeyStore.getCertificate(String alias)
Returns the certificate associated with the given alias. |
Date |
KeyStore.getCreationDate(String alias)
Returns the creation date of the entry identified by the given alias. |
void |
KeyStore.setKeyEntry(String alias,
Key key,
char[] password,
Certificate[] chain)
Assigns the given key to the given alias, protecting it with the given password. |
void |
KeyStore.setKeyEntry(String alias,
byte[] key,
Certificate[] chain)
Assigns the given key (that has already been protected) to the given alias. |
void |
KeyStore.setCertificateEntry(String alias,
Certificate cert)
Assigns the given certificate to the given alias. |
void |
KeyStore.deleteEntry(String alias)
Deletes the entry identified by the given alias from this keystore. |
boolean |
KeyStore.containsAlias(String alias)
Checks if the given alias exists in this keystore. |
boolean |
KeyStore.isKeyEntry(String alias)
Returns true if the entry identified by the given alias is a key entry, and false otherwise. |
boolean |
KeyStore.isCertificateEntry(String alias)
Returns true if the entry identified by the given alias is a trusted certificate entry, and false otherwise. |
static KeyFactory |
KeyFactory.getInstance(String algorithm)
Generates a KeyFactory object that implements the specified digest algorithm. |
static KeyFactory |
KeyFactory.getInstance(String algorithm,
String provider)
Generates a KeyFactory object for the specified algorithm from the specified provider. |
protected abstract void |
AlgorithmParametersSpi.engineInit(byte[] params,
String format)
Imports the parameters from params and
decodes them according to the specified decoding format. |
protected abstract byte[] |
AlgorithmParametersSpi.engineGetEncoded(String format)
Returns the parameters encoded in the specified format. |
static String |
Security.getAlgorithmProperty(String algName,
String propName)
Deprecated. This method used to return the value of a proprietary property in the master file of the "SUN" Cryptographic Service Provider in order to determine how to parse algorithm-specific parameters. Use the new provider-based and algorithm-independent AlgorithmParameters and KeyFactory engine
classes (introduced in JDK 1.2) instead. |
static void |
Security.removeProvider(String name)
Removes the provider with the specified name. |
static Provider |
Security.getProvider(String name)
Returns the provider installed with the specified name, if any. |
static String |
Security.getProperty(String key)
Gets a security property value. |
static void |
Security.setProperty(String key,
String datum)
Sets a security property value. |
static Signature |
Signature.getInstance(String algorithm)
Generates a Signature object that implements the specified digest algorithm. |
static Signature |
Signature.getInstance(String algorithm,
String provider)
Generates a Signature object implementing the specified algorithm, as supplied from the specified provider, if such an algorithm is available from the provider. |
void |
Signature.setParameter(String param,
Object value)
Deprecated. Use setParameter. |
Object |
Signature.getParameter(String param)
Deprecated. |
Constructors in java.security with parameters of type String | |
Permission.Permission(String name)
Constructs a permission with the specified name. |
BasicPermission.BasicPermission(String name)
Creates a new BasicPermission with the specified name. |
BasicPermission.BasicPermission(String name,
String actions)
Creates a new BasicPermission object with the specified name. |
AlgorithmParameters.AlgorithmParameters(AlgorithmParametersSpi paramSpi,
Provider provider,
String algorithm)
Creates an AlgorithmParameters object. |
GeneralSecurityException.GeneralSecurityException(String msg)
Constructs a GeneralSecurityException with the specified detail message. |
KeyStoreException.KeyStoreException(String msg)
Constructs a KeyStoreException with the specified detail message. |
MessageDigest.MessageDigest(String algorithm)
Creates a message digest with the specified algorithm name. |
KeyPairGenerator.KeyPairGenerator(String algorithm)
Creates a KeyPairGenerator object for the specified algorithm. |
ProviderException.ProviderException(String s)
Constructs a ProviderException with the specified detail message. |
AlgorithmParameterGenerator.AlgorithmParameterGenerator(AlgorithmParameterGeneratorSpi paramGenSpi,
Provider provider,
String algorithm)
Creates an AlgorithmParameterGenerator object. |
NoSuchAlgorithmException.NoSuchAlgorithmException(String msg)
Constructs a NoSuchAlgorithmException with the specified detail message. |
KeyException.KeyException(String msg)
Constructs a KeyException with the specified detail message. |
Identity.Identity(String name,
IdentityScope scope)
Deprecated. Constructs an identity with the specified name and scope. |
Identity.Identity(String name)
Deprecated. Constructs an identity with the specified name and no scope. |
IdentityScope.IdentityScope(String name)
Deprecated. Constructs a new identity scope with the specified name. |
IdentityScope.IdentityScope(String name,
IdentityScope scope)
Deprecated. Constructs a new identity scope with the specified name and scope. |
AccessControlException.AccessControlException(String s)
Constructs an AccessControlException with the
specified, detailed message. |
AccessControlException.AccessControlException(String s,
Permission p)
Constructs an AccessControlException with the
specified, detailed message, and the requested permission that caused
the exception. |
KeyStore.KeyStore(KeyStoreSpi keyStoreSpi,
Provider provider,
String type)
Creates a KeyStore object of the given type, and encapsulates the given provider implementation (SPI object) in it. |
UnresolvedPermission.UnresolvedPermission(String type,
String name,
String actions,
Certificate[] certs)
Creates a new UnresolvedPermission containing the permission information needed later to actually create a Permission of the specified class, when the permission is resolved. |
SignatureException.SignatureException(String msg)
Constructs a SignatureException with the specified detail message. |
KeyManagementException.KeyManagementException(String msg)
Constructs a KeyManagementException with the specified detail message. |
UnrecoverableKeyException.UnrecoverableKeyException(String msg)
Constructs an UnrecoverableKeyException with the specified detail message, which provides more information about why this exception has been thrown. |
KeyFactory.KeyFactory(KeyFactorySpi keyFacSpi,
Provider provider,
String algorithm)
Creates a KeyFactory object. |
SecurityPermission.SecurityPermission(String name)
Creates a new SecurityPermission with the specified name. |
SecurityPermission.SecurityPermission(String name,
String actions)
Creates a new SecurityPermission object with the specified name. |
AllPermission.AllPermission(String name,
String actions)
Creates a new AllPermission object. |
DigestException.DigestException(String msg)
Constructs a DigestException with the specified detail message. |
InvalidKeyException.InvalidKeyException(String msg)
Constructs an InvalidKeyException with the specified detail message. |
Signer.Signer(String name)
Deprecated. Creates a signer with the specified identity name. |
Signer.Signer(String name,
IdentityScope scope)
Deprecated. Creates a signer with the specified identity name and scope. |
Signature.Signature(String algorithm)
Creates a Signature object for the specified algorithm. |
Provider.Provider(String name,
double version,
String info)
Constructs a provider with the specified name, version number, and information. |
InvalidParameterException.InvalidParameterException(String msg)
Constructs an InvalidParameterException with the specified detail message. |
NoSuchProviderException.NoSuchProviderException(String msg)
Constructs a NoSuchProviderException with the specified detail message. |
InvalidAlgorithmParameterException.InvalidAlgorithmParameterException(String msg)
Constructs an InvalidAlgorithmParameterException with the specified detail message. |
Uses of String in java.security.acl |
Methods in java.security.acl that return String | |
String |
Returns the name of this ACL. |
String |
Returns a string representation of the ACL contents. |
String |
Returns a string representation of the contents of this ACL entry. |
String |
Prints a string representation of this permission. |
Methods in java.security.acl with parameters of type String | |
void |
Acl.setName(Principal caller,
String name)
Sets the name of this ACL. |
Uses of String in java.security.cert |
Methods in java.security.cert that return String | |
String |
Returns the type of this certificate. |
abstract String |
Returns a string representation of this certificate. |
abstract String |
Gets the signature algorithm name for the certificate signature algorithm. |
abstract String |
Gets the signature algorithm OID string from the certificate. |
String |
Returns the name of the certificate type associated with this certificate factory. |
String |
Returns the type of this CRL. |
abstract String |
Returns a string representation of this CRL. |
abstract String |
Gets the signature algorithm name for the CRL signature algorithm. |
abstract String |
Gets the signature algorithm OID string from the CRL. |
abstract String |
Returns a string representation of this CRL entry. |
Methods in java.security.cert with parameters of type String | |
abstract void |
Certificate.verify(PublicKey key,
String sigProvider)
Verifies that this certificate was signed using the private key that corresponds to the specified public key. |
static CertificateFactory |
CertificateFactory.getInstance(String type)
Generates a certificate factory object that implements the specified certificate type. |
static CertificateFactory |
CertificateFactory.getInstance(String type,
String provider)
Generates a certificate factory object for the specified certificate type from the specified provider. |
abstract void |
X509CRL.verify(PublicKey key,
String sigProvider)
Verifies that this CRL was signed using the private key that corresponds to the given public key. |
byte[] |
X509Extension.getExtensionValue(String oid)
Gets the DER-encoded OCTET string for the extension value (extnValue) identified by the passed-in oid
String. |
Constructors in java.security.cert with parameters of type String | |
CertificateException.CertificateException(String msg)
Constructs a certificate exception with the given detail message. |
CertificateExpiredException.CertificateExpiredException(String message)
Constructs a CertificateExpiredException with the specified detail message. |
CRLException.CRLException(String message)
Constructs a CRLException with the specified detail message. |
Certificate.Certificate(String type)
Creates a certificate of the specified type. |
CertificateParsingException.CertificateParsingException(String message)
Constructs a CertificateParsingException with the specified detail message. |
CertificateNotYetValidException.CertificateNotYetValidException(String message)
Constructs a CertificateNotYetValidException with the specified detail message. |
CertificateFactory.CertificateFactory(CertificateFactorySpi certFacSpi,
Provider provider,
String type)
Creates a CertificateFactory object of the given type, and encapsulates the given provider implementation (SPI object) in it. |
CRL.CRL(String type)
Creates a CRL of the specified type. |
CertificateEncodingException.CertificateEncodingException(String message)
Constructs a CertificateEncodingException with the specified detail message. |
Uses of String in java.security.spec |
Methods in java.security.spec that return String | |
abstract String |
Returns the name of the encoding format associated with this key specification. |
String |
Returns the name of the encoding format associated with this key specification. |
String |
Returns the name of the encoding format associated with this key specification. |
Constructors in java.security.spec with parameters of type String | |
InvalidParameterSpecException.InvalidParameterSpecException(String msg)
Constructs an InvalidParameterSpecException with the specified detail message. |
InvalidKeySpecException.InvalidKeySpecException(String msg)
Constructs an InvalidKeySpecException with the specified detail message. |
Uses of String in java.sql |
Fields in java.sql declared as String | |
String |
The name of the property. |
String |
A brief description of the property, which may be null. |
String |
The value field specifies the current value of
the property, based on a combination of the information
supplied to the method getPropertyInfo , the
Java environment, and the driver-supplied default values. |
String[] |
An array of possible values if the value for the field DriverPropertyInfo.value may be selected
from a particular set of values; otherwise null. |
Methods in java.sql that return String | |
String |
Retrieves the SQLState for this SQLException object. |
String |
Returns the SQL type name of the elements in the array designated by this Array object. |
String |
Clob.getSubString(long pos,
int length)
Returns a copy of the specified substring in the CLOB value
designated by this Clob object. |
String |
Format a time in JDBC date escape format |
String |
Gets the fully-qualified SQL structured type name of the referenced item. |
String |
ResultSet.getString(int columnIndex)
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java String. |
String |
ResultSet.getString(String columnName)
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java String. |
String |
Gets the name of the SQL cursor used by this ResultSet. |
String |
Formats a date in JDBC date escape format. |
String |
Reads the next attribute in the stream as a Java String. |
String |
CallableStatement.getString(int parameterIndex)
Retrieves the value of a JDBC CHAR , VARCHAR ,
or LONGVARCHAR parameter as a String in
the Java programming language. |
String |
Retrieves the SQL type name of the SQL structured type that this Struct object represents. |
String |
Connection.nativeSQL(String sql)
Converts the given SQL statement into the system's native SQL grammar. |
String |
Returns the Connection's current catalog name. |
String |
Formats a timestamp in JDBC timestamp escape format. |
String |
What's the url for this database? |
String |
What's our user name as known to the database? |
String |
What's the name of this database product? |
String |
What's the version of this database product? |
String |
What's the name of this JDBC driver? |
String |
What's the version of this JDBC driver? |
String |
What's the string used to quote SQL identifiers? This returns a space " " if identifier quoting isn't supported. |
String |
Gets a comma-separated list of all a database's SQL keywords that are NOT also SQL92 keywords. |
String |
Gets a comma-separated list of math functions. |
String |
Gets a comma-separated list of string functions. |
String |
Gets a comma-separated list of system functions. |
String |
Gets a comma-separated list of time and date functions. |
String |
Gets the string that can be used to escape wildcard characters. |
String |
Gets all the "extra" characters that can be used in unquoted identifier names (those beyond a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and _). |
String |
What's the database vendor's preferred term for "schema"? |
String |
What's the database vendor's preferred term for "procedure"? |
String |
What's the database vendor's preferred term for "catalog"? |
String |
What's the separator between catalog and table name? |
String |
ResultSetMetaData.getColumnLabel(int column)
Gets the suggested column title for use in printouts and displays. |
String |
ResultSetMetaData.getColumnName(int column)
Gets a column's name. |
String |
ResultSetMetaData.getSchemaName(int column)
Gets a column's table's schema. |
String |
ResultSetMetaData.getTableName(int column)
Gets a column's table name. |
String |
ResultSetMetaData.getCatalogName(int column)
Gets a column's table's catalog name. |
String |
ResultSetMetaData.getColumnTypeName(int column)
Retrieves a column's database-specific type name. |
String |
ResultSetMetaData.getColumnClassName(int column)
JDBC 2.0 |
String |
Returns the fully-qualified name of the SQL user-defined type that this object represents. |
Methods in java.sql with parameters of type String | |
void |
PreparedStatement.setString(int parameterIndex,
String x)
Sets the designated parameter to a Java String value. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setNull(int paramIndex,
int sqlType,
String typeName)
JDBC 2.0 Sets the designated parameter to SQL NULL. |
long |
Clob.position(String searchstr,
long start)
Determines the character position at which the specified substring searchstr appears in the CLOB . |
static Time |
Time.valueOf(String s)
Converts a string in JDBC time escape format to a Time value. |
String |
ResultSet.getString(String columnName)
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java String. |
boolean |
ResultSet.getBoolean(String columnName)
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java boolean. |
byte |
ResultSet.getByte(String columnName)
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java byte. |
short |
ResultSet.getShort(String columnName)
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java short. |
int |
ResultSet.getInt(String columnName)
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java int. |
long |
ResultSet.getLong(String columnName)
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java long. |
float |
ResultSet.getFloat(String columnName)
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java float. |
double |
ResultSet.getDouble(String columnName)
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java double. |
BigDecimal |
ResultSet.getBigDecimal(String columnName,
int scale)
Deprecated. |
byte[] |
ResultSet.getBytes(String columnName)
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java byte array. |
Date |
ResultSet.getDate(String columnName)
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a java.sql.Date object. |
Time |
ResultSet.getTime(String columnName)
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a java.sql.Time object. |
Timestamp |
ResultSet.getTimestamp(String columnName)
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a java.sql.Timestamp object. |
InputStream |
ResultSet.getAsciiStream(String columnName)
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a stream of ASCII characters. |
InputStream |
ResultSet.getUnicodeStream(String columnName)
Deprecated. |
InputStream |
ResultSet.getBinaryStream(String columnName)
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a stream of uninterpreted bytes. |
Object |
ResultSet.getObject(String columnName)
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java object. |
int |
ResultSet.findColumn(String columnName)
Maps the given Resultset column name to its ResultSet column index. |
Reader |
ResultSet.getCharacterStream(String columnName)
JDBC 2.0 |
BigDecimal |
ResultSet.getBigDecimal(String columnName)
JDBC 2.0 Gets the value of a column in the current row as a java.math.BigDecimal object with full precision. |
void |
ResultSet.updateString(int columnIndex,
String x)
JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a String value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateNull(String columnName)
JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a null value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateBoolean(String columnName,
boolean x)
JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a boolean value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateByte(String columnName,
byte x)
JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a byte value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateShort(String columnName,
short x)
JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a short value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateInt(String columnName,
int x)
JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with an integer value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateLong(String columnName,
long x)
JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a long value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateFloat(String columnName,
float x)
JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a float value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateDouble(String columnName,
double x)
JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a double value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateBigDecimal(String columnName,
BigDecimal x)
JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a BigDecimal value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateString(String columnName,
String x)
JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a String value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateBytes(String columnName,
byte[] x)
JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a byte array value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateDate(String columnName,
Date x)
JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a Date value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateTime(String columnName,
Time x)
JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a Time value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateTimestamp(String columnName,
Timestamp x)
JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a Timestamp value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateAsciiStream(String columnName,
InputStream x,
int length)
JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with an ascii stream value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateBinaryStream(String columnName,
InputStream x,
int length)
JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a binary stream value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateCharacterStream(String columnName,
Reader reader,
int length)
JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a character stream value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateObject(String columnName,
Object x,
int scale)
JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with an Object value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateObject(String columnName,
Object x)
JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with an Object value. |
Object |
ResultSet.getObject(String colName,
Map map)
JDBC 2.0 Returns the value in the specified column as a Java object. |
Ref |
ResultSet.getRef(String colName)
JDBC 2.0 Gets a REF(<structured-type>) column value from the current row. |
Blob |
ResultSet.getBlob(String colName)
JDBC 2.0 Gets a BLOB value in the current row of this ResultSet object. |
Clob |
ResultSet.getClob(String colName)
JDBC 2.0 Gets a CLOB value in the current row of this ResultSet object. |
Array |
ResultSet.getArray(String colName)
JDBC 2.0 Gets an SQL ARRAY value in the current row of this ResultSet object. |
Date |
ResultSet.getDate(String columnName,
Calendar cal)
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a java.sql.Date object. |
Time |
ResultSet.getTime(String columnName,
Calendar cal)
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a java.sql.Time object. |
Timestamp |
ResultSet.getTimestamp(String columnName,
Calendar cal)
Gets the value of a column in the current row as a java.sql.Timestamp object. |
Connection |
Driver.connect(String url,
Properties info)
Attempts to make a database connection to the given URL. |
boolean |
Driver.acceptsURL(String url)
Returns true if the driver thinks that it can open a connection to the given URL. |
DriverPropertyInfo[] |
Driver.getPropertyInfo(String url,
Properties info)
Gets information about the possible properties for this driver. |
static Date |
Date.valueOf(String s)
Converts a string in JDBC date escape format to a Date value. |
static Connection |
DriverManager.getConnection(String url,
Properties info)
Attempts to establish a connection to the given database URL. |
static Connection |
DriverManager.getConnection(String url,
String user,
String password)
Attempts to establish a connection to the given database URL. |
static Connection |
DriverManager.getConnection(String url)
Attempts to establish a connection to the given database URL. |
static Driver |
DriverManager.getDriver(String url)
Attempts to locate a driver that understands the given URL. |
static void |
DriverManager.println(String message)
Prints a message to the current JDBC log stream. |
void |
CallableStatement.registerOutParameter(int paramIndex,
int sqlType,
String typeName)
JDBC 2.0 Registers the designated output parameter. |
PreparedStatement |
Connection.prepareStatement(String sql)
Creates a PreparedStatement object for sending
parameterized SQL statements to the database. |
CallableStatement |
Connection.prepareCall(String sql)
Creates a CallableStatement object for calling
database stored procedures. |
String |
Connection.nativeSQL(String sql)
Converts the given SQL statement into the system's native SQL grammar. |
void |
Connection.setCatalog(String catalog)
Sets a catalog name in order to select a subspace of this Connection's database in which to work. |
PreparedStatement |
Connection.prepareStatement(String sql,
int resultSetType,
int resultSetConcurrency)
JDBC 2.0 Creates a PreparedStatement object that will generate
ResultSet objects with the given type and concurrency. |
CallableStatement |
Connection.prepareCall(String sql,
int resultSetType,
int resultSetConcurrency)
JDBC 2.0 Creates a CallableStatement object that will generate
ResultSet objects with the given type and concurrency. |
static Timestamp |
Timestamp.valueOf(String s)
Converts a string in JDBC timestamp escape format to a Timestamp value. |
ResultSet |
Statement.executeQuery(String sql)
Executes a SQL statement that returns a single ResultSet. |
int |
Statement.executeUpdate(String sql)
Executes an SQL INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement. |
void |
Statement.setCursorName(String name)
Defines the SQL cursor name that will be used by subsequent Statement execute methods. |
boolean |
Statement.execute(String sql)
Executes a SQL statement that may return multiple results. |
void |
Statement.addBatch(String sql)
JDBC 2.0 Adds a SQL command to the current batch of commmands for the statement. |
void |
SQLOutput.writeString(String x)
Writes the next attribute to the stream as a Java String. |
ResultSet |
DatabaseMetaData.getProcedures(String catalog,
String schemaPattern,
String procedureNamePattern)
Gets a description of the stored procedures available in a catalog. |
ResultSet |
DatabaseMetaData.getProcedureColumns(String catalog,
String schemaPattern,
String procedureNamePattern,
String columnNamePattern)
Gets a description of a catalog's stored procedure parameters and result columns. |
ResultSet |
DatabaseMetaData.getTables(String catalog,
String schemaPattern,
String tableNamePattern,
String[] types)
Gets a description of tables available in a catalog. |
ResultSet |
DatabaseMetaData.getColumns(String catalog,
String schemaPattern,
String tableNamePattern,
String columnNamePattern)
Gets a description of table columns available in the specified catalog. |
ResultSet |
DatabaseMetaData.getColumnPrivileges(String catalog,
String schema,
String table,
String columnNamePattern)
Gets a description of the access rights for a table's columns. |
ResultSet |
DatabaseMetaData.getTablePrivileges(String catalog,
String schemaPattern,
String tableNamePattern)
Gets a description of the access rights for each table available in a catalog. |
ResultSet |
DatabaseMetaData.getBestRowIdentifier(String catalog,
String schema,
String table,
int scope,
boolean nullable)
Gets a description of a table's optimal set of columns that uniquely identifies a row. |
ResultSet |
DatabaseMetaData.getVersionColumns(String catalog,
String schema,
String table)
Gets a description of a table's columns that are automatically updated when any value in a row is updated. |
ResultSet |
DatabaseMetaData.getPrimaryKeys(String catalog,
String schema,
String table)
Gets a description of a table's primary key columns. |
ResultSet |
DatabaseMetaData.getImportedKeys(String catalog,
String schema,
String table)
Gets a description of the primary key columns that are referenced by a table's foreign key columns (the primary keys imported by a table). |
ResultSet |
DatabaseMetaData.getExportedKeys(String catalog,
String schema,
String table)
Gets a description of the foreign key columns that reference a table's primary key columns (the foreign keys exported by a table). |
ResultSet |
DatabaseMetaData.getCrossReference(String primaryCatalog,
String primarySchema,
String primaryTable,
String foreignCatalog,
String foreignSchema,
String foreignTable)
Gets a description of the foreign key columns in the foreign key table that reference the primary key columns of the primary key table (describe how one table imports another's key.) This should normally return a single foreign key/primary key pair (most tables only import a foreign key from a table once.) They are ordered by FKTABLE_CAT, FKTABLE_SCHEM, FKTABLE_NAME, and KEY_SEQ. |
ResultSet |
DatabaseMetaData.getIndexInfo(String catalog,
String schema,
String table,
boolean unique,
boolean approximate)
Gets a description of a table's indices and statistics. |
ResultSet |
DatabaseMetaData.getUDTs(String catalog,
String schemaPattern,
String typeNamePattern,
int[] types)
JDBC 2.0 Gets a description of the user-defined types defined in a particular schema. |
void |
SQLData.readSQL(SQLInput stream,
String typeName)
Populates this object with data read from the database. |
Constructors in java.sql with parameters of type String | |
SQLException.SQLException(String reason,
String SQLState,
int vendorCode)
Constructs a fully-specified SQLException object. |
SQLException.SQLException(String reason,
String SQLState)
Constructs an SQLException object with a reason and SQLState;
vendorCode defaults to 0. |
SQLException.SQLException(String reason)
Constructs an SQLException object with a reason;
SQLState defaults to null, and vendorCode defaults to 0. |
BatchUpdateException.BatchUpdateException(String reason,
String SQLState,
int vendorCode,
int[] updateCounts)
Constructs a fully specified BatchUpdateException . |
BatchUpdateException.BatchUpdateException(String reason,
String SQLState,
int[] updateCounts)
Constructs a BatchUpdateException initialized with
the given arguments (reason ,
SQLState , and updateCounts ) and 0 for the vendor
code. |
BatchUpdateException.BatchUpdateException(String reason,
int[] updateCounts)
Constructs a BatchUpdateException initialized with
reason , updateCounts and null
for the SQLState and 0 for the vendorCode. |
SQLWarning.SQLWarning(String reason,
String SQLstate,
int vendorCode)
Constructs a fully-specified SQLWarning object
initialized with the given values. |
SQLWarning.SQLWarning(String reason,
String SQLstate)
Constructs an SQLWarning object
with the given reason and SQLState;
the vendorCode defaults to 0. |
SQLWarning.SQLWarning(String reason)
Constructs an SQLWarning object
with the given value for a reason; SQLState defaults to
null, and vendorCode defaults to 0. |
DriverPropertyInfo.DriverPropertyInfo(String name,
String value)
Constructs a DriverPropertyInfo object with a name and value;
other members default to their initial values. |
Uses of String in java.text |
Methods in java.text that return String | |
String |
Returns a string representation of the object. |
protected String |
Returns the name of the attribute. |
String |
Returns the String representation of this Annotation. |
String |
character used to represent infinity. |
String |
character used to represent NaN. |
String |
Return the string denoting the local currency. |
String |
Return the international string denoting the local currency. |
String |
Format.format(Object obj)
Formats an object to produce a string. |
String |
NumberFormat.format(double number)
Specialization of format. |
String |
NumberFormat.format(long number)
Specialization of format. |
String |
Get the positive prefix. |
String |
Get the negative prefix. |
String |
Get the positive suffix. |
String |
Get the negative suffix. |
String |
Synthesizes a pattern string that represents the current state of this Format object. |
String |
Synthesizes a localized pattern string that represents the current state of this Format object. |
String[] |
Gets era strings. |
String[] |
Gets month strings. |
String[] |
Gets short month strings. |
String[] |
Gets weekday strings. |
String[] |
Gets short weekday strings. |
String[] |
Gets ampm strings. |
String[][] |
Gets timezone strings. |
String |
Gets localized date-time pattern characters. |
String |
DateFormat.format(Date date)
Formats a Date into a date/time string. |
String |
Return a pattern string describing this date format. |
String |
Return a localized pattern string describing this date format. |
String |
Gets the pattern. |
String |
Return a string representation of this ParsePosition. |
String |
Returns the String that this CollationKey represents. |
String |
Gets the pattern. |
static String |
MessageFormat.format(String pattern,
Object[] arguments)
Convenience routine. |
String |
Gets the table-based rules for the collation object. |
String |
Return a string representation of this FieldPosition. |
Methods in java.text with parameters of type String | |
void |
DecimalFormatSymbols.setInfinity(String infinity)
void |
DecimalFormatSymbols.setNaN(String NaN)
void |
DecimalFormatSymbols.setCurrencySymbol(String currency)
Set the string denoting the local currency. |
void |
DecimalFormatSymbols.setInternationalCurrencySymbol(String currency)
Set the international string denoting the local currency. |
abstract Object |
Format.parseObject(String source,
ParsePosition status)
Parses a string to produce an object. |
Object |
Format.parseObject(String source)
Parses a string to produce an object. |
Object |
NumberFormat.parseObject(String source,
ParsePosition parsePosition)
abstract Number |
NumberFormat.parse(String text,
ParsePosition parsePosition)
Returns a Long if possible (e.g., within the range [Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE] and with no decimals), otherwise a Double. |
Number |
NumberFormat.parse(String text)
Convenience method. |
Number |
DecimalFormat.parse(String text,
ParsePosition parsePosition)
void |
DecimalFormat.setPositivePrefix(String newValue)
Set the positive prefix. |
void |
DecimalFormat.setNegativePrefix(String newValue)
Set the negative prefix. |
void |
DecimalFormat.setPositiveSuffix(String newValue)
Set the positive suffix. |
void |
DecimalFormat.setNegativeSuffix(String newValue)
Set the positive suffix. |
void |
DecimalFormat.applyPattern(String pattern)
Apply the given pattern to this Format object. |
void |
DecimalFormat.applyLocalizedPattern(String pattern)
Apply the given pattern to this Format object. |
void |
DateFormatSymbols.setEras(String[] newEras)
Sets era strings. |
void |
DateFormatSymbols.setMonths(String[] newMonths)
Sets month strings. |
void |
DateFormatSymbols.setShortMonths(String[] newShortMonths)
Sets short month strings. |
void |
DateFormatSymbols.setWeekdays(String[] newWeekdays)
Sets weekday strings. |
void |
DateFormatSymbols.setShortWeekdays(String[] newShortWeekdays)
Sets short weekday strings. |
void |
DateFormatSymbols.setAmPmStrings(String[] newAmpms)
Sets ampm strings. |
void |
DateFormatSymbols.setZoneStrings(String[][] newZoneStrings)
Sets timezone strings. |
void |
DateFormatSymbols.setLocalPatternChars(String newLocalPatternChars)
Sets localized date-time pattern characters. |
Date |
DateFormat.parse(String text)
Parse a date/time string. |
abstract Date |
DateFormat.parse(String text,
ParsePosition pos)
Parse a date/time string according to the given parse position. |
Object |
DateFormat.parseObject(String source,
ParsePosition pos)
Parse a date/time string into an Object. |
Date |
SimpleDateFormat.parse(String text,
ParsePosition pos)
Overrides DateFormat |
void |
SimpleDateFormat.applyPattern(String pattern)
Apply the given unlocalized pattern string to this date format. |
void |
SimpleDateFormat.applyLocalizedPattern(String pattern)
Apply the given localized pattern string to this date format. |
void |
StringCharacterIterator.setText(String text)
Reset this iterator to point to a new string. |
void |
ChoiceFormat.applyPattern(String newPattern)
Sets the pattern. |
void |
ChoiceFormat.setChoices(double[] limits,
String[] formats)
Set the choices to be used in formatting. |
Number |
ChoiceFormat.parse(String text,
ParsePosition status)
abstract int |
Collator.compare(String source,
String target)
Compares the source string to the target string according to the collation rules for this Collator. |
abstract CollationKey |
Collator.getCollationKey(String source)
Transforms the String into a series of bits that can be compared bitwise to other CollationKeys. |
boolean |
Collator.equals(String source,
String target)
Convenience method for comparing the equality of two strings based on this Collator's collation rules. |
void |
CollationElementIterator.setText(String source)
Set a new string over which to iterate. |
void |
MessageFormat.applyPattern(String newPattern)
Sets the pattern. |
static String |
MessageFormat.format(String pattern,
Object[] arguments)
Convenience routine. |
Object[] |
MessageFormat.parse(String source,
ParsePosition status)
Parses the string. |
Object[] |
MessageFormat.parse(String source)
Parses the string. |
Object |
MessageFormat.parseObject(String text,
ParsePosition status)
Parses the string. |
void |
BreakIterator.setText(String newText)
Set a new text string to be scanned. |
CollationElementIterator |
RuleBasedCollator.getCollationElementIterator(String source)
Return a CollationElementIterator for the given String. |
int |
RuleBasedCollator.compare(String source,
String target)
Compares the character data stored in two different strings based on the collation rules. |
CollationKey |
RuleBasedCollator.getCollationKey(String source)
Transforms the string into a series of characters that can be compared with CollationKey.compareTo. |
Constructors in java.text with parameters of type String | |
AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute.AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute(String name)
Constructs an Attribute with the given name. |
DecimalFormat.DecimalFormat(String pattern)
Create a DecimalFormat from the given pattern and the symbols for the default locale. |
DecimalFormat.DecimalFormat(String pattern,
DecimalFormatSymbols symbols)
Create a DecimalFormat from the given pattern and symbols. |
AttributedString.AttributedString(String text)
Constructs an AttributedString instance with the given text. |
AttributedString.AttributedString(String text,
Map attributes)
Constructs an AttributedString instance with the given text and attributes. |
SimpleDateFormat.SimpleDateFormat(String pattern)
Construct a SimpleDateFormat using the given pattern in the default locale. |
SimpleDateFormat.SimpleDateFormat(String pattern,
Locale loc)
Construct a SimpleDateFormat using the given pattern and locale. |
SimpleDateFormat.SimpleDateFormat(String pattern,
DateFormatSymbols formatData)
Construct a SimpleDateFormat using the given pattern and locale-specific symbol data. |
StringCharacterIterator.StringCharacterIterator(String text)
Constructs an iterator with an initial index of 0. |
StringCharacterIterator.StringCharacterIterator(String text,
int pos)
Constructs an iterator with the specified initial index. |
StringCharacterIterator.StringCharacterIterator(String text,
int begin,
int end,
int pos)
Constructs an iterator over the given range of the given string, with the index set at the specified position. |
ChoiceFormat.ChoiceFormat(String newPattern)
Constructs with limits and corresponding formats based on the pattern. |
ChoiceFormat.ChoiceFormat(double[] limits,
String[] formats)
Constructs with the limits and the corresponding formats. |
ParseException.ParseException(String s,
int errorOffset)
Constructs a ParseException with the specified detail message and offset. |
MessageFormat.MessageFormat(String pattern)
Constructs with the specified pattern. |
RuleBasedCollator.RuleBasedCollator(String rules)
RuleBasedCollator constructor. |
Uses of String in java.util |
Methods in java.util that return String | |
String |
Returns a String representation of this EventObject. |
String |
Returns a string representation of this Hashtable object in the form of a set of entries, enclosed in braces and separated by the ASCII characters ", " (comma and space). |
String |
Properties.getProperty(String key)
Searches for the property with the specified key in this property list. |
String |
Properties.getProperty(String key,
String defaultValue)
Searches for the property with the specified key in this property list. |
String |
Converts this Date object to a String
of the form:
String |
Deprecated. As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by DateFormat.format(Date date) . |
String |
Deprecated. As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by DateFormat.format(Date date) , using a
GMT TimeZone . |
String |
Returns a string representation of this map. |
String |
Returns a string representation of this collection. |
String |
Returns the next token from this string tokenizer. |
String |
StringTokenizer.nextToken(String delim)
Returns the next token in this string tokenizer's string. |
String |
Returns the "canonical string representation" of the actions. |
String |
Return a string representation of this calendar. |
String |
Gets the ID of this time zone. |
String |
Returns a name of this time zone suitable for presentation to the user in the default locale. |
String |
TimeZone.getDisplayName(Locale locale)
Returns a name of this time zone suitable for presentation to the user in the specified locale. |
String |
TimeZone.getDisplayName(boolean daylight,
int style)
Returns a name of this time zone suitable for presentation to the user in the default locale. |
String |
TimeZone.getDisplayName(boolean daylight,
int style,
Locale locale)
Returns a name of this time zone suitable for presentation to the user in the specified locale. |
static String[] |
TimeZone.getAvailableIDs(int rawOffset)
Gets the available IDs according to the given time zone offset. |
static String[] |
Gets all the available IDs supported. |
String |
Returns a string representation of this Vector, containing the String representation of each element. |
String |
Return a string representation of this time zone. |
String |
Returns a string representation of this bit set. |
String |
ResourceBundle.getString(String key)
Get an object from a ResourceBundle. |
String[] |
ResourceBundle.getStringArray(String key)
Get an object from a ResourceBundle. |
String |
Gets parameter passed by constructor. |
String |
Gets parameter passed by constructor. |
static String[] |
Returns a list of all 2-letter country codes defined in ISO 3166. |
static String[] |
Returns a list of all 2-letter language codes defined in ISO 639. |
String |
Returns the language code for this locale, which will either be the empty string or a lowercase ISO 639 code. |
String |
Returns the country/region code for this locale, which will either be the empty string or an upercase ISO 3166 2-letter code. |
String |
Returns the variant code for this locale. |
String |
Getter for the programmatic name of the entire locale, with the language, country and variant separated by underbars. |
String |
Returns a three-letter abbreviation for this locale's language. |
String |
Returns a three-letter abbreviation for this locale's country. |
String |
Returns a name for the locale's language that is appropriate for display to the user. |
String |
Locale.getDisplayLanguage(Locale inLocale)
Returns a name for the locale's language that is appropriate for display to the user. |
String |
Returns a name for the locale's country that is appropriate for display to the user. |
String |
Locale.getDisplayCountry(Locale inLocale)
Returns a name for the locale's country that is appropriate for display to the user. |
String |
Returns a name for the locale's variant code that is appropriate for display to the user. |
String |
Locale.getDisplayVariant(Locale inLocale)
Returns a name for the locale's variant code that is appropriate for display to the user. |
String |
Returns a name for the locale that is appropriate for display to the user. |
String |
Locale.getDisplayName(Locale inLocale)
Returns a name for the locale that is appropriate for display to the user. |
Methods in java.util with parameters of type String | |
Object |
Properties.setProperty(String key,
String value)
Calls the hashtable method put . |
void |
Properties.save(OutputStream out,
String header)
Deprecated. This method does not throw an IOException if an I/O error occurs while saving the property list. As of JDK 1.2, the preferred way to save a properties list is via the store(OutputStream out,
String header) method. |
void |
Properties.store(OutputStream out,
String header)
Writes this property list (key and element pairs) in this Properties table to the output stream in a format suitable
for loading into a Properties table using the
load method. |
String |
Properties.getProperty(String key)
Searches for the property with the specified key in this property list. |
String |
Properties.getProperty(String key,
String defaultValue)
Searches for the property with the specified key in this property list. |
static long |
Date.parse(String s)
Deprecated. As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by DateFormat.parse(String s) . |
String |
StringTokenizer.nextToken(String delim)
Returns the next token in this string tokenizer's string. |
void |
TimeZone.setID(String ID)
Sets the time zone ID. |
static TimeZone |
TimeZone.getTimeZone(String ID)
Gets the TimeZone for the given ID. |
String |
ResourceBundle.getString(String key)
Get an object from a ResourceBundle. |
String[] |
ResourceBundle.getStringArray(String key)
Get an object from a ResourceBundle. |
Object |
ResourceBundle.getObject(String key)
Get an object from a ResourceBundle. |
static ResourceBundle |
ResourceBundle.getBundle(String baseName)
Get the appropriate ResourceBundle subclass. |
static ResourceBundle |
ResourceBundle.getBundle(String baseName,
Locale locale)
Get the appropriate ResourceBundle subclass. |
static ResourceBundle |
ResourceBundle.getBundle(String baseName,
Locale locale,
ClassLoader loader)
Get the appropriate ResourceBundle subclass. |
protected abstract Object |
ResourceBundle.handleGetObject(String key)
Get an object from a ResourceBundle. |
Object |
ListResourceBundle.handleGetObject(String key)
Override of ResourceBundle, same semantics |
Object |
PropertyResourceBundle.handleGetObject(String key)
Override of ResourceBundle, same semantics |
Constructors in java.util with parameters of type String | |
Date.Date(String s)
Deprecated. As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by DateFormat.parse(String s) . |
StringTokenizer.StringTokenizer(String str,
String delim,
boolean returnTokens)
Constructs a string tokenizer for the specified string. |
StringTokenizer.StringTokenizer(String str,
String delim)
Constructs a string tokenizer for the specified string. |
StringTokenizer.StringTokenizer(String str)
Constructs a string tokenizer for the specified string. |
PropertyPermission.PropertyPermission(String name,
String actions)
Creates a new PropertyPermission object with the specified name. |
TooManyListenersException.TooManyListenersException(String s)
Constructs a TooManyListenersException with the specified detail message. |
SimpleTimeZone.SimpleTimeZone(int rawOffset,
String ID)
Constructs a SimpleTimeZone with the given base time zone offset from GMT and time zone ID. |
SimpleTimeZone.SimpleTimeZone(int rawOffset,
String ID,
int startMonth,
int startDay,
int startDayOfWeek,
int startTime,
int endMonth,
int endDay,
int endDayOfWeek,
int endTime)
Construct a SimpleTimeZone with the given base time zone offset from GMT, time zone ID, time to start and end the daylight time. |
SimpleTimeZone.SimpleTimeZone(int rawOffset,
String ID,
int startMonth,
int startDay,
int startDayOfWeek,
int startTime,
int endMonth,
int endDay,
int endDayOfWeek,
int endTime,
int dstSavings)
Constructor. |
MissingResourceException.MissingResourceException(String s,
String className,
String key)
Constructs a MissingResourceException with the specified information. |
ConcurrentModificationException.ConcurrentModificationException(String message)
Constructs a ConcurrentModificationException with the specified detail message. |
Locale.Locale(String language,
String country,
String variant)
Construct a locale from language, country, variant. |
Locale.Locale(String language,
String country)
Construct a locale from language, country. |
NoSuchElementException.NoSuchElementException(String s)
Constructs a NoSuchElementException , saving a reference
to the error message string s for later retrieval by the
getMessage method. |
Uses of String in java.util.jar |
Fields in java.util.jar declared as String | |
static String |
Methods in java.util.jar that return String | |
String |
Attributes.getValue(String name)
Returns the value of the specified attribute name, specified as a string, or null if the attribute was not found. |
String |
Attributes.getValue(Attributes.Name name)
Returns the value of the specified Attributes.Name, or null if the attribute was not found. |
String |
Attributes.putValue(String name,
String value)
Associates the specified value with the specified attribute name, specified as a String. |
String |
Returns the attribute name as a String. |
Methods in java.util.jar with parameters of type String | |
JarEntry |
JarFile.getJarEntry(String name)
Returns the JarEntry for the given entry name or
null if not found. |
ZipEntry |
JarFile.getEntry(String name)
Attributes |
Manifest.getAttributes(String name)
Returns the Attributes for the specified entry name. |
String |
Attributes.getValue(String name)
Returns the value of the specified attribute name, specified as a string, or null if the attribute was not found. |
String |
Attributes.putValue(String name,
String value)
Associates the specified value with the specified attribute name, specified as a String. |
protected ZipEntry |
JarInputStream.createZipEntry(String name)
Creates a new JarEntry (ZipEntry ) for the
specified JAR file entry name. |
Constructors in java.util.jar with parameters of type String | |
JarFile.JarFile(String name)
Creates a new JarFile to read from the specified
file name . |
JarFile.JarFile(String name,
boolean verify)
Creates a new JarFile to read from the specified
file name . |
JarException.JarException(String s)
Constructs a JarException with the specified detail message. |
Attributes.Name.Attributes.Name(String name)
Constructs a new attribute name using the given string name. |
JarEntry.JarEntry(String name)
Creates a new JarEntry for the specified JAR file
entry name. |
Uses of String in java.util.zip |
Methods in java.util.zip that return String | |
String |
Returns the path name of the ZIP file. |
String |
Returns the name of the entry. |
String |
Returns the comment string for the entry, or null if none. |
String |
Returns a string representation of the ZIP entry. |
Methods in java.util.zip with parameters of type String | |
ZipEntry |
ZipFile.getEntry(String name)
Returns the zip file entry for the specified name, or null if not found. |
void |
ZipOutputStream.setComment(String comment)
Sets the ZIP file comment. |
void |
ZipEntry.setComment(String comment)
Sets the optional comment string for the entry. |
protected ZipEntry |
ZipInputStream.createZipEntry(String name)
Creates a new ZipEntry object for the specified
entry name. |
Constructors in java.util.zip with parameters of type String | |
ZipFile.ZipFile(String name)
Opens a zip file for reading. |
ZipException.ZipException(String s)
Constructs an ZipException with the specified detail
message. |
ZipEntry.ZipEntry(String name)
Creates a new zip entry with the specified name. |
DataFormatException.DataFormatException(String s)
Constructs a DataFormatException with the specified detail message. |
Uses of String in javax.accessibility |
Fields in javax.accessibility declared as String | |
protected String |
The locale independent name of the state. |
static String |
Constant used to determine when the accessibleName property has changed. |
static String |
Constant used to determine when the accessibleDescription property has changed. |
static String |
Constant used to determine when the accessibleStateSet property has changed. |
static String |
Constant used to determine when the accessibleValue property has changed. |
static String |
Constant used to determine when the accessibleSelection has changed. |
static String |
Constant used to determine when the accessibleText has changed. |
static String |
Constant used to determine when the accessibleText caret has changed. |
static String |
Constant used to determine when the visual appearance of the object has changed. |
static String |
Constant used to determine when Accessible children are added/removed from the object. |
static String |
Constant used to determine when the active descendant of a component has changed. |
protected String |
A localized String containing the name of the object. |
protected String |
A localized String containing the description of the object. |
Methods in javax.accessibility that return String | |
protected String |
AccessibleBundle.toDisplayString(String resourceBundleName,
Locale locale)
Obtain the key as a localized string. |
String |
AccessibleBundle.toDisplayString(Locale locale)
Obtain the key as a localized string. |
String |
Get localized string describing the key using the default locale. |
String |
Get localized string describing the key using the default locale. |
String |
AccessibleText.getAtIndex(int part,
int index)
Return the String at a given index. |
String |
AccessibleText.getAfterIndex(int part,
int index)
Return the String after a given index. |
String |
AccessibleText.getBeforeIndex(int part,
int index)
Return the String before a given index. |
String |
Returns the portion of the text that is selected. |
String |
AccessibleAction.getAccessibleActionDescription(int i)
Returns a description of the specified action of the object. |
String |
Create a localized String representing all the states in the set using the default locale. |
String |
Get the accessibleName property of this object. |
String |
Get the accessibleDescription property of this object. |
abstract String |
AccessibleHyperlink.getAccessibleActionDescription(int i)
Return a String description of this particular link action. |
Methods in javax.accessibility with parameters of type String | |
protected String |
AccessibleBundle.toDisplayString(String resourceBundleName,
Locale locale)
Obtain the key as a localized string. |
void |
AccessibleContext.setAccessibleName(String s)
Set the localized accessible name of this object. |
void |
AccessibleContext.setAccessibleDescription(String s)
Set the accessible description of this object. |
void |
AccessibleContext.firePropertyChange(String propertyName,
Object oldValue,
Object newValue)
Support for reporting bound property changes. |
Constructors in javax.accessibility with parameters of type String | |
AccessibleState.AccessibleState(String key)
Create a new AccessibleState using the given locale independent key. |
AccessibleRole.AccessibleRole(String key)
Create a new AccessibleRole using the given locale independent key. |
Uses of String in javax.swing |
Fields in javax.swing declared as String | |
static String |
The comment to display when the cursor is over the component, also known as a "value tip", "flyover help", or "flyover label". |
static String |
This property name is used to get the FocusManager implementation that should be used for a given UI |
static String |
Bound property name for cellRenderer. |
static String |
Bound property name for treeModel. |
static String |
Bound property name for rootVisible. |
static String |
Bound property name for showsRootHandles. |
static String |
Bound property name for rowHeight. |
static String |
Bound property name for cellEditor. |
static String |
Bound property name for editable. |
static String |
Bound property name for largeModel. |
static String |
Bound property name for selectionModel. |
static String |
Bound property name for visibleRowCount. |
static String |
Bound property name for messagesStopCellEditing. |
static String |
Bound property name for scrollsOnExpand. |
protected String |
The title displayed in the frame's title bar. |
static String |
Bound property name. |
static String |
Bound property name. |
static String |
Bound property name. |
static String |
Bound property name. |
static String |
Bound property name. |
static String |
Bound property name. |
static String |
Bound property name. |
static String |
Constrained property name indicated that this frame has selected status. |
static String |
Constrained property name indicating that the frame is closed. |
static String |
Constrained property name indicating that the frame is maximized. |
static String |
Constrained property name indicating that the frame is iconified. |
static String |
Bound property |
static String |
Identifies a "viewport" or display area, within which scrolled contents are visible. |
static String |
Identifies a vertical scrollbar. |
static String |
Identifies a horizonal scrollbar. |
static String |
Identifies the area along the left side of the viewport between the upper left corner and the lower left corner. |
static String |
Identifies the area at the top the viewport between the upper left corner and the upper right corner. |
static String |
Identifies the lower left corner of the viewport. |
static String |
Identifies the lower right corner of the viewport. |
static String |
Identifies the upper left corner of the viewport. |
static String |
Identifies the upper right corner of the viewport. |
static String |
Identifies the vertical scroll bar policy property. |
static String |
Identifies the horizontal scroll bar policy property. |
static String |
The selection model property name. |
static String |
The preview panel property name. |
static String |
The chooserPanel array property name. |
static String |
Name of the action to send notification that the contents of the field have been accepted. |
static String |
Used to add a Component to the left of the other Component. |
static String |
Used to add a Component to the right of the other Component. |
static String |
Used to add a Component above the other Component. |
static String |
Used to add a Component below the other Component. |
static String |
Used to add a Component that will represent the divider. |
static String |
Bound property name for orientation (horizontal or vertical). |
static String |
Bound property name for continuousLayout. |
static String |
Bound property name for border. |
static String |
Bound property for oneTouchExpandable. |
static String |
Bound property for lastLocation. |
static String |
Identifies a change in the button model. |
static String |
Identifies a change in the button's text. |
static String |
Identifies a change to the button's mnemonic. |
static String |
Identifies a change in the button's margins. |
static String |
Identifies a change in the button's vertical alignment. |
static String |
Identifies a change in the button's horizontal alignment. |
static String |
Identifies a change in the button's vertical text position. |
static String |
Identifies a change in the button's horizontal text position. |
static String |
Identifies a change to having the border drawn, or having it not drawn. |
static String |
Identifies a change to having the border highlighted when focused, or not. |
static String |
Identifies a change in the button's |
static String |
Identifies a change from rollover enabled to disabled or back to enabled. |
static String |
Identifies a change to the icon that represents the button. |
static String |
Identifies a change to the icon used when the button has been pressed. |
static String |
Identifies a change to the icon used when the button has been selected. |
static String |
Identifies a change to the icon used when the cursor is over the button. |
static String |
Identifies a change to the icon used when the cursror is over the button and it has been selected. |
static String |
Identifies a change to the icon used when the button has been disabled. |
static String |
Identifies a change to the icon used when the button has been disabled and selected. |
static String |
Useful constants that can be used as the storage-retreival key when setting or getting one of this object's properties (text or icon). |
static String |
The key used for storing the name for the action, used for a menu or button. |
static String |
The key used for storing a short description for the action, used for tooltip text. |
static String |
The key used for storing a longer description for the action, could be used for context-sensitive help. |
static String |
The key used for storing a small icon for the action, used for toolbar buttons. |
protected String |
A optional String that can be displayed on the progress bar. |
static String |
Instruction to cancel the current selection. |
static String |
Instruction to approve the current selection (Same as pressing yes or ok.) |
static String |
Identifies change in the text on the approve (yes, ok) button. |
static String |
Identifies change in the tooltip text for the approve (yes, ok) button . |
static String |
Identifies change in the mnemonic for the approve (yes, ok) button . |
static String |
Identifies user's directory change. |
static String |
Identifes change in user's single-file selection. |
static String |
Identifes change in user's multiple-file selection. |
static String |
Enables multiple-file selections. |
static String |
Says that a different object is being used to find available drives on the system. |
static String |
Says that a different object is being used to retrieve file information. |
static String |
Identifies a change in the display-hidden-files property. |
static String |
User changed the kind of files to display. |
static String |
Identifies a change in the kind of selection (single, multiple, etc.). |
static String |
Says that a different accessory component is in use. |
static String |
Identifies a change in the dialog title. |
static String |
Identifies a change in the type of files displayed (files only, directories only, or both files and directories. |
static String |
Identifies a change in the list of predefined file filters the user can choose from |
static String |
Bound property name for icon. |
static String |
Bound property name for message. |
static String |
Bounds property name for value. |
static String |
Bounds property namer for option. |
static String |
Bounds property name for initialValue. |
static String |
Bounds property name for type. |
static String |
Bound property name for optionType. |
static String |
Bound property name for selectionValues. |
static String |
Bound property name for initialSelectionValue. |
static String |
Bound property name for inputValue. |
static String |
Bound property name for wantsInput. |
protected String |
protected String |
Methods in javax.swing that return String | |
String |
Return the UIDefaults key used to look up the name of the swing.plaf.ComponentUI class that defines the look and feel for this component. |
String |
Return the tooltip string that has been set with setToolTipText() |
String |
JComponent.getToolTipText(MouseEvent event)
Returns the string to be used as the tooltip for event. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JComponent. |
String |
Gets the class ID for the UI. |
String |
Gets the type of content that this editor is currently set to deal with. |
String |
Returns the text contained in this TextComponent in terms of the content type of this editor. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JEditorPane. |
String |
Returns the class ID for the UI. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JTextPane. |
String |
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JSlider. |
protected String |
JComponent.AccessibleJComponent.getBorderTitle(Border b)
Recursively search through the border hierarchy (if it exists) for a TitledBorder with a non-null title. |
String |
Get the accessible name of this object. |
String |
Get the accessible description of this object. |
abstract String |
Return a short string that identifies this look and feel, e.g. |
abstract String |
Return a string that identifies this look and feel. |
abstract String |
Return a one line description of this look and feel implementation, e.g. |
String |
Returns a string that displays and identifies this object's properties. |
String |
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component. |
String |
JTree.getToolTipText(MouseEvent event)
Overrides JComponent's getToolTipText method in order to allow renderer's tips to be used if it has text set. |
String |
JTree.convertValueToText(Object value,
boolean selected,
boolean expanded,
boolean leaf,
int row,
boolean hasFocus)
Called by the renderers to convert the specified value to text. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JTree. |
String |
Get the accessible name of this object. |
String |
Get the accessible description of this object. |
String |
JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode.getAccessibleActionDescription(int i)
Return a description of the specified action of the tree node. |
String |
Returns a string that specifies the name of the l&f class that renders this component. |
String |
Returns the text string that the label displays. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JLabel. |
String |
Get the accessible name of this object. |
String |
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component. |
String |
Returns the title of the JInternalFrame. |
String |
Gets the warning string that is displayed with this window. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JInternalFrame. |
String |
Get the accessible name of this object. |
String |
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component. |
String |
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component. |
String |
Returns the text that is shown when the tool tip is displayed. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JToolTip. |
String |
Get the accessible description of this object. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JLayeredPane. |
String |
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JDesktopPane. |
String |
Returns a string that displays and identifies this object's properties. |
static String |
Returns the name of the LookAndFeel class that implements the native systems look and feel if there is one, otherwise the name of the default cross platform LookAndFeel class. |
static String |
Returns the name of the LookAndFeel class that implements the default cross platform look and feel, i.e. |
static String |
UIManager.getString(Object key)
Returns a string from the defaults table. |
String |
Returns the name of the look and feel in a form suitable for a menu or other presentation |
String |
Returns the name of the class that implements this look and feel. |
String |
Returns a string that displays and identifies this object's properties. |
String |
UIDefaults.getString(Object key)
If the value of key is a String return it, otherwise
return null. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JApplet. |
String |
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JColorChooser. |
String |
Gets the class ID for a UI. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JTextField. |
String |
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component. |
String |
Deprecated. As of JDK version 1.2, replaced by getPassword() . |
String |
JPasswordField.getText(int offs,
int len)
Deprecated. As of JDK version 1.2, replaced by getPassword() . |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JPasswordField. |
String |
Returns a string that displays and identifies this object's properties. |
String |
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JToolBar. |
String |
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JSeparator. |
String |
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component. |
String |
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JSplitPane. |
String |
Returns the button's text. |
String |
Returns the action command for this button. |
String |
Deprecated. - Replaced by getText() |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this AbstractButton. |
String |
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JMenuItem. |
String |
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JRadioButtonMenuItem. |
String |
Get the accessible name of this object. |
String |
AbstractButton.AccessibleAbstractButton.getAccessibleActionDescription(int i)
Return a description of the specified action of the object. |
String |
Get the description of the image. |
String |
Returns a string that specifies the name of the l&f class that renders this component. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JToggleButton. |
String |
Returns a string that specifies the name of the L&F class that renders this component. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JCheckBox. |
String |
Returns a string that displays and identifies this object's properties. |
String |
Returns a string describing the minimum, preferred, and maximum size requirements, along with the alignment. |
String |
Specifies the additional note that is displayed along with the progress message. |
String |
Gets the accessibleDescription property of this object. |
String |
JEditorPane.JEditorPaneAccessibleHypertextSupport.getLinkText(int linkIndex)
Returns the contiguous text within the document that is associated with this hyperlink. |
String |
JEditorPane.JEditorPaneAccessibleHypertextSupport.HTMLLink.getAccessibleActionDescription(int i)
Return a String description of this particular link action. |
String |
Returns the action command for this button. |
String |
Returns the name of the LookAndFeel class for this component. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JScrollBar. |
String |
Returns the current value of the Progress String. |
String |
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JProgressBar. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JViewport. |
String |
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JCheckBoxMenuItem. |
String |
Returns a string that displays and identifies this object's properties. |
String |
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JMenuBar. |
String |
Returns a string that displays all of the BoundedRangeModel properties. |
String |
Gets the string that goes in the FileChooser's titlebar. |
String |
Returns the tooltip text used in the ApproveButton. |
String |
Returns the text used in the ApproveButton in the FileChooserUI. |
String |
JFileChooser.getName(File f)
Returns the file name. |
String |
JFileChooser.getDescription(File f)
Returns the file description. |
String |
JFileChooser.getTypeDescription(File f)
Returns the file type. |
String |
Returns a string that specifies the name of the L&F class that renders this component. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JFileChooser. |
static String |
SwingUtilities.layoutCompoundLabel(JComponent c,
FontMetrics fm,
String text,
Icon icon,
int verticalAlignment,
int horizontalAlignment,
int verticalTextPosition,
int horizontalTextPosition,
Rectangle viewR,
Rectangle iconR,
Rectangle textR,
int textIconGap)
Compute and return the location of the icons origin, the location of origin of the text baseline, and a possibly clipped version of the compound labels string. |
static String |
SwingUtilities.layoutCompoundLabel(FontMetrics fm,
String text,
Icon icon,
int verticalAlignment,
int horizontalAlignment,
int verticalTextPosition,
int horizontalTextPosition,
Rectangle viewR,
Rectangle iconR,
Rectangle textR,
int textIconGap)
Compute and return the location of the icons origin, the location of origin of the text baseline, and a possibly clipped version of the compound labels string. |
String |
Returns the key used to look up the ScrollPaneUI class that provides the look and feel for JScrollPane. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JScrollPane. |
String |
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component. |
String |
Returns the popup menu's label |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JPopupMenu. |
String |
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component. |
String |
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JRadioButton. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JWindow. |
static String |
JOptionPane.showInputDialog(Object message)
Shows a question-message dialog requesting input from the user. |
static String |
JOptionPane.showInputDialog(Component parentComponent,
Object message)
Shows a question-message dialog requesting input from the user parented to parentComponent . |
static String |
JOptionPane.showInputDialog(Component parentComponent,
Object message,
String title,
int messageType)
Shows a dialog requesting input from the user parented to parentComponent with the dialog having the title
title and message type messageType . |
static String |
JOptionPane.showInternalInputDialog(Component parentComponent,
Object message)
Shows an internal question-message dialog requesting input from the user parented to parentComponent . |
static String |
JOptionPane.showInternalInputDialog(Component parentComponent,
Object message,
String title,
int messageType)
Shows an internal dialog requesting input from the user parented to parentComponent with the dialog having the title
title and message type messageType . |
String |
Returns the name of the UI class that implements the L&F for this component. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JOptionPane. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JRootPane. |
String |
Returns the class ID for the UI. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JTextArea. |
String |
Returns a string that specifies the name of the L&F class that renders this component. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JButton. |
String |
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component. |
String |
Returns the action commnand that is included in the event sent to action listeners. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JComboBox. |
String |
JComboBox.AccessibleJComboBox.getAccessibleActionDescription(int i)
Return a description of the specified action of the object. |
String |
Returns the action command for this button. |
String |
Returns the name of the UI class that implements the L&F for this component. |
String |
JTabbedPane.getTitleAt(int index)
Returns the tab title at index. |
String |
JTabbedPane.getToolTipText(MouseEvent event)
Returns the tooltip text for the component determined by the mouse event location. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JTabbedPane. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JDialog. |
String |
Get the accessible name of this object. |
String |
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JMenu. |
String |
JTable.getColumnName(int column)
Returns the name of the column at the specified view position. |
String |
JTable.getToolTipText(MouseEvent event)
Overrides JComponent's setToolTipText method to allow use of the renderer's tips (if the renderer has text set). |
String |
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JTable. |
String |
Get the accessible name of this object. |
String |
Get the accessible description of this object. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JFrame. |
String |
Get the accessible name of this object. |
String |
Returns the name of the UIFactory class that generates the look and feel for this component. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JList. |
String |
String |
String |
Returns a string that specifies the name of the L&F class that renders this component. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JPanel. |
Methods in javax.swing with parameters of type String | |
void |
JComponent.registerKeyboardAction(ActionListener anAction,
String aCommand,
KeyStroke aKeyStroke,
int aCondition)
Register a new keyboard action. |
void |
JComponent.setToolTipText(String text)
Registers the text to display in a tool tip. |
protected void |
JComponent.firePropertyChange(String propertyName,
Object oldValue,
Object newValue)
Support for reporting bound property changes. |
void |
JComponent.firePropertyChange(String propertyName,
byte oldValue,
byte newValue)
Reports a bound property change. |
void |
JComponent.firePropertyChange(String propertyName,
char oldValue,
char newValue)
Reports a bound property change. |
void |
JComponent.firePropertyChange(String propertyName,
short oldValue,
short newValue)
Reports a bound property change. |
void |
JComponent.firePropertyChange(String propertyName,
int oldValue,
int newValue)
Reports a bound property change. |
void |
JComponent.firePropertyChange(String propertyName,
long oldValue,
long newValue)
Reports a bound property change. |
void |
JComponent.firePropertyChange(String propertyName,
float oldValue,
float newValue)
Reports a bound property change. |
void |
JComponent.firePropertyChange(String propertyName,
double oldValue,
double newValue)
Reports a bound property change. |
void |
JComponent.firePropertyChange(String propertyName,
boolean oldValue,
boolean newValue)
Reports a bound property change. |
void |
JComponent.addPropertyChangeListener(String propertyName,
PropertyChangeListener listener)
Add a PropertyChangeListener for a specific property. |
void |
JComponent.removePropertyChangeListener(String propertyName,
PropertyChangeListener listener)
Remove a PropertyChangeListener for a specific property. |
protected void |
JComponent.fireVetoableChange(String propertyName,
Object oldValue,
Object newValue)
Support for reporting constrained property changes. |
protected void |
JEditorPane.scrollToReference(String reference)
Scroll the view to the given reference location (i.e. |
void |
JEditorPane.setPage(String url)
Sets the current url being displayed. |
void |
JEditorPane.setContentType(String type)
Sets the type of content that this editor handles. |
EditorKit |
JEditorPane.getEditorKitForContentType(String type)
Fetches the editor kit to use for the given type of content. |
void |
JEditorPane.setEditorKitForContentType(String type,
EditorKit k)
Directly set the editor kit to use for the given type. |
void |
JEditorPane.replaceSelection(String content)
Replaces the currently selected content with new content represented by the given string. |
static EditorKit |
JEditorPane.createEditorKitForContentType(String type)
Create a handler for the given type from the default registry of editor kits. |
static void |
JEditorPane.registerEditorKitForContentType(String type,
String classname)
Establishes the default bindings of type to name. |
static void |
JEditorPane.registerEditorKitForContentType(String type,
String classname,
ClassLoader loader)
Establishes the default bindings of type to name. |
void |
JEditorPane.setText(String t)
Sets the text of this TextComponent to the specified content, which is expected to be in the format of the content type of this editor. |
void |
JTextPane.replaceSelection(String content)
Replaces the currently selected content with new content represented by the given string. |
Style |
JTextPane.addStyle(String nm,
Style parent)
Adds a new style into the logical style hierarchy. |
void |
JTextPane.removeStyle(String nm)
Removes a named non-null style previously added to the document. |
Style |
JTextPane.getStyle(String nm)
Fetches a named non-null style previously added. |
static void |
LookAndFeel.installColors(JComponent c,
String defaultBgName,
String defaultFgName)
Convenience method for initializing a component's foreground and background color properties with values from the current defaults table. |
static void |
LookAndFeel.installColorsAndFont(JComponent c,
String defaultBgName,
String defaultFgName,
String defaultFontName)
Convenience method for initializing a components foreground background and font properties with values from the current defaults table. |
static void |
LookAndFeel.installBorder(JComponent c,
String defaultBorderName)
Convenience method for installing a component's default Border object on the specified component if either the border is currently null or already an instance of UIResource. |
static Object |
LookAndFeel.makeIcon(Class baseClass,
String gifFile)
Utility method that creates a UIDefaults.LazyValue that creates an ImageIcon UIResource for the specified gifFile
filename. |
void |
JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode.setAccessibleName(String s)
Set the localized accessible name of this object. |
void |
JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode.setAccessibleDescription(String s)
Set the accessible description of this object. |
void |
JLabel.setText(String text)
Defines the single line of text this component will display. |
protected int |
JLabel.checkHorizontalKey(int key,
String message)
Verify that key is a legal value for the horizontalAlignment properties. |
protected int |
JLabel.checkVerticalKey(int key,
String message)
Verify that key is a legal value for the verticalAlignment or verticalTextPosition properties. |
static TitledBorder |
BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(String title)
Create a new title border specifying the text of the title, using the default border (etched), using the default text position (sitting on the top line) and default justification (left) and using the default font and text color determined by the current look and feel. |
static TitledBorder |
BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(Border border,
String title)
Add a title to an existing border, specifying the text of the title, using the default positioning (sitting on the top line) and default justification (left) and using the default font and text color determined by the current look and feel. |
static TitledBorder |
BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(Border border,
String title,
int titleJustification,
int titlePosition)
Add a title to an existing border, specifying the text of the title along with its positioning, using the default font and text color determined by the current look and feel. |
static TitledBorder |
BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(Border border,
String title,
int titleJustification,
int titlePosition,
Font titleFont)
Add a title to an existing border, specifying the text of the title along with its positioning and font, using the default text color determined by the current look and feel. |
static TitledBorder |
BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(Border border,
String title,
int titleJustification,
int titlePosition,
Font titleFont,
Color titleColor)
Add a title to an existing border, specifying the text of the title along with its positioning, font, and color. |
void |
JInternalFrame.setTitle(String title)
Sets the JInternalFrame title. |
void |
JToolTip.setTipText(String tipText)
Sets the text to show when the tool tip is displayed. |
void |
ViewportLayout.addLayoutComponent(String name,
Component c)
Adds the specified component to the layout. |
static void |
UIManager.installLookAndFeel(String name,
String className)
Creates a new look and feel and adds it to the current array. |
static void |
UIManager.setLookAndFeel(String className)
Set the current default look and feel using a class name. |
void |
DebugGraphics.drawString(String aString,
int x,
int y)
Overrides Graphics.drawString . |
Class |
UIDefaults.getUIClass(String uiClassID,
ClassLoader uiClassLoader)
The value of get(uidClassID) must be the String name of a class that implements the corresponding ComponentUI class. |
Class |
UIDefaults.getUIClass(String uiClassID)
Returns the L&F class that renders this component. |
protected void |
UIDefaults.getUIError(String msg)
If getUI() fails for any reason, it calls this method before returning null. |
protected void |
UIDefaults.firePropertyChange(String propertyName,
Object oldValue,
Object newValue)
Support for reporting bound property changes. |
static Color |
JColorChooser.showDialog(Component component,
String title,
Color initialColor)
Shows a modal color-chooser dialog and blocks until the dialog is hidden. |
static JDialog |
JColorChooser.createDialog(Component c,
String title,
boolean modal,
JColorChooser chooserPane,
ActionListener okListener,
ActionListener cancelListener)
Creates and returns a new dialog containing the specified ColorChooser pane along with "OK", "Cancel", and "Reset" buttons. |
void |
JTextField.setActionCommand(String command)
Sets the command string used for action events. |
void |
AbstractButton.setText(String text)
Sets the button's text. |
protected int |
AbstractButton.checkHorizontalKey(int key,
String exception)
Verify that key is a legal value for the horizontalAlignment properties. |
protected int |
AbstractButton.checkVerticalKey(int key,
String exception)
Ensures that the key is a valid. |
void |
AbstractButton.setActionCommand(String actionCommand)
Sets the action command for this button. |
void |
AbstractButton.setLabel(String label)
Deprecated. - Replaced by setText(text) |
protected void |
AbstractButton.init(String text,
Icon icon)
protected void |
JMenuItem.init(String text,
Icon icon)
Initialize the menu item with the specified text and icon. |
void |
ImageIcon.setDescription(String description)
Set the description of the image. |
static KeyStroke |
KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(String s)
Parse a string with the following syntax and return an a KeyStroke: |
void |
ProgressMonitor.setNote(String note)
Specifies the additional note that is displayed along with the progress message. |
void |
ButtonModel.setActionCommand(String s)
Sets the actionCommand string that gets sent as part of the event when the button is pressed. |
Object |
Action.getValue(String key)
Gets one of this object's properties using the associated key. |
void |
Action.putValue(String key,
Object value)
Sets one of this object's properties using the associated key. |
void |
JProgressBar.setString(String s)
Sets the value of the Progress String. |
protected void |
JViewport.firePropertyChange(String propertyName,
Object oldValue,
Object newValue)
Notifies listeners of a property change. |
void |
ScrollPaneLayout.addLayoutComponent(String s,
Component c)
Adds the specified component to the layout. |
Component |
ScrollPaneLayout.getCorner(String key)
Returns the Component at the specified corner. |
int |
JFileChooser.showDialog(Component parent,
String approveButtonText)
Pops a custom file chooser dialog with a custom ApproveButton. |
void |
JFileChooser.setDialogTitle(String dialogTitle)
Sets the string that goes in the FileChooser window's title bar. |
void |
JFileChooser.setApproveButtonToolTipText(String toolTipText)
Sets the tooltip text used in the ApproveButton. |
void |
JFileChooser.setApproveButtonText(String approveButtonText)
Sets the text used in the ApproveButton in the FileChooserUI. |
protected void |
JFileChooser.fireActionPerformed(String command)
Notify all listeners that have registered interest for notification on this event type. |
static Container |
SwingUtilities.getAncestorNamed(String name,
Component comp)
Convenience method for searching above comp in the
component hierarchy and returns the first object of name it
finds. |
static int |
SwingUtilities.computeStringWidth(FontMetrics fm,
String str)
Compute the width of the string using a font with the specified "metrics" (sizes). |
static String |
SwingUtilities.layoutCompoundLabel(JComponent c,
FontMetrics fm,
String text,
Icon icon,
int verticalAlignment,
int horizontalAlignment,
int verticalTextPosition,
int horizontalTextPosition,
Rectangle viewR,
Rectangle iconR,
Rectangle textR,
int textIconGap)
Compute and return the location of the icons origin, the location of origin of the text baseline, and a possibly clipped version of the compound labels string. |
static String |
SwingUtilities.layoutCompoundLabel(FontMetrics fm,
String text,
Icon icon,
int verticalAlignment,
int horizontalAlignment,
int verticalTextPosition,
int horizontalTextPosition,
Rectangle viewR,
Rectangle iconR,
Rectangle textR,
int textIconGap)
Compute and return the location of the icons origin, the location of origin of the text baseline, and a possibly clipped version of the compound labels string. |
Component |
JScrollPane.getCorner(String key)
Returns the component at the specified corner. |
void |
JScrollPane.setCorner(String key,
Component corner)
Adds a child that will appear in one of the scroll panes corners, if there's room. |
JMenuItem |
JPopupMenu.add(String s)
Creates a new menuitem with the specified text and appends it to the end of this menu. |
void |
JPopupMenu.setLabel(String label)
Sets the popup menu's label. |
static String |
JOptionPane.showInputDialog(Component parentComponent,
Object message,
String title,
int messageType)
Shows a dialog requesting input from the user parented to parentComponent with the dialog having the title
title and message type messageType . |
static Object |
JOptionPane.showInputDialog(Component parentComponent,
Object message,
String title,
int messageType,
Icon icon,
Object[] selectionValues,
Object initialSelectionValue)
Prompts the user for input in a blocking dialog where the initial selection, possible selections, and all other options can be specified. |
static void |
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Component parentComponent,
Object message,
String title,
int messageType)
Brings up a dialog that displays a message using a default icon determined by the messageType parameter. |
static void |
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Component parentComponent,
Object message,
String title,
int messageType,
Icon icon)
Brings up a dialog displaying a message, specifying all parameters. |
static int |
JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(Component parentComponent,
Object message,
String title,
int optionType)
Brings up a modal dialog where the number of choices is determined by the optionType parameter. |
static int |
JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(Component parentComponent,
Object message,
String title,
int optionType,
int messageType)
Brings up a modal dialog where the number of choices is determined by the optionType parameter, where the messageType
parameter determines the icon to display. |
static int |
JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(Component parentComponent,
Object message,
String title,
int optionType,
int messageType,
Icon icon)
Brings up a modal dialog with a specified icon, where the number of choices is determined by the optionType parameter. |
static int |
JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(Component parentComponent,
Object message,
String title,
int optionType,
int messageType,
Icon icon,
Object[] options,
Object initialValue)
Brings up a modal dialog with a specified icon, where the initial choice is dermined by the initialValue parameter and
the number of choices is determined by the optionType
parameter. |
JDialog |
JOptionPane.createDialog(Component parentComponent,
String title)
Creates and returns a new JDialog wrapping this
centered on the parentComponent in the
parentComponent 's frame. |
static void |
JOptionPane.showInternalMessageDialog(Component parentComponent,
Object message,
String title,
int messageType)
Brings up an internal dialog panel that displays a message using a default icon determined by the messageType parameter. |
static void |
JOptionPane.showInternalMessageDialog(Component parentComponent,
Object message,
String title,
int messageType,
Icon icon)
Brings up an internal dialog panel displaying a message, specifying all parameters. |
static int |
JOptionPane.showInternalConfirmDialog(Component parentComponent,
Object message,
String title,
int optionType)
Brings up a internal dialog panel where the number of choices is determined by the optionType parameter. |
static int |
JOptionPane.showInternalConfirmDialog(Component parentComponent,
Object message,
String title,
int optionType,
int messageType)
Brings up an internal dialog panel where the number of choices is determined by the optionType parameter, where
the messageType parameter determines the icon to display. |
static int |
JOptionPane.showInternalConfirmDialog(Component parentComponent,
Object message,
String title,
int optionType,
int messageType,
Icon icon)
Brings up an internal dialog panel with a specified icon, where the number of choices is determined by the optionType
parameter. |
static int |
JOptionPane.showInternalOptionDialog(Component parentComponent,
Object message,
String title,
int optionType,
int messageType,
Icon icon,
Object[] options,
Object initialValue)
Brings up an internal dialog panel with a specified icon, where the initial choice is dermined by the initialValue
parameter and the number of choices is determined by the
optionType parameter. |
static String |
JOptionPane.showInternalInputDialog(Component parentComponent,
Object message,
String title,
int messageType)
Shows an internal dialog requesting input from the user parented to parentComponent with the dialog having the title
title and message type messageType . |
static Object |
JOptionPane.showInternalInputDialog(Component parentComponent,
Object message,
String title,
int messageType,
Icon icon,
Object[] selectionValues,
Object initialSelectionValue)
Prompts the user for input in a blocking internal dialog where the initial selection, possible selections, and all other options can be specified. |
JInternalFrame |
JOptionPane.createInternalFrame(Component parentComponent,
String title)
Creates and returns an instance of JInternalFrame. |
void |
BoxLayout.addLayoutComponent(String name,
Component comp)
Not used by this class. |
void |
JRootPane.RootLayout.addLayoutComponent(String name,
Component comp)
void |
JTextArea.insert(String str,
int pos)
Inserts the specified text at the specified position. |
void |
JTextArea.append(String str)
Appends the given text to the end of the document. |
void |
JTextArea.replaceRange(String str,
int start,
int end)
Replaces text from the indicated start to end position with the new text specified. |
Object |
AbstractAction.getValue(String key)
Gets the Object associated with the specified key. |
void |
AbstractAction.putValue(String key,
Object newValue)
Sets the Value associated with the specified key. |
protected void |
AbstractAction.firePropertyChange(String propertyName,
Object oldValue,
Object newValue)
Support for reporting bound property changes. |
void |
JComboBox.setActionCommand(String aCommand)
Sets the action commnand that should be included in the event sent to action listeners. |
void |
DefaultButtonModel.setActionCommand(String actionCommand)
Sets the actionCommand string that gets sent as part of the event when the button is pressed. |
void |
JTabbedPane.insertTab(String title,
Icon icon,
Component component,
String tip,
int index)
Inserts a component, at index, represented by a title and/or icon, either of which may be null. |
void |
JTabbedPane.addTab(String title,
Icon icon,
Component component,
String tip)
Adds a component and tip represented by a title and/or icon, either of which can be null. |
void |
JTabbedPane.addTab(String title,
Icon icon,
Component component)
Adds a component represented by a title and/or icon, either of which can be null. |
void |
JTabbedPane.addTab(String title,
Component component)
Adds a component represented by a title and no icon. |
Component |
JTabbedPane.add(String title,
Component component)
Adds a component with the specified tab title. |
void |
JTabbedPane.setTitleAt(int index,
String title)
Sets the title at index to title which can be null. |
int |
JTabbedPane.indexOfTab(String title)
Returns the first tab index with a given title, Returns -1 if no tab has this title. |
JMenuItem |
JMenu.add(String s)
Creates a new menuitem with the specified text and appends it to the end of this menu. |
void |
JMenu.insert(String s,
int pos)
Insert a new menuitem with the specified text at a given position. |
void |
JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell.setAccessibleName(String s)
Set the localized accessible name of this object. |
void |
JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell.setAccessibleDescription(String s)
Set the accessible description of this object. |
void |
OverlayLayout.addLayoutComponent(String name,
Component comp)
Adds the specified component to the layout. |
void |
JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild.setAccessibleName(String s)
void |
JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild.setAccessibleDescription(String s)
Constructors in javax.swing with parameters of type String | |
JEditorPane.JEditorPane(String url)
Creates a JEditorPane based on a string containing a URL specification. |
JEditorPane.JEditorPane(String type,
String text)
Creates a JEditorPane that has been initialized to the given text. |
JLabel.JLabel(String text,
Icon icon,
int horizontalAlignment)
Creates a JLabel instance with the specified
text, image, and horizontal alignment. |
JLabel.JLabel(String text,
int horizontalAlignment)
Creates a JLabel instance with the specified
text and horizontal alignment. |
JLabel.JLabel(String text)
Creates a JLabel instance with the specified text. |
JInternalFrame.JInternalFrame(String title)
Creates a non-resizable, non-closable, non-maximizable, non-iconifiable JInternalFrame with the specified title. |
JInternalFrame.JInternalFrame(String title,
boolean resizable)
Creates a non-closable, non-maximizable, non-iconifiable JInternalFrame with the specified title and with resizability specified. |
JInternalFrame.JInternalFrame(String title,
boolean resizable,
boolean closable)
Creates a non-maximizable, non-iconifiable JInternalFrame with the specified title and with resizability and closability specified. |
JInternalFrame.JInternalFrame(String title,
boolean resizable,
boolean closable,
boolean maximizable)
Creates a non-iconifiable JInternalFrame with the specified title and with resizability, closability, and maximizability specified. |
JInternalFrame.JInternalFrame(String title,
boolean resizable,
boolean closable,
boolean maximizable,
boolean iconifiable)
Creates a JInternalFrame with the specified title and with resizability, closability, maximizability, and iconifiability specified. |
UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo.UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo(String name,
String className)
Constructs an UIManager$LookAndFeelInfo object. |
JTextField.JTextField(String text)
Constructs a new TextField initialized with the specified text. |
JTextField.JTextField(String text,
int columns)
Constructs a new TextField initialized with the specified text and columns. |
JTextField.JTextField(Document doc,
String text,
int columns)
Constructs a new JTextField that uses the given text storage model and the given number of columns. |
JPasswordField.JPasswordField(String text)
Constructs a new JPasswordField initialized with the specified text. |
JPasswordField.JPasswordField(String text,
int columns)
Constructs a new JPasswordField initialized with the specified text and columns. |
JPasswordField.JPasswordField(Document doc,
String txt,
int columns)
Constructs a new JPasswordField that uses the given text storage model and the given number of columns. |
JMenuItem.JMenuItem(String text)
Creates a menuItem with text. |
JMenuItem.JMenuItem(String text,
Icon icon)
Creates a menuItem with the supplied text and icon. |
JMenuItem.JMenuItem(String text,
int mnemonic)
Creates a menuItem with the specified text and keyboard mnemonic. |
JRadioButtonMenuItem.JRadioButtonMenuItem(String text)
Creates a JRadioButtonMenuItem with text. |
JRadioButtonMenuItem.JRadioButtonMenuItem(String text,
Icon icon)
Creates a JRadioButtonMenuItem with the specified text and Icon. |
JRadioButtonMenuItem.JRadioButtonMenuItem(String text,
boolean b)
Creates a radiobutton menu item with the specified text and selection state. |
JRadioButtonMenuItem.JRadioButtonMenuItem(String text,
Icon icon,
boolean selected)
Creates a radio button menu item that has the specified text, image, and selection state. |
ImageIcon.ImageIcon(String filename,
String description)
Creates an ImageIcon from the specified file. |
ImageIcon.ImageIcon(String filename)
Creates an ImageIcon from the specified file. |
ImageIcon.ImageIcon(URL location,
String description)
Creates an ImageIcon from the specified URL. |
ImageIcon.ImageIcon(Image image,
String description)
Creates an ImageIcon from the image. |
ImageIcon.ImageIcon(byte[] imageData,
String description)
Creates an ImageIcon from an array of bytes which were read from an image file containing a supported image format, such as GIF or JPEG. |
JToggleButton.JToggleButton(String text)
Creates an unselected toggle button with the specified text. |
JToggleButton.JToggleButton(String text,
boolean selected)
Creates a toggle button with the specified text and selection state. |
JToggleButton.JToggleButton(String text,
Icon icon)
Creates a toggle button that has the specified text and image, and that is initially unselected. |
JToggleButton.JToggleButton(String text,
Icon icon,
boolean selected)
Creates a toggle button with the specified text, image, and selection state. |
JCheckBox.JCheckBox(String text)
Creates an initially unselected checkbox with text. |
JCheckBox.JCheckBox(String text,
boolean selected)
Creates a checkbox with text and specifies whether or not it is initially selected. |
JCheckBox.JCheckBox(String text,
Icon icon)
Creates an initially unselected checkbox with the specified text and icon. |
JCheckBox.JCheckBox(String text,
Icon icon,
boolean selected)
Creates a checkbox with text and icon, and specifies whether or not it is initially selected. |
ProgressMonitor.ProgressMonitor(Component parentComponent,
Object message,
String note,
int min,
int max)
Constructs a graphic object that shows progress, typically by filling in a rectangular bar as the process nears completion. |
JCheckBoxMenuItem.JCheckBoxMenuItem(String text)
Creates an initially unselected checkboxMenuItem with text. |
JCheckBoxMenuItem.JCheckBoxMenuItem(String text,
Icon icon)
Creates an initially unselected checkboxMenuItem with the specified text and icon. |
JCheckBoxMenuItem.JCheckBoxMenuItem(String text,
boolean b)
Creates a checkboxMenuItem with the specified text and selection state. |
JCheckBoxMenuItem.JCheckBoxMenuItem(String text,
Icon icon,
boolean b)
Creates a checkboxMenuItem with the specified text, icon, and selection state. |
JFileChooser.JFileChooser(String currentDirectoryPath)
Creates a JFileChooser using the given path. |
JFileChooser.JFileChooser(String currentDirectoryPath,
FileSystemView fsv)
Creates a JFileChooser using the given current directory path and FileSystemView |
JPopupMenu.JPopupMenu(String label)
Create a JPopupMenu with the specified title. |
JRadioButton.JRadioButton(String text)
Creates an unselected radio button with the specified text. |
JRadioButton.JRadioButton(String text,
boolean selected)
Creates a radio button with the specified text and selection state. |
JRadioButton.JRadioButton(String text,
Icon icon)
Creates a radio button that has the specified text and image, and that is initially unselected. |
JRadioButton.JRadioButton(String text,
Icon icon,
boolean selected)
Creates a radio button that has the specified text, image, and selection state. |
JTextArea.JTextArea(String text)
Constructs a new TextArea with the specified text displayed. |
JTextArea.JTextArea(String text,
int rows,
int columns)
Constructs a new TextArea with the specified text and number of rows and columns. |
JTextArea.JTextArea(Document doc,
String text,
int rows,
int columns)
Constructs a new JTextArea with the specified number of rows and columns, and the given model. |
AbstractAction.AbstractAction(String name)
Defines an Action object with the specified description string and a default icon. |
AbstractAction.AbstractAction(String name,
Icon icon)
Defines an Action object with the specified description string and a the specified icon. |
JButton.JButton(String text)
Creates a button with text. |
JButton.JButton(String text,
Icon icon)
Creates a button with initial text and an icon. |
JDialog.JDialog(Frame owner,
String title)
Creates a non-modal dialog with the specified title and with the specified owner frame. |
JDialog.JDialog(Frame owner,
String title,
boolean modal)
Creates a modal or non-modal dialog with the specified title and the specified owner frame. |
JDialog.JDialog(Dialog owner,
String title)
Creates a non-modal dialog with the specified title and with the specified owner dialog. |
JDialog.JDialog(Dialog owner,
String title,
boolean modal)
Creates a modal or non-modal dialog with the specified title and the specified owner frame. |
JMenu.JMenu(String s)
Creates a new JMenu with the supplied string as its text |
JMenu.JMenu(String s,
boolean b)
Creates a new JMenu with the supplied string as its text and specified as a tear-off menu or not. |
JFrame.JFrame(String title)
Constructs a new, initially invisible Frame with the specified title. |
UnsupportedLookAndFeelException.UnsupportedLookAndFeelException(String s)
Constructs an UnsupportedLookAndFeelException object. |
Uses of String in javax.swing.border |
Fields in javax.swing.border declared as String | |
protected String |
Methods in javax.swing.border that return String | |
String |
Returns the title of the titled border. |
Methods in javax.swing.border with parameters of type String | |
void |
TitledBorder.setTitle(String title)
Sets the title of the titled border. |
Constructors in javax.swing.border with parameters of type String | |
TitledBorder.TitledBorder(String title)
Creates a TitledBorder instance. |
TitledBorder.TitledBorder(Border border,
String title)
Creates a TitledBorder instance with the specified border and title. |
TitledBorder.TitledBorder(Border border,
String title,
int titleJustification,
int titlePosition)
Creates a TitledBorder instance with the specified border, title, title-justification, and title-position. |
TitledBorder.TitledBorder(Border border,
String title,
int titleJustification,
int titlePosition,
Font titleFont)
Creates a TitledBorder instance with the specified border, title, title-justification, title-position, and title-font. |
TitledBorder.TitledBorder(Border border,
String title,
int titleJustification,
int titlePosition,
Font titleFont,
Color titleColor)
Creates a TitledBorder instance with the specified border, title, title-justification, title-position, title-font, and title-color. |
Uses of String in javax.swing.colorchooser |
Methods in javax.swing.colorchooser that return String | |
abstract String |
Uses of String in javax.swing.event |
Methods in javax.swing.event that return String | |
String |
Converts the type to a string. |
String |
Returns a string that displays and identifies this object's properties. |
String |
Returns a parameter string identifying this event. |
String |
Returns a string that displays and identifies this object's properties. |
String |
Return a string representation of the EventListenerList. |
String |
Get the description of the link as a string. |
String |
Converts the type to a string. |
Methods in javax.swing.event with parameters of type String | |
void |
SwingPropertyChangeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener(String propertyName,
PropertyChangeListener listener)
Add a PropertyChangeListener for a specific property. |
void |
SwingPropertyChangeSupport.removePropertyChangeListener(String propertyName,
PropertyChangeListener listener)
Remove a PropertyChangeListener for a specific property. |
void |
SwingPropertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(String propertyName,
Object oldValue,
Object newValue)
Report a bound property update to any registered listeners. |
boolean |
SwingPropertyChangeSupport.hasListeners(String propertyName)
Check if there are any listeners for a specific property. |
Constructors in javax.swing.event with parameters of type String | |
HyperlinkEvent.HyperlinkEvent(Object source,
HyperlinkEvent.EventType type,
URL u,
String desc)
Creates a new object representing a hypertext link event. |
Uses of String in javax.swing.filechooser |
Methods in javax.swing.filechooser that return String | |
abstract String |
FileView.getName(File f)
The name of the file. |
abstract String |
FileView.getDescription(File f)
A human readable description of the file. |
abstract String |
FileView.getTypeDescription(File f)
A human readable description of the type of the file. |
abstract String |
The description of this filter. |
Methods in javax.swing.filechooser with parameters of type String | |
File |
FileSystemView.createFileObject(File dir,
String filename)
Returns a File object constructed in dir from the given filename. |
File |
FileSystemView.createFileObject(String path)
Returns a File object constructed from the given path string. |
Uses of String in javax.swing.plaf |
Methods in javax.swing.plaf that return String | |
abstract String |
FileChooserUI.getApproveButtonText(JFileChooser fc)
abstract String |
FileChooserUI.getDialogTitle(JFileChooser fc)
Constructors in javax.swing.plaf with parameters of type String | |
FontUIResource.FontUIResource(String name,
int style,
int size)
BorderUIResource.TitledBorderUIResource.BorderUIResource.TitledBorderUIResource(String title)
BorderUIResource.TitledBorderUIResource.BorderUIResource.TitledBorderUIResource(Border border,
String title)
BorderUIResource.TitledBorderUIResource.BorderUIResource.TitledBorderUIResource(Border border,
String title,
int titleJustification,
int titlePosition)
BorderUIResource.TitledBorderUIResource.BorderUIResource.TitledBorderUIResource(Border border,
String title,
int titleJustification,
int titlePosition,
Font titleFont)
BorderUIResource.TitledBorderUIResource.BorderUIResource.TitledBorderUIResource(Border border,
String title,
int titleJustification,
int titlePosition,
Font titleFont,
Color titleColor)
Uses of String in javax.swing.plaf.basic |
Fields in javax.swing.plaf.basic declared as String | |
protected String |
protected String |
protected String |
protected String |
protected String |
protected String |
protected String |
protected String |
protected String |
protected String |
protected static String |
protected static String |
protected static String |
protected static String |
protected static String |
protected static String |
protected static String |
The divider used for non-continuous layout is added to the split pane with this object. |
Methods in javax.swing.plaf.basic that return String | |
protected String |
Fetches the name of the keymap that will be installed/used by default for this UI. |
protected abstract String |
Gets the name used as a key to look up properties through the UIManager. |
String |
String |
String |
BasicFileChooserUI.getApproveButtonToolTipText(JFileChooser fc)
String |
BasicFileChooserUI.getDialogTitle(JFileChooser fc)
Returns the title of this dialog |
String |
BasicFileChooserUI.getApproveButtonText(JFileChooser fc)
String |
String |
BasicFileChooserUI.BasicFileView.getName(File f)
String |
BasicFileChooserUI.BasicFileView.getDescription(File f)
String |
BasicFileChooserUI.BasicFileView.getTypeDescription(File f)
protected String |
protected String |
protected String |
protected String |
Fetches the name used as a key to look up properties through the UIManager. |
protected String |
Fetches the name used as a key to lookup properties through the UIManager. |
protected String |
protected String |
protected String |
Fetches the name used as a key to look up properties through the UIManager. |
protected String |
protected String |
BasicLabelUI.layoutCL(JLabel label,
FontMetrics fontMetrics,
String text,
Icon icon,
Rectangle viewR,
Rectangle iconR,
Rectangle textR)
Forwards the call to SwingUtilities.layoutCompoundLabel(). |
protected String |
Fetches the name used as a key to lookup properties through the UIManager. |
protected String |
Fetches the name used as a key to lookup properties through the UIManager. |
String |
protected String |
Methods in javax.swing.plaf.basic with parameters of type String | |
protected void |
BasicOptionPaneUI.burstStringInto(Container c,
String d,
int maxll)
Recursively creates new JLabel instances to represent d . |
void |
BasicOptionPaneUI.ButtonAreaLayout.addLayoutComponent(String string,
Component comp)
void |
BasicFileChooserUI.setFileName(String filename)
void |
BasicFileChooserUI.setDirectoryName(String dirname)
protected void |
BasicTabbedPaneUI.layoutLabel(int tabPlacement,
FontMetrics metrics,
int tabIndex,
String title,
Icon icon,
Rectangle tabRect,
Rectangle iconRect,
Rectangle textRect,
boolean isSelected)
protected void |
BasicTabbedPaneUI.paintText(Graphics g,
int tabPlacement,
Font font,
FontMetrics metrics,
int tabIndex,
String title,
Rectangle textRect,
boolean isSelected)
void |
BasicTabbedPaneUI.TabbedPaneLayout.addLayoutComponent(String name,
Component comp)
void |
BasicSplitPaneDivider.DividerLayout.addLayoutComponent(String string,
Component c)
void |
BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.TitlePaneLayout.addLayoutComponent(String name,
Component c)
void |
BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicHorizontalLayoutManager.addLayoutComponent(String place,
Component component)
Adds the component at place. |
protected void |
BasicButtonUI.paintText(Graphics g,
JComponent c,
Rectangle textRect,
String text)
protected void |
BasicToggleButtonUI.paintText(Graphics g,
AbstractButton b,
Rectangle textRect,
String text)
protected Point |
BasicProgressBarUI.getStringPlacement(Graphics g,
String progressString,
int x,
int y,
int width,
int height)
Designate the place where the progress string will be drawn. |
protected void |
BasicLookAndFeel.loadSystemColors(UIDefaults table,
String[] systemColors,
boolean useNative)
If this is the native look and feel the initial values for the system color properties are the same as the SystemColor constants. |
static void |
BasicGraphicsUtils.drawString(Graphics g,
String text,
int underlinedChar,
int x,
int y)
Draw a string with the graphics g at location (x,y) just like g.drawString() would. |
void |
BasicScrollBarUI.addLayoutComponent(String name,
Component child)
protected String |
BasicLabelUI.layoutCL(JLabel label,
FontMetrics fontMetrics,
String text,
Icon icon,
Rectangle viewR,
Rectangle iconR,
Rectangle textR)
Forwards the call to SwingUtilities.layoutCompoundLabel(). |
protected void |
BasicLabelUI.paintEnabledText(JLabel l,
Graphics g,
String s,
int textX,
int textY)
Paint clippedText at textX, textY with the labels foreground color. |
protected void |
BasicLabelUI.paintDisabledText(JLabel l,
Graphics g,
String s,
int textX,
int textY)
Paint clippedText at textX, textY with background.lighter() and then shifted down and to the right by one pixel with background.darker(). |
void |
BasicComboBoxUI.ComboBoxLayoutManager.addLayoutComponent(String name,
Component comp)
void |
BasicInternalFrameUI.InternalFrameLayout.addLayoutComponent(String name,
Component c)
Constructors in javax.swing.plaf.basic with parameters of type String | |
BasicTreeUI.TreeTraverseAction.BasicTreeUI.TreeTraverseAction(int direction,
String name)
BasicTreeUI.TreePageAction.BasicTreeUI.TreePageAction(int direction,
String name)
BasicTreeUI.TreeIncrementAction.BasicTreeUI.TreeIncrementAction(int direction,
String name)
BasicTreeUI.TreeHomeAction.BasicTreeUI.TreeHomeAction(int direction,
String name)
BasicTreeUI.TreeToggleAction.BasicTreeUI.TreeToggleAction(String name)
BasicTreeUI.TreeCancelEditingAction.BasicTreeUI.TreeCancelEditingAction(String name)
Uses of String in javax.swing.plaf.metal |
Fields in javax.swing.plaf.metal declared as String | |
static String |
protected String |
protected static String |
Methods in javax.swing.plaf.metal that return String | |
String |
String |
String |
String |
String |
abstract String |
String |
String |
String |
Methods in javax.swing.plaf.metal with parameters of type String | |
protected void |
MetalToggleButtonUI.paintText(Graphics g,
JComponent c,
Rectangle textRect,
String text)
void |
MetalFileChooserUI.setFileName(String filename)
void |
MetalFileChooserUI.setDirectoryName(String dirname)
protected void |
MetalLabelUI.paintDisabledText(JLabel l,
Graphics g,
String s,
int textX,
int textY)
Just paint the text gray (Label.disabledForeground) rather than in the labels foreground color. |
protected void |
MetalButtonUI.paintText(Graphics g,
JComponent c,
Rectangle textRect,
String text)
Uses of String in javax.swing.plaf.multi |
Methods in javax.swing.plaf.multi that return String | |
String |
String |
String |
String |
MultiFileChooserUI.getApproveButtonText(JFileChooser a)
Call getApproveButtonText on each UI handled by this MultiUI. |
String |
MultiFileChooserUI.getDialogTitle(JFileChooser a)
Call getDialogTitle on each UI handled by this MultiUI. |
Uses of String in javax.swing.table |
Fields in javax.swing.table declared as String | |
static String |
Bound property name. |
static String |
Bound property name. |
static String |
Bound property name. |
static String |
Bound property name. |
Methods in javax.swing.table that return String | |
String |
JTableHeader.getToolTipText(MouseEvent event)
Overriding to allow renderer's tips to be used if it has text set. |
String |
Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JTableHeader. |
String |
String |
String |
AbstractTableModel.getColumnName(int column)
Return a default name for the column using spreadsheet conventions: A, B, C, ... |
String |
DefaultTableModel.getColumnName(int column)
Returns the column name. |
String |
TableModel.getColumnName(int columnIndex)
Returns the name of the column at columnIndex. |
Methods in javax.swing.table with parameters of type String | |
void |
JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry.setAccessibleName(String s)
void |
JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry.setAccessibleDescription(String s)
int |
AbstractTableModel.findColumn(String columnName)
Convenience method for locating columns by name. |
Uses of String in javax.swing.text |
Fields in javax.swing.text declared as String | |
static String |
The bound property name for the focus accelerator. |
static String |
This is the name of the default keymap that will be shared by all JTextComponent instances unless they have had a different keymap set. |
static String |
Name of elements used to represent components. |
static String |
Name of elements used to represent icons. |
static String |
When reading a document if a CRLF is encountered a property with this name is added and the value will be "\r\n". |
static String |
Name of the action to place content into the associated document. |
static String |
Name of the action to place a line/paragraph break into the document. |
static String |
Name of the action to place a tab character into the document. |
static String |
Name of the action to delete the character of content that precedes the current caret position. |
static String |
Name of the action to delete the character of content that follows the current caret position. |
static String |
Name of the action to set the editor into read-only mode. |
static String |
Name of the action to set the editor into writeable mode. |
static String |
Name of the action to cut the selected region and place the contents into the system clipboard. |
static String |
Name of the action to copy the selected region and place the contents into the system clipboard. |
static String |
Name of the action to paste the contents of the system clipboard into the selected region, or before the caret if nothing is selected. |
static String |
Name of the action to create a beep. |
static String |
Name of the action to page up vertically. |
static String |
Name of the action to page down vertically. |
static String |
Name of the Action for moving the caret logically forward one position. |
static String |
Name of the Action for moving the caret logically backward one position. |
static String |
Name of the Action for extending the selection by moving the caret logically forward one position. |
static String |
Name of the Action for extending the selection by moving the caret logically backward one position. |
static String |
Name of the Action for moving the caret logically upward one position. |
static String |
Name of the Action for moving the caret logically downward one position. |
static String |
Name of the Action for moving the caret logically upward one position, extending the selection. |
static String |
Name of the Action for moving the caret logically downward one position, extending the selection. |
static String |
Name of the Action for moving the caret to the begining of a word. |
static String |
Name of the Action for moving the caret to the end of a word. |
static String |
Name of the Action for moving the caret to the begining of a word, extending the selection. |
static String |
Name of the Action for moving the caret to the end of a word, extending the selection. |
static String |
Name of the Action for moving the caret to the begining of the previous word. |
static String |
Name of the Action for moving the caret to the begining of the next word. |
static String |
Name of the Action for moving the selection to the begining of the previous word, extending the selection. |
static String |
Name of the Action for moving the selection to the begining of the next word, extending the selection. |
static String |
Name of the Action for moving the caret to the begining of a line. |
static String |
Name of the Action for moving the caret to the end of a line. |
static String |
Name of the Action for moving the caret to the begining of a line, extending the selection. |
static String |
Name of the Action for moving the caret to the end of a line, extending the selection. |
static String |
Name of the Action for moving the caret to the begining of a paragraph. |
static String |
Name of the Action for moving the caret to the end of a paragraph. |
static String |
Name of the Action for moving the caret to the begining of a paragraph, extending the selection. |
static String |
Name of the Action for moving the caret to the end of a paragraph, extending the selection. |
static String |
Name of the Action for moving the caret to the begining of the document. |
static String |
Name of the Action for moving the caret to the end of the document. |
static String |
Name of the Action for moving the caret to the begining of the document. |
static String |
Name of the Action for moving the caret to the end of the document. |
static String |
Name of the Action for selecting a word around the caret. |
static String |
Name of the Action for selecting a line around the caret. |
static String |
Name of the Action for selecting a paragraph around the caret. |
static String |
Name of the Action for selecting the entire document |
static String |
Name of the action that is executed by default if a key typed event is received and there is no keymap entry. |
protected static String |
Error message to indicate a bad location. |
static String |
Name of elements used to represent paragraphs |
static String |
Name of elements used to represent content |
static String |
Name of elements used to hold sections (lines/paragraphs). |
static String |
Name of elements used to hold a unidirectional run |
static String |
Name of the attribute used to specify element names. |
static String |
Name of the attribute that specifies the tab size for tabs contained in the content. |
static String |
Name of the attribute that specifies the maximum length of a line, if there is a maximum length. |
String |
The name of the action for the key. |
static String |
The property name for the description of the stream used to initialize the document. |
static String |
The property name for the title of the document, if there is one. |
static String |
The name given to the default logical style attached to paragraphs. |
Methods in javax.swing.text that return String | |
String |
JTextComponent.getText(int offs,
int len)
Fetches a portion of the text represented by the component. |
String |
Returns the text contained in this TextComponent. |
String |
Returns the selected text contained in this TextComponent. |
protected String |
Returns a string representation of this JTextComponent. |
String |
Returns the portion of the text that is selected. |
String |
JTextComponent.AccessibleJTextComponent.getAtIndex(int part,
int index)
Returns the String at a given index. |
String |
JTextComponent.AccessibleJTextComponent.getAfterIndex(int part,
int index)
Returns the String after a given index. |
String |
JTextComponent.AccessibleJTextComponent.getBeforeIndex(int part,
int index)
Returns the String before a given index. |
String |
Returns the string representation. |
static String |
StyleConstants.getFontFamily(AttributeSet a)
Gets the font family setting from the attribute list. |
String |
Fetches the name of the set of key-bindings. |
String |
String |
String |
String |
string representation |
abstract String |
Gets the MIME type of the data that this kit represents support for. |
String |
Gets the MIME type of the data that this kit represents support for. |
String |
String |
Fetches the name of the element. |
String |
Returns the string representation of the set of tabs. |
String |
AbstractDocument.getText(int offset,
int length)
Gets a sequence of text from the document. |
String |
AbstractDocument.Content.getString(int where,
int len)
Fetches a string of characters contained in the sequence. |
String |
Gets the name of the element. |
String |
Converts the element to a string. |
String |
Gets the element name. |
String |
Converts the element to a string. |
String |
Gets the element name. |
String |
Returns a string description of the change event. |
String |
Provides a localized, human readable description of this edit suitable for use in, say, a change log. |
String |
Provides a localized, human readable description of the undoable form of this edit, e.g. |
String |
Provides a localized, human readable description of the redoable form of this edit, e.g. |
String |
Fetches the name of the style. |
String |
Gets the name of the element. |
String |
Converts the element to a string. |
String |
GapContent.getString(int where,
int len)
Retrieves a portion of the content. |
String |
Converts the attribute set to a String. |
protected String |
AbstractWriter.getText(Element elem)
Returns the text associated with the element. |
String |
Document.getText(int offset,
int length)
Fetches the text contained within the given portion of the document. |
String |
Converts a StyleContext to a String. |
String |
Returns a string showing the key/value pairs |
String |
Converts the style to a string. |
String |
Fetches the name of the style. |
String |
Converts a segment into a String. |
String |
StringContent.getString(int where,
int len)
Retrieves a portion of the content. |
Methods in javax.swing.text with parameters of type String | |
static Keymap |
JTextComponent.addKeymap(String nm,
Keymap parent)
Adds a new keymap into the keymap hierarchy. |
static Keymap |
JTextComponent.removeKeymap(String nm)
Removes a named keymap previously added to the document. |
static Keymap |
JTextComponent.getKeymap(String nm)
Fetches a named keymap previously added to the document. |
void |
JTextComponent.replaceSelection(String content)
Replaces the currently selected content with new content represented by the given string. |
void |
JTextComponent.setText(String t)
Sets the text of this TextComponent to the specified text. |
static void |
StyleConstants.setFontFamily(MutableAttributeSet a,
String fam)
Sets the font attribute. |
void |
AbstractDocument.insertString(int offs,
String str,
AttributeSet a)
Inserts some content into the document. |
Style |
StyledDocument.addStyle(String nm,
Style parent)
Adds a new style into the logical style hierarchy. |
void |
StyledDocument.removeStyle(String nm)
Removes a named style previously added to the document. |
Style |
StyledDocument.getStyle(String nm)
Fetches a named style previously added. |
UndoableEdit |
AbstractDocument.Content.insertString(int where,
String str)
Inserts a string of characters into the sequence. |
Style |
DefaultStyledDocument.addStyle(String nm,
Style parent)
Adds a new style into the logical style hierarchy. |
void |
DefaultStyledDocument.removeStyle(String nm)
Removes a named style previously added to the document. |
Style |
DefaultStyledDocument.getStyle(String nm)
Fetches a named style previously added. |
UndoableEdit |
GapContent.insertString(int where,
String str)
Inserts a string into the content. |
protected void |
AbstractWriter.write(String str)
Writes out a string. |
void |
Document.insertString(int offset,
String str,
AttributeSet a)
Inserts a string of content. |
Style |
StyleContext.addStyle(String nm,
Style parent)
Adds a new style into the style hierarchy. |
void |
StyleContext.removeStyle(String nm)
Removes a named style previously added to the document. |
Style |
StyleContext.getStyle(String nm)
Fetches a named style previously added to the document |
Font |
StyleContext.getFont(String family,
int style,
int size)
Gets a new font. |
void |
StyleContext.NamedStyle.setName(String name)
Changes the name of the style. |
UndoableEdit |
StringContent.insertString(int where,
String str)
Inserts a string into the content. |
Constructors in javax.swing.text with parameters of type String | |
BadLocationException.BadLocationException(String s,
int offs)
Creates a new BadLocationException object. |
ChangedCharSetException.ChangedCharSetException(String charSetSpec,
boolean charSetKey)
TextAction.TextAction(String name)
Creates a new JTextAction object. |
StyledEditorKit.StyledTextAction.StyledEditorKit.StyledTextAction(String nm)
Creates a new StyledTextAction from a string action name. |
StyledEditorKit.FontFamilyAction.StyledEditorKit.FontFamilyAction(String nm,
String family)
Creates a new FontFamilyAction. |
StyledEditorKit.FontSizeAction.StyledEditorKit.FontSizeAction(String nm,
int size)
Creates a new FontSizeAction. |
StyledEditorKit.ForegroundAction.StyledEditorKit.ForegroundAction(String nm,
Color fg)
Creates a new ForegroundAction. |
StyledEditorKit.AlignmentAction.StyledEditorKit.AlignmentAction(String nm,
int a)
Creates a new AlignmentAction. |
JTextComponent.KeyBinding.JTextComponent.KeyBinding(KeyStroke key,
String actionName)
Creates a new key binding. |
StyleContext.NamedStyle.StyleContext.NamedStyle(String name,
Style parent)
Creates a new named style. |
Uses of String in javax.swing.text.html |
Fields in javax.swing.text.html declared as String | |
static String |
Default Cascading Style Sheet file that sets up the tag views. |
static String |
The bold action identifier |
static String |
The italic action identifier |
static String |
The paragraph left indent action identifier |
static String |
The paragraph right indent action identifier |
static String |
The font size increase to next value action identifier |
static String |
The font size decrease to next value action identifier |
static String |
The Color choice action identifier The color is passed as an argument |
static String |
The logical style choice action identifier The logical style is passed in as an argument |
static String |
Align images at the top. |
static String |
Align images in the middle. |
static String |
Align images at the bottom. |
static String |
Align images at the border. |
protected String |
HTML to insert. |
static String |
Document property key value. |
static String |
static String |
If a value attribute is not specified for a FORM input element of type "submit" or "reset", then these default strings are used. |
static String |
Methods in javax.swing.text.html that return String | |
String |
returns the target for the link. |
String |
Fetch the label associated with the option. |
String |
String representation is the label. |
String |
Convenience method to return the string associated with the value attribute. |
String |
Get the MIME type of the data that this kit represents support for. |
String |
Gets the name of the element. |
String |
Gets the name of the element. |
String |
The string representation of the attribute. |
String |
Fetch the default value for the attribute. |
String |
Return the string representation of the tag. |
String |
Methods in javax.swing.text.html with parameters of type String | |
protected void |
MinimalHTMLWriter.writeStartTag(String tag)
This method writes out a start tag approrirately indented. |
protected void |
MinimalHTMLWriter.writeEndTag(String endTag)
This method writes out a end tag approrirately indented. |
protected void |
MinimalHTMLWriter.startFontTag(String style)
Writes out a start tag for the tag. |
protected void |
HTMLWriter.write(String content)
Convenience method for write(String, false). |
void |
Option.setLabel(String label)
Sets the label to be used for the option. |
void |
HTMLEditorKit.insertHTML(HTMLDocument doc,
int offset,
String html,
int popDepth,
int pushDepth,
HTML.Tag insertTag)
Inserts HTML into an existing document. |
void |
HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback.handleError(String errorMsg,
int pos)
protected void |
HTMLEditorKit.InsertHTMLTextAction.insertHTML(JEditorPane editor,
HTMLDocument doc,
int offset,
String html,
int popDepth,
int pushDepth,
HTML.Tag addTag)
A cover for HTMLEditorKit.insertHTML. |
protected void |
HTMLEditorKit.InsertHTMLTextAction.insertAtBoundry(JEditorPane editor,
HTMLDocument doc,
int offset,
Element insertElement,
String html,
HTML.Tag parentTag,
HTML.Tag addTag)
This is invoked when inserting at a boundry. |
Style |
StyleSheet.getRule(String selector)
Fetch the rule that best matches the selector given in string form. |
void |
StyleSheet.addRule(String rule)
Add a set of rules to the sheet. |
AttributeSet |
StyleSheet.getDeclaration(String decl)
Translate a CSS declaration to an AttributeSet that represents the CSS declaration. |
void |
StyleSheet.removeStyle(String nm)
Removes a named style previously added to the document. |
void |
StyleSheet.setBaseFontSize(String size)
float |
StyleSheet.getPointSize(String size)
Given a string "+2", "-2", "2". |
Color |
StyleSheet.stringToColor(String string)
Convert a color string "RED" or "#NNNNNN" to a Color. |
static CSS.Attribute |
CSS.getAttribute(String name)
Translate a string to a CSS.Attribute object. |
static HTML.Tag |
HTML.getTag(String tagName)
Fetch a tag constant for a well-known tag name (i.e. |
static HTML.Attribute |
HTML.getAttributeKey(String attName)
Fetch an attribute constant for a well-known attribute name (i.e. |
protected void |
FormView.submitData(String data)
This method is responsible for submitting the form data. |
protected void |
FormView.imageSubmit(String imageData)
This method is called to submit a form in response to a click on an image. |
Constructors in javax.swing.text.html with parameters of type String | |
HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent.HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent(Object source,
HyperlinkEvent.EventType type,
URL targetURL,
String targetFrame)
Creates a new object representing a html frame hypertext link event. |
HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent.HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent(Object source,
HyperlinkEvent.EventType type,
URL targetURL,
String desc,
String targetFrame)
Creates a new object representing a hypertext link event. |
HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent.HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent(Object source,
HyperlinkEvent.EventType type,
URL targetURL,
Element sourceElement,
String targetFrame)
Creates a new object representing a hypertext link event. |
HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent.HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent(Object source,
HyperlinkEvent.EventType type,
URL targetURL,
String desc,
Element sourceElement,
String targetFrame)
Creates a new object representing a hypertext link event. |
HTMLEditorKit.HTMLTextAction.HTMLEditorKit.HTMLTextAction(String name)
HTMLEditorKit.InsertHTMLTextAction.HTMLEditorKit.InsertHTMLTextAction(String name,
String html,
HTML.Tag parentTag,
HTML.Tag addTag)
HTMLEditorKit.InsertHTMLTextAction.HTMLEditorKit.InsertHTMLTextAction(String name,
String html,
HTML.Tag parentTag,
HTML.Tag addTag,
HTML.Tag alternateParentTag,
HTML.Tag alternateAddTag)
HTML.Tag.HTML.Tag(String id)
HTML.Tag.HTML.Tag(String id,
boolean causesBreak,
boolean isBlock)
HTML.UnknownTag.HTML.UnknownTag(String id)
Uses of String in javax.swing.text.html.parser |
Fields in javax.swing.text.html.parser declared as String | |
String |
String |
String |
String |
String |
Methods in javax.swing.text.html.parser that return String | |
String |
Parses th Document Declaration Type markup declaration. |
String |
Convert to a string. |
String |
Get the name of the DTD. |
String |
Return a string representation. |
String |
String |
String |
static String |
AttributeList.type2name(int tp)
String |
Get the name of the element. |
String |
Convert to a string. |
String |
Get the name of the entity. |
String |
Return the data as a string. |
Methods in javax.swing.text.html.parser with parameters of type String | |
protected void |
Parser.handleError(int ln,
String msg)
An error has occurred. |
protected void |
Parser.error(String err,
String arg1,
String arg2,
String arg3)
Invoke the error handler. |
protected void |
Parser.error(String err,
String arg1,
String arg2)
protected void |
Parser.error(String err,
String arg1)
protected void |
Parser.error(String err)
protected static DTD |
ParserDelegator.createDTD(DTD dtd,
String name)
Entity |
DTD.getEntity(String name)
Get an entity by name. |
Element |
DTD.getElement(String name)
Get an element by name. |
Entity |
DTD.defineEntity(String name,
int type,
char[] data)
Define an entity. |
Element |
DTD.defineElement(String name,
int type,
boolean omitStart,
boolean omitEnd,
ContentModel content,
BitSet exclusions,
BitSet inclusions,
AttributeList atts)
Define an element. |
void |
DTD.defineAttributes(String name,
AttributeList atts)
Define the attributes of an element. |
Entity |
DTD.defEntity(String name,
int type,
int ch)
Define a character entity. |
protected Entity |
DTD.defEntity(String name,
int type,
String str)
Define an entity. |
protected Element |
DTD.defElement(String name,
int type,
boolean omitStart,
boolean omitEnd,
ContentModel content,
String[] exclusions,
String[] inclusions,
AttributeList atts)
Define an element. |
protected AttributeList |
DTD.defAttributeList(String name,
int type,
int modifier,
String value,
String values,
AttributeList atts)
Define an attribute list |
static void |
DTD.putDTDHash(String name,
DTD dtd)
static DTD |
DTD.getDTD(String name)
Get a DTD. |
protected void |
DocumentParser.handleError(int ln,
String errorMsg)
static int |
AttributeList.name2type(String nm)
AttributeList |
Element.getAttribute(String name)
Get an attribute by name. |
AttributeList |
Element.getAttributeByValue(String name)
Get an attribute by value. |
static int |
Element.name2type(String nm)
static int |
Entity.name2type(String nm)
Constructors in javax.swing.text.html.parser with parameters of type String | |
DTD.DTD(String name)
Create a new DTD. |
AttributeList.AttributeList(String name)
Create an attribute list element. |
AttributeList.AttributeList(String name,
int type,
int modifier,
String value,
Vector values,
AttributeList next)
Create an attribute list element. |
Entity.Entity(String name,
int type,
char[] data)
Create an entity. |
Uses of String in javax.swing.text.rtf |
Methods in javax.swing.text.rtf that return String | |
String |
Get the MIME type of the data that this kit represents support for. |
Uses of String in javax.swing.tree |
Fields in javax.swing.tree declared as String | |
static String |
Property name for selectionMode. |
Methods in javax.swing.tree that return String | |
String |
Returns a string that displays and identifies this object's properties. |
String |
Returns the result of sending toString() to this node's
user object, or null if this node has no user object. |
String |
Returns a string that displays and identifies this object's properties. |
Constructors in javax.swing.tree with parameters of type String | |
ExpandVetoException.ExpandVetoException(TreeExpansionEvent event,
String message)
Constructs an ExpandVetoException object with the specified message. |
Uses of String in javax.swing.undo |
Fields in javax.swing.undo declared as String | |
protected static String |
String returned by getUndoPresentationName() |
protected static String |
String returned by getRedoPresentationName() |
static String |
Resource ID for this class. |
protected static String |
protected String |
The undo/redo presentation name |
Methods in javax.swing.undo that return String | |
String |
This default implementation returns "". |
String |
If getPresentationName() returns "", returns AbstractUndoableEdit.UndoName. |
String |
If getPresentationName() returns "", returns AbstractUndoableEdit.RedoName. |
String |
Returns a string that displays and identifies this object's properties. |
String |
Returns getPresentationName from the last UndoableEdit added to edits. |
String |
Returns getUndoPresentationName from the last UndoableEdit added to edits. |
String |
Returns getRedoPresentationName from the last UndoableEdit added to edits. |
String |
Returns a string that displays and identifies this object's properties. |
String |
Gets the presentation name for this edit |
String |
Provide a localized, human readable description of this edit suitable for use in, say, a change log. |
String |
Provide a localized, human readable description of the undoable form of this edit, e.g. |
String |
Provide a localized, human readable description of the redoable form of this edit, e.g. |
String |
Return the appropriate name for a command that toggles between undo and redo. |
String |
If inProgress, returns getUndoPresentationName of the significant edit that will be undone when undo() is invoked. |
String |
If inProgress, returns getRedoPresentationName of the significant edit that will be redone when redo() is invoked. |
String |
Returns a string that displays and identifies this object's properties. |
String |
Returns a string that displays and identifies this object's properties. |
Methods in javax.swing.undo with parameters of type String | |
protected void |
StateEdit.init(StateEditable anObject,
String name)
Constructors in javax.swing.undo with parameters of type String | |
StateEdit.StateEdit(StateEditable anObject,
String name)
Create and return a new StateEdit with a presentation name. |
Uses of String in org.omg.CORBA |
Fields in org.omg.CORBA declared as String | |
String |
The name to be associated with a value by this NameValuePair object. |
String |
The name of the value member described by this
ValueMember object. |
String |
The name of the value member described by this
ValueMember object. |
String |
The name of the value member described by this
ValueMember object. |
String |
The name of the value member described by this
ValueMember object. |
String |
The name of the struct member described by this StructMember object. |
String |
The String value held by this StringHolder
object. |
String |
The name of the union member described by this UnionMember object. |
Methods in org.omg.CORBA that return String | |
String |
Converts this exception to a representative string. |
String |
Allows for the inspection of the name of this union member without checking the value of the discriminator. |
static String |
String |
Return the name of the current member while traversing a DynAny which represents a Value object. |
abstract String |
Retrieves the name of the method to be invoked. |
abstract String |
ContextList.item(int index)
Returns the String object at the given index. |
abstract String[] |
Returns a list of the initially available CORBA object references, such as "NameService" and "InterfaceRepository". |
abstract String |
ORB.object_to_string(Object obj)
Converts the given CORBA object reference to a string. |
abstract String |
Retrieves the RepositoryId globally identifying the type of this TypeCode object. |
abstract String |
Retrieves the simple name identifying this
object within its
enclosing scope. |
abstract String |
TypeCode.member_name(int index)
Retrieves the simple name of the member identified by the given index. |
String |
Retrieves the String contained
in this DynAny object. |
String |
Retrieves the String contained
in this DynAny object. |
abstract String |
Extracts the String object in this
Any object's value field. |
abstract String |
Extracts the String object in this
Any object's value field. |
abstract String |
Retrieves the name for this NamedValue object. |
String |
During a traversal, return the name of the current member. |
String |
Deprecated. use operation() |
String |
Retrieves the name of the operation being invoked. |
String |
Return the value of the IDL enum stored in this DynEnum as a string. |
static String |
abstract String |
Retrieves the name of this Context object. |
Methods in org.omg.CORBA with parameters of type String | |
void |
DynUnion.member_name(String arg)
Allows for the assignment of the name of this union member. |
abstract Any |
Request.add_named_in_arg(String name)
Creates an input argument with the given name and adds it to this Request object. |
abstract Any |
Request.add_named_inout_arg(String name)
Adds an input/output argument with the given name to this Request object. |
abstract Any |
Request.add_named_out_arg(String name)
Adds an output argument with the given name to this Request object. |
abstract void |
ContextList.add(String ctx)
Adds a String object to this ContextList
object. |
static ORB |
ORB.init(String[] args,
Properties props)
Creates a new ORB instance for a standalone
application. |
protected abstract void |
ORB.set_parameters(String[] args,
Properties props)
Allows the ORB implementation to be initialized with the given parameters and properties. |
abstract Object |
ORB.resolve_initial_references(String object_name)
Resolves a specific object reference from the set of available initial service names. |
abstract Object |
ORB.string_to_object(String str)
Converts a string produced by the method object_to_string
back to a CORBA object reference. |
abstract NamedValue |
ORB.create_named_value(String s,
Any any,
int flags)
Creates a NamedValue object
using the given name, value, and argument mode flags. |
abstract TypeCode |
ORB.create_struct_tc(String id,
String name,
StructMember[] members)
Creates a TypeCode object representing an IDL struct . |
abstract TypeCode |
ORB.create_union_tc(String id,
String name,
TypeCode discriminator_type,
UnionMember[] members)
Creates a TypeCode object representing an IDL union . |
abstract TypeCode |
ORB.create_enum_tc(String id,
String name,
String[] members)
Creates a TypeCode object representing an IDL enum . |
abstract TypeCode |
ORB.create_alias_tc(String id,
String name,
TypeCode original_type)
Creates a TypeCode object representing an IDL alias
(typedef ). |
abstract TypeCode |
ORB.create_exception_tc(String id,
String name,
StructMember[] members)
Creates a TypeCode object representing an IDL exception . |
abstract TypeCode |
ORB.create_interface_tc(String id,
String name)
Creates a TypeCode object representing an IDL interface . |
TypeCode |
ORB.create_native_tc(String id,
String name)
Create a TypeCode object for an IDL native type. |
TypeCode |
ORB.create_abstract_interface_tc(String id,
String name)
Create a TypeCode object for an IDL abstract interface. |
TypeCode |
ORB.create_value_tc(String id,
String name,
short type_modifier,
TypeCode concrete_base,
ValueMember[] members)
Create a TypeCode object for an IDL value type. |
TypeCode |
ORB.create_recursive_tc(String id)
Create a recursive TypeCode object which
serves as a placeholder for a concrete TypeCode during the process of creating
TypeCodes which contain recursion. |
TypeCode |
ORB.create_value_box_tc(String id,
String name,
TypeCode boxed_type)
Create a TypeCode object for an IDL value type. |
void |
DynAny.insert_string(String value)
Inserts the given String object as the value for this
DynAny object. |
void |
DynAny.insert_wstring(String value)
Inserts the given String as the value for this
DynAny object. |
abstract void |
Any.insert_string(String s)
Inserts the given String object
into this Any object's value field. |
abstract void |
Any.insert_wstring(String s)
Inserts the given String object
into this Any object's value field. |
boolean |
Object._is_a(String repositoryIdentifier)
Checks whether this object is an instance of a class that implements the given interface. |
Request |
Object._request(String operation)
Creates a Request instance for use in the
Dynamic Invocation Interface. |
Request |
Object._create_request(Context ctx,
String operation,
NVList arg_list,
NamedValue result)
Creates a Request instance initialized with the
given context, method name, list of arguments, and container
for the method's return value. |
Request |
Object._create_request(Context ctx,
String operation,
NVList arg_list,
NamedValue result,
ExceptionList exclist,
ContextList ctxlist)
Creates a Request instance initialized with the
given context, method name, list of arguments, container
for the method's return value, list of possible exceptions,
and list of context strings needing to be resolved. |
void |
DynEnum.value_as_string(String arg)
Set a particular enum in this DynEnum . |
abstract Context |
Context.create_child(String child_ctx_name)
Creates a Context object with the given string as its
name and with this Context object set as its parent. |
abstract void |
Context.set_one_value(String propname,
Any propvalue)
Creates a NamedValue object and adds it to this
Context object. |
abstract void |
Context.delete_values(String propname)
Deletes from this Context object the
NamedValue object(s) whose
name field matches the given property name. |
abstract NVList |
Context.get_values(String start_scope,
int op_flags,
String pattern)
Retrieves the NamedValue objects whose
name field matches the given name or name
pattern. |
abstract NamedValue |
NVList.add_item(String item_name,
int flags)
Creates a new NamedValue object initialized with the
given name and flag,
and adds it to the end of this NVList object. |
abstract NamedValue |
NVList.add_value(String item_name,
Any val,
int flags)
Creates a new NamedValue object initialized with the
given name, value, and flag,
and adds it to the end of this NVList object. |
Constructors in org.omg.CORBA with parameters of type String | |
SystemException.SystemException(String reason,
int minor,
CompletionStatus completed)
Constructs a SystemException exception with the specified detail
message, minor code, and completion status. |
Constructs a NO_MEMORY exception with the specified description message,
a minor code of 0, and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO. |
int minor,
CompletionStatus completed)
Constructs a NO_MEMORY exception with the specified description
message, minor code, and completion status. |
NameValuePair.NameValuePair(String __id,
Any __value)
Constructs a NameValuePair object that associates
the given name with the given org.omg.CORBA.Any object. |
UserException.UserException(String reason)
Constructs a UserException object with a
detail message. |
Constructs an OBJECT_NOT_EXIST exception with the specified description,
a minor code of 0, and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO. |
int minor,
CompletionStatus completed)
Constructs an OBJECT_NOT_EXIST exception with the specified description
message, minor code, and completion status. |
Constructs a DATA_CONVERSION exception with the specified detail. |
int minor,
CompletionStatus completed)
Constructs a DATA_CONVERSION exception with the specified detail
message, minor code, and completion status. |
Constructs a TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK exception with the
specified description message,
a minor code of 0, and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO. |
int minor,
CompletionStatus completed)
Constructs a TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK exception with the
specified description message, minor code, and completion status. |
Constructs an UNKNOWN exception with the specified description message,
a minor code of 0, and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO. |
int minor,
CompletionStatus completed)
Constructs an UNKNOWN exception with the specified description
message, minor code, and completion status. |
Constructs a BAD_TYPECODE exception with the specified detail,
a minor code of 0, and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO. |
int minor,
CompletionStatus completed)
Constructs a BAD_TYPECODE exception with the specified detail
message, minor code, and completion status. |
Constructs a BAD_PARAM exception with the specified detail
message, a minor code of 0, and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO. |
int minor,
CompletionStatus completed)
Constructs a BAD_PARAM exception with the specified detail
message, minor code, and completion status. |
ValueMember.ValueMember(String __name,
String __id,
String __defined_in,
String __version,
TypeCode __type,
IDLType __type_def,
short __access)
Constructs a ValueMember object initialized with
the given values. |
Constructs an INITIALIZE exception with the specified detail
message, a minor code of 0, and a completion state of
CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO . |
int minor,
CompletionStatus completed)
Constructs an INITIALIZE exception with the specified detail
message, minor code, and completion status. |
Constructs a BAD_INV_ORDER exception with the specified detail
message, a minor code of 0, and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO. |
int minor,
CompletionStatus completed)
Constructs a BAD_INV_ORDER exception with the specified detail
message, minor code, and completion status. |
Constructs a TRANSIENT exception with the specified description message,
a minor code of 0, and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO. |
int minor,
CompletionStatus completed)
Constructs a TRANSIENT exception with the specified description
message, minor code, and completion status. |
Constructs an INTF_REPOS exception with the specified detail. |
int minor,
CompletionStatus completed)
Constructs an INTF_REPOS exception with the specified detail
message, minor code, and completion status. |
Constructs a NO_RESOURCES exception with the specified description,
a minor code of 0, and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO. |
int minor,
CompletionStatus completed)
Constructs a NO_RESOURCES exception with the specified description
message, minor code, and completion status. |
Constructs a FREE_MEM exception with the specified detail
message, a minor code of 0, and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO. |
int minor,
CompletionStatus completed)
Constructs a FREE_MEM exception with the specified detail
message, minor code, and completion status. |
Constructs an INTERNAL exception with the specified detail
message, a minor code of 0, and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO. |
int minor,
CompletionStatus completed)
Constructs an INTERNAL exception with the specified detail
message, minor code, and completion status. |
StructMember.StructMember(String __name,
TypeCode __type,
IDLType __type_def)
Constructs a StructMember object initialized with the
given values. |
Constructs a NO_IMPLEMENT exception with the specified description message,
a minor code of 0, and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO. |
int minor,
CompletionStatus completed)
Constructs a NO_IMPLEMENT exception with the specified description
message, minor code, and completion status. |
Constructs an INVALID_TRANSACTION exception
with the specified detail message. |
int minor,
CompletionStatus completed)
Constructs an INVALID_TRANSACTION exception with the specified detail
message, minor code, and completion status. |
Constructs a BAD_CONTEXT exception
with the specified detail message, a minor code
of 0 and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO. |
int minor,
CompletionStatus completed)
Constructs a BAD_CONTEXT exception
with the specified detail
message, minor code, and completion status. |
Constructs a BAD_OPERATION exception with the specified detail
message, a minor code of 0, and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO. |
int minor,
CompletionStatus completed)
Constructs a BAD_OPERATION exception with the specified detail
message, minor code, and completion status. |
Constructs an IMP_LIMIT exception with the specified detail
message, a minor code of 0, and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO. |
int minor,
CompletionStatus completed)
Constructs an IMP_LIMIT exception with the specified detail
message, minor code, and completion status. |
StringHolder.StringHolder(String initial)
Constructs a new StringHolder object with its
value field initialized to the given
String . |
Constructs a NO_RESPONSE exception with the specified description message,
a minor code of 0, and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO. |
int minor,
CompletionStatus completed)
Constructs a NO_RESPONSE exception with the specified description
message, minor code, and completion status. |
Constructs a TRANSACTION_REQUIRED exception with the specified
description message, a minor code of 0, and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO. |
int minor,
CompletionStatus completed)
Constructs a TRANSACTION_REQUIRED exception with the specified description
message, minor code, and completion status. |
Constructs a PERSIST_STORE exception with the specified description message,
a minor code of 0, and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO. |
int minor,
CompletionStatus completed)
Constructs a PERSIST_STORE exception with the specified description
message, minor code, and completion status. |
Constructs an INV_FLAG exception with the specified detail
message, a minor code of 0, and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO. |
int minor,
CompletionStatus completed)
Constructs an INV_FLAG exception with the specified detail
message, minor code, and completion status. |
Constructs a MARSHAL exception with the specified description message,
a minor code of 0, and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO. |
int minor,
CompletionStatus completed)
Constructs a MARSHAL exception with the specified description
message, minor code, and completion status. |
Constructs a INV_POLICY exception with the
specified description message,
a minor code of 0, and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO. |
int minor,
CompletionStatus completed)
Constructs a INV_POLICY exception with the
specified description message, minor code, and completion status. |
Constructs an INV_OBJREF exception with the specified detail
message, a minor code of 0, and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO. |
int minor,
CompletionStatus completed)
Constructs an INV_OBJREF exception with the specified detail
message, minor code, and completion status. |
Constructs an INV_IDENT exception with the specified detail
message, a minor code of 0, and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO. |
int minor,
CompletionStatus completed)
Constructs an INV_IDENT exception with the specified detail
message, minor code, and completion status. |
Constructs a COMM_FAILURE exception with the specified detail
message, a minor code of 0, and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO. |
int minor,
CompletionStatus completed)
Constructs a COMM_FAILURE exception with the specified detail
message, minor code, and completion status. |
UnionMember.UnionMember(String __name,
Any __label,
TypeCode __type,
IDLType __type_def)
Constructs a new UnionMember object with its fields initialized
to the given values. |
WrongTransaction.WrongTransaction(String reason)
Constructs a WrongTransaction object with the given detail message. |
Bounds.Bounds(String reason)
Constructs an Bounds with the specified detail message. |
PolicyError.PolicyError(String reason_string,
short __reason)
Constructs a PolicyError user exception
initialized with the given reason detail message and reason code. |
Constructs an OBJ_ADAPTER exception with the specified description,
a minor code of 0, and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO. |
int minor,
CompletionStatus completed)
Constructs an OBJ_ADAPTER exception with the specified description
message, minor code, and completion status. |
Constructs a NO_PERMISSION exception with the specified description,
a minor code of 0, and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO. |
int minor,
CompletionStatus completed)
Constructs a NO_PERMISSION exception with the specified description
message, minor code, and completion status. |
Uses of String in org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage |
Constructors in org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage with parameters of type String | |
InvalidValue.InvalidValue(String reason)
InvalidSeq.InvalidSeq(String reason)
Invalid.Invalid(String reason)
TypeMismatch.TypeMismatch(String reason)
Uses of String in org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage |
Constructors in org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage with parameters of type String | |
InconsistentTypeCode.InconsistentTypeCode(String reason)
Constructs an InconsistentTypeCode user exception
with the specified reason message. |
InvalidName.InvalidName(String reason)
Constructs an InvalidName exception with the specified
reason message. |
Uses of String in org.omg.CORBA.portable |
Methods in org.omg.CORBA.portable that return String | |
abstract String[] |
return the array of all repository identifiers supported by this ObjectImpl instance (e.g. |
String |
String |
Delegate.toString(Object self)
abstract String |
abstract String |
String |
Returns the CORBA repository ID of the exception without removing it from the exceptions input stream. |
Methods in org.omg.CORBA.portable with parameters of type String | |
boolean |
ObjectImpl._is_a(String repository_id)
default implementation of the org.omg.CORBA.Object method. |
Request |
ObjectImpl._request(String operation)
default implementation of the org.omg.CORBA.Object method. |
Request |
ObjectImpl._create_request(Context ctx,
String operation,
NVList arg_list,
NamedValue result)
default implementation of the org.omg.CORBA.Object method. |
Request |
ObjectImpl._create_request(Context ctx,
String operation,
NVList arg_list,
NamedValue result,
ExceptionList exceptions,
ContextList contexts)
default implementation of the org.omg.CORBA.Object method. |
ServantObject |
ObjectImpl._servant_preinvoke(String operation,
Class expectedType)
OutputStream |
ObjectImpl._request(String operation,
boolean responseExpected)
_request is called by a stub to obtain an OutputStream for marshaling arguments. |
abstract void |
OutputStream.write_string(String value)
abstract void |
OutputStream.write_wstring(String value)
abstract boolean |
Delegate.is_a(Object obj,
String repository_id)
Check if the object reference is an instance of the given interface. |
abstract Request |
Delegate.request(Object obj,
String operation)
Creates a Request instance for use in the Dynamic Invocation Interface. |
abstract Request |
Delegate.create_request(Object obj,
Context ctx,
String operation,
NVList arg_list,
NamedValue result)
Creates a Request instance for use in the Dynamic Invocation Interface. |
abstract Request |
Delegate.create_request(Object obj,
Context ctx,
String operation,
NVList arg_list,
NamedValue result,
ExceptionList exclist,
ContextList ctxlist)
Create a Request instance for use in the Dynamic Invocation Interface. |
ServantObject |
Delegate.servant_preinvoke(Object self,
String operation,
Class expectedType)
Returns a Java reference to the servant which should be used for this request. |
OutputStream |
Delegate.request(Object self,
String operation,
boolean responseExpected)
request is called by a stub to obtain an OutputStream for marshaling arguments. |
OutputStream |
InvokeHandler._invoke(String method,
InputStream input,
ResponseHandler handler)
Invoked by the ORB to dispatch a request to the servant. |
Constructors in org.omg.CORBA.portable with parameters of type String | |
ApplicationException.ApplicationException(String id,
InputStream ins)
Constructs an ApplicationException from the CORBA repository ID of the exception and an input stream from which the exception data can be read as its parameters. |
Uses of String in org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage |
Constructors in org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage with parameters of type String | |
Bounds.Bounds(String reason)
Constructs a Bounds exception with the specified
reason message. |
BadKind.BadKind(String reason)
Constructs a BadKind exception with the specified
reason message. |
Uses of String in org.omg.CosNaming |
Fields in org.omg.CosNaming declared as String | |
String |
String |
Methods in org.omg.CosNaming that return String | |
String[] |
static String |
static String |
static String |
IstringHelper.read(InputStream in)
static String |
IstringHelper.extract(Any a)
static String |
static String |
static String |
String[] |
static String |
String[] |
static String |
String[] |
static String |
Methods in org.omg.CosNaming with parameters of type String | |
static void |
IstringHelper.write(OutputStream out,
String that)
static void |
IstringHelper.insert(Any a,
String that)
Constructors in org.omg.CosNaming with parameters of type String | |
NameComponent.NameComponent(String __id,
String __kind)
Uses of String in org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage |
Methods in org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage that return String | |
static String |
static String |
static String |
static String |
static String |
static String |
JavaTM 2 Platform Standard Edition |