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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
JavaTM 2 Platform Std. Ed. v1.3.1 |
Packages that use InputStream | |
javax.rmi.CORBA | Contains portability APIs for RMI-IIOP. |
org.omg.CORBA | Provides the mapping of the OMG CORBA APIs to the JavaTM programming language, including the class ORB, which is implemented so that a programmer can use it as a fully-functional Object Request Broker (ORB). |
org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable | Provides methods for the input and output of value types, and contains
other updates to the org/omg/CORBA/portable package. |
org.omg.CORBA.portable | Provides a portability layer, that is, a set of ORB APIs that makes it possible for code generated by one vendor to run on another vendor's ORB. |
org.omg.CosNaming | Provides the naming service for Java IDL. |
org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage | Provides the exceptions used in the package org.omg.CosNaming
(AlreadyBound , CannotProceed ,
InvalidName , NotEmpty , and
NotFound )
and also the Helper and Holder classes for those
exceptions. |
Uses of InputStream in javax.rmi.CORBA |
Methods in javax.rmi.CORBA with parameters of type InputStream | |
static Object |
Util.readAny(InputStream in)
Reads a java.lang.Object as a CORBA any. |
Serializable |
ValueHandler.readValue(InputStream in,
int offset,
Class clz,
String repositoryID,
RunTime sender)
Reads a value from the stream using Java semantics. |
Object |
UtilDelegate.readAny(InputStream in)
Delegation call for Util.readAny(org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream) . |
Uses of InputStream in org.omg.CORBA |
Methods in org.omg.CORBA that return InputStream | |
abstract InputStream |
Creates an input stream from which this Any object's value
can be unmarshalled. |
Methods in org.omg.CORBA with parameters of type InputStream | |
void |
UShortSeqHolder._read(InputStream i)
void |
DoubleHolder._read(InputStream input)
Read a double value from the input stream and store it in the value member. |
void |
AnyHolder._read(InputStream input)
Reads from input and initalizes the value in the Holder
with the unmarshalled data. |
static UnionMember |
UnionMemberHelper.read(InputStream istream)
static ServiceInformation |
ServiceInformationHelper.read(InputStream in)
void |
DoubleSeqHolder._read(InputStream i)
static Policy[] |
PolicyListHelper.read(InputStream istream)
abstract void |
Any.read_value(InputStream is,
TypeCode t)
Reads off (unmarshals) the value of an Any object from
the given input stream using the given typecode. |
void |
ShortSeqHolder._read(InputStream i)
void |
ObjectHolder._read(InputStream input)
Reads from input and initalizes the value in
this ObjectHolder object
with the unmarshalled data. |
void |
LongLongSeqHolder._read(InputStream i)
void |
ShortHolder._read(InputStream input)
Reads from input and initalizes the value in
this ShortHolder object
with the unmarshalled data. |
static NameValuePair |
NameValuePairHelper.read(InputStream istream)
static int[] |
LongSeqHelper.read(InputStream istream)
void |
ULongLongSeqHolder._read(InputStream i)
void |
CurrentHolder._read(InputStream i)
void |
CharHolder._read(InputStream input)
Reads from input and initalizes the value in
this CharHolder object
with the unmarshalled data. |
void |
PrincipalHolder._read(InputStream input)
Deprecated. |
void |
ValueBaseHolder._read(InputStream input)
Reads from input and initalizes the value in the Holder
with the unmarshalled data. |
static byte[] |
OctetSeqHelper.read(InputStream istream)
static String |
IdentifierHelper.read(InputStream istream)
void |
PolicyHolder._read(InputStream i)
static float[] |
FloatSeqHelper.read(InputStream istream)
void |
AnySeqHolder._read(InputStream i)
static ServiceDetail |
ServiceDetailHelper.read(InputStream in)
void |
PolicyListHolder._read(InputStream i)
static boolean[] |
BooleanSeqHelper.read(InputStream istream)
static short |
VisibilityHelper.read(InputStream istream)
static int[] |
ULongSeqHelper.read(InputStream istream)
static String |
StringValueHelper.read(InputStream istream)
Serializable |
StringValueHelper.read_value(InputStream istream)
static char[] |
CharSeqHelper.read(InputStream istream)
static SetOverrideType |
SetOverrideTypeHelper.read(InputStream istream)
void |
ServiceInformationHolder._read(InputStream in)
Reads unmarshalled data from the input stream in and assigns it to
the value field in this ServiceInformationHolder object. |
void |
IntHolder._read(InputStream input)
Reads unmarshalled data from input and assigns it to
the value field in this IntHolder object. |
static String |
VersionSpecHelper.read(InputStream istream)
static DefinitionKind |
DefinitionKindHelper.read(InputStream istream)
static StructMember |
StructMemberHelper.read(InputStream istream)
void |
LongSeqHolder._read(InputStream i)
void |
StringHolder._read(InputStream input)
Reads the unmarshalled data from input and assigns it to
the value field of this StringHolder object. |
void |
FixedHolder._read(InputStream input)
Read a fixed point value from the input stream and store it in the value member. |
static IDLType |
IDLTypeHelper.read(InputStream istream)
static short[] |
UShortSeqHelper.read(InputStream istream)
void |
TypeCodeHolder._read(InputStream input)
Reads from input and initalizes the value in
this TypeCodeHolder object
with the unmarshalled data. |
static char[] |
WCharSeqHelper.read(InputStream istream)
void |
OctetSeqHolder._read(InputStream i)
static double[] |
DoubleSeqHelper.read(InputStream istream)
static String |
WStringValueHelper.read(InputStream istream)
Serializable |
WStringValueHelper.read_value(InputStream istream)
static int |
PolicyTypeHelper.read(InputStream istream)
void |
BooleanSeqHolder._read(InputStream i)
void |
FloatSeqHolder._read(InputStream i)
static long[] |
ULongLongSeqHelper.read(InputStream istream)
static String |
RepositoryIdHelper.read(InputStream istream)
static short[] |
ShortSeqHelper.read(InputStream istream)
void |
ULongSeqHolder._read(InputStream i)
void |
FloatHolder._read(InputStream input)
Read a float from an input stream and initialize the value member with the float value. |
static Object |
ObjectHelper.read(InputStream istream)
static Current |
CurrentHelper.read(InputStream istream)
static long[] |
LongLongSeqHelper.read(InputStream istream)
void |
ByteHolder._read(InputStream input)
Reads from input and initalizes the value in
this ByteHolder object
with the unmarshalled data. |
void |
BooleanHolder._read(InputStream input)
Reads unmarshalled data from input and assigns it to this
BooleanHolder object's value field. |
void |
CharSeqHolder._read(InputStream i)
static CompletionStatus |
CompletionStatusHelper.read(InputStream istream)
void |
LongHolder._read(InputStream input)
Reads from input and initalizes the value in the Holder
with the unmarshalled data. |
static String |
FieldNameHelper.read(InputStream istream)
static Serializable |
ValueBaseHelper.read(InputStream istream)
void |
WCharSeqHolder._read(InputStream i)
static Policy |
PolicyHelper.read(InputStream istream)
static Any[] |
AnySeqHelper.read(InputStream istream)
static ValueMember |
ValueMemberHelper.read(InputStream istream)
Uses of InputStream in org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable |
Subclasses of InputStream in org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable | |
class |
InputStream provides for the reading of all of the mapped IDL types from the stream. |
Uses of InputStream in org.omg.CORBA.portable |
Methods in org.omg.CORBA.portable that return InputStream | |
InputStream |
ObjectImpl._invoke(OutputStream output)
Invokes an operation and returns an InputStream
object for reading the response. |
abstract InputStream |
Returns an input stream with the same buffer. |
InputStream |
Delegate.invoke(Object self,
OutputStream output)
invoke is called by a stub to invoke an operation. |
InputStream |
Returns the input stream from which the exception data can be read as its parameters. |
Methods in org.omg.CORBA.portable with parameters of type InputStream | |
void |
ObjectImpl._releaseReply(InputStream input)
Releases the given reply stream back to the ORB when unmarshalling has completed after a call to the method _invoke . |
void |
Streamable._read(InputStream istream)
Reads data from istream and initalizes the
value field of the Holder with the unmarshalled data. |
Serializable |
BoxedValueHelper.read_value(InputStream is)
void |
Delegate.releaseReply(Object self,
InputStream input)
releaseReply may optionally be called by a stub to release a reply stream back to the ORB when the unmarshaling has completed. |
OutputStream |
InvokeHandler._invoke(String method,
InputStream input,
ResponseHandler handler)
Invoked by the ORB to dispatch a request to the servant. |
Constructors in org.omg.CORBA.portable with parameters of type InputStream | |
ApplicationException(String id,
InputStream ins)
Constructs an ApplicationException from the CORBA repository ID of the exception and an input stream from which the exception data can be read as its parameters. |
Uses of InputStream in org.omg.CosNaming |
Methods in org.omg.CosNaming with parameters of type InputStream | |
static NameComponent[] |
NameHelper.read(InputStream in)
void |
BindingIteratorHolder._read(InputStream in)
static String |
IstringHelper.read(InputStream in)
void |
NameComponentHolder._read(InputStream in)
static Binding[] |
BindingListHelper.read(InputStream in)
void |
BindingTypeHolder._read(InputStream in)
void |
BindingListHolder._read(InputStream in)
static BindingIterator |
BindingIteratorHelper.read(InputStream in)
void |
BindingHolder._read(InputStream in)
void |
NameHolder._read(InputStream in)
static NameComponent |
NameComponentHelper.read(InputStream in)
static BindingType |
BindingTypeHelper.read(InputStream in)
static NamingContext |
NamingContextHelper.read(InputStream in)
static Binding |
BindingHelper.read(InputStream in)
void |
NamingContextHolder._read(InputStream in)
Uses of InputStream in org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage |
Methods in org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage with parameters of type InputStream | |
static AlreadyBound |
AlreadyBoundHelper.read(InputStream in)
static NotFoundReason |
NotFoundReasonHelper.read(InputStream in)
static NotFound |
NotFoundHelper.read(InputStream in)
void |
AlreadyBoundHolder._read(InputStream in)
void |
NotFoundReasonHolder._read(InputStream in)
void |
InvalidNameHolder._read(InputStream in)
static CannotProceed |
CannotProceedHelper.read(InputStream in)
void |
CannotProceedHolder._read(InputStream in)
void |
NotFoundHolder._read(InputStream in)
static InvalidName |
InvalidNameHelper.read(InputStream in)
static NotEmpty |
NotEmptyHelper.read(InputStream in)
void |
NotEmptyHolder._read(InputStream in)
JavaTM 2 Platform Std. Ed. v1.3.1 |
Java, Java 2D, and JDBC are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the US and other countries.
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