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Profile: desktop, common


The Affine class represents an affine transform. An affine transform performs a linear mapping from 2D/3D coordinates to other 2D/3D coordinates while preserving the "straightness" and "parallelness" of lines. Affine transformations can be constructed using sequences rotations, translations, scales, and shears.

Note: application developers should not normally use this class directly, but instead use the specific Translate, Scale, Rotate, or Shear transforms instead.

Such a coordinate transformation can be represented by a 3 row by 4 column matrix. This matrix transforms source coordinates (x,y,z) into destination coordinates (x',y',z') by considering them to be a column vector and multiplying the coordinate vector by the matrix according to the following process:

      [ x']   [  mxx  mxy  mxz  tx  ] [ x ]   [ mxx * x + mxy * y + mxz * z + tx ]
      [ y'] = [  myx  myy  myz  ty  ] [ y ] = [ myx * x + myy * y + myz * z + ty ]
      [ z']   [  mzx  mzy  mzz  tz  ] [ z ]   [ mzx * x + mzy * y + mzz * z + tz ]
                                  [ 1 ]

Profile: common

Variable Summary

accessnametypeCan ReadCan InitCan WriteDefault Valuedescription

Defines the X coordinate scaling element of the 3x4 matrix.


Defines the X coordinate shearing element of the 3x4 matrix.


Defines the XZ element of the 3x4 matrix.


Defines the Y coordinate shearing element of the 3x4 matrix.


Defines the Y coordinate scaling element of the 3x4 matrix.


Defines the YZ element of the 3x4 matrix.


Defines the ZX element of the 3x4 matrix.


Defines the ZY element of the 3x4 matrix.


Defines the Z coordinate scaling element of the 3x4 matrix.


Defines the X coordinate translation element of the 3x4 matrix.


Defines the Y coordinate translation element of the 3x4 matrix.


Defines the Z coordinate translation element of the 3x4 matrix.

Inherited Variables

Function Summary

Inherited Functions
